God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 497: Jiang Fan, I want you to be buried

"Hehe, this is the current Patriarch of the Wang Family? Tsk tsk, it's just a pile of carrion!"

A lazy voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, among Wang Wenjie's blank eyes, the graceful Ma Dongmei, with Granny Huai and others, also slowly walked in!

Ma family!

Ma Jiaran, here too!

Wang Wenjie opened his mouth silently, feeling that despair had penetrated his bones!

He stared at the group in front of him blankly, enough to stir up all the big shots in Los Angeles!

In my mind, I remembered again the scene when the Jiang family was destroyed!

How similar this scene is to that time!

It's over, Wang Family, it's really over!

"You guys are ruthless!"

Wang Wenjie gritted his teeth and suddenly laughed miserably!

"It seems that you all know about me and Jiang Fan's gambling agreement, right now, are you here to make trouble?"

"Hahaha! You don't need to use Jiang Fan as an excuse, just grab it for whatever you want!"

However, the one who greeted Wang Wenjie was only silent!

Everyone didn't move, instead, with a mocking look!

Wang Wenjie was stunned!

What do these people mean?

Is it really for Jiang Fan?

How is this possible? !

at this time!

Everyone suddenly seemed to have received a signal, and unexpectedly, they all stood on both sides!

Leave a spacious road!

next moment!

"Master Jie! Good evening!"

Jiang Fan, with a smile on his face, slowly walked in from outside the villa!

On both sides of the road, all the Luocheng bosses, whether it was Lu Zhenglong, Xue Chengyue, Wu Weizhou, all bowed their heads and looked respectful!

"Jiang! Fan?!"

Wang Wenjie was stunned!

At this moment, he only felt that his teeth were shaking!

These people, these people are not here to make trouble!

They, they are actually doing things for Jiang Fan!

This, how is this possible! !

Jiang Fan, he is already a lonely man! He is a poor boy!

These people, why should they be so respectful to him!

Why, do things for him!

How did he do it!

"Sao Jie, does this scene remind you of anything?"

Jiang Fan smiled, very happy!

But Wang Wenjie's face was ashamed!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan! Let's make an appointment, you, you can do it tomorrow at sunset!"

"Young Master Jie, don't wrong me. In fact, the killer you were looking for has just done it!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Move, have you moved your hands?"

Wang Wenjie was stunned!

However, afterwards, he was even more desperate!


One billion bonus!

Actually, Jiang Fan still failed to kill Jiang Fan!

This monster!

"According to the agreement, I will continue to take away the things on you!"

Jiang Fan smiled gently!

But in Wang Wenjie's eyes, it is simply more terrifying than all the monsters in this world!

"no, do not want!"

Wang Wenjie screamed suddenly!

The whole person was scared, almost suffocated!

"Jiang Fan! Me, I have no hands!"

"Please! Please let me go!"

"Woo, Jiang Fan! Please!"

Wang Wenjie was crying, looking desperate, looking at Jiang Fan!

Even if you are mentally prepared!

However, everyone who saw Wang Wenjie's appearance at the moment only felt that there was a panic of fear!

Whether it's Lv Zhenglong or Wu Weizhou, everyone knows Jiang Fan, so ruthless! Strong enough!

However, they never thought that the Wang Family, who was once stronger than them and even arrogant, would be turned into a dog that would only be wagging and begging by Jiang Fan!

Before, they thought they were here to help Jiang Fan get ahead, but now it seems that they are just furnishings!

It's just that the little flowers that Jiang Fan gave to Wang's grave!

Everyone looked terrified, looking at Jiang Fan!

The Jiang family has really risen again!

Facing Wang Wenjie begging for mercy, Jiang Fan was completely indifferent!

"Young Master Jie, don't cry! Don't worry! What I want to take this time is nothing more than something outside your body!"

"What do you mean?"

Wang Wenjie was stunned!

Jiang Fan ignored him at all and instead waved his hand directly!

Xue Chengyue walked over cautiously immediately, and handed the thick stack of documents to Jiang Fan's hands!

"Jie Shao, this is a list of all the properties of the Wang family. Look, if there is nothing wrong, sign it!"

Wang Wenjie was stunned!

I almost twitched all over!

Jiang Fan, actually wanted to take away his royal family, all the properties!

But after saying this, Jiang Fan lightly patted his forehead!

"Look at my memory! You have forgotten Master Jie, you have no hands! So let me help you!"

As Jiang Fan said, he actually opened the stack of documents directly in front of Wang Wenjie, and all the places involved in the transfer of property, unexpectedly, had already signed Wang Wenjie's name!

"You, you, you, devil!"

Wang Wenjie was stunned!

Jiang Fan actually forged his signature!

Actually, all the Wang family's properties were transferred to his own name!

"Jiang Fan! I'm fighting with you!"

Butler Wang Fu roared even more when he saw this scene!

Screaming, rushed towards Jiang Fan!



Jiang Fan squeezed Wang Fu's neck with a hand!

"Wang Fu, right? Honesty! If I remember correctly, it was you at that time who was responsible for passing on the words to the Zhou family!

Suddenly, Wang Fu, who was tightly pinched by Jiang Fan's neck, only felt a panic of fear!

next moment!

"Crack! Click!"

Jiang Fan shot like wind, directly crushing Wang Fu's limbs! Then, as if throwing garbage, he threw him to the ground!


Wang Fu howled miserably, twisting desperately on the ground!

In this scene, everyone can only see, the scalp is numb!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan! The files in your hand can't be counted at all! You are, grabbing!"

Wang Wenjie turned a deaf ear to Wang Fu's scream, instead, screamed desperately at Jiang Fan!


"Yes! I just grabbed it! What's the matter?"

Jiang Fan laughed!

"I still learned this trick from your Wang family!"

Wang Wenjie's face was pale, and suddenly he smirked!

"Good! Good! But you don't have much time!"

"I posted a billion bonus on the dark web! This money is all cash! There is no way to revoke it!"

"Jiang Fan! I don't believe it, no one will be indifferent to this huge sum of money!"

"As long as there are people who like money in this world, you will never live in peace!"

"Everyone is going to die together! Even if the Wang family is gone, you have to bury me!"

Wang Wenlong snarled frantically!


"Billion bonus!"

"One billion, the entire underground world, I am afraid it will be crazy!"

"A whole billion! The key is cash! Even if Jiang Fan doesn't make a move, if the Wang family's capital chain is broken, it will be completely ruined!"

"This kid is using the entire Wang family to bet Jiang Fan's life!"

Everyone was shocked!

Jiang Fan, who actually forced Wang Wenjie to take the entire Wang family, made this big bet with him!

too frightening!

With one's own efforts, to force a big family to live at all costs, no one can do it except Jiang Fan!


"Haha! Hahaha!"

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed wildly!

The whole villa with trembling laughter was buzzing and trembling!

Wang Wenjie was stunned!

The others were also stunned!

"You, what are you laughing at?"

"Never mind! Wang Wenjie, I will let you see, my real method!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he suddenly turned around and looked at the vast night sky behind him!

"A group of trash fish!"

"Give it all to Lao Tzu, get out!"

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