God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 516: Long Yan's Fist


As soon as Zhao Wenting's voice fell, the faces of the rest of the Zhao family suddenly changed!

"Big brother! You, you are too much!"

"Yes! Jiang Fan said, we can kneel for three days!"

A group of people shouted!

"Isn't it?"

Zhao Wenting suddenly grinned!

Suddenly kick out!

One of the men spurted blood!

Seven or eight ribs are broken!

In an instant, everyone turned pale!

Zhao Wenfu is dead, and only a few of them can't control Zhao Wenting!

"If it weren't for your group of greedy and fearful wastes, our Zhao family, I'm afraid that Jiang Fan would have risen long ago!"

"From today, all your positions will be cancelled!"

"If anyone refuses to accept it, get out of Zhao's house for me!"

No one dared to say anything!

"What are you doing in a daze? Continue to smoke!"

Suddenly, the slap in the face of Zhao's house rang again!

At the same time, Qiujia Manor!

"Patriarch! Wang's family, has been annihilated!"


Qiu Yuanfeng, who was reading, stood up suddenly!

"what did you say?"

Qiu Yuanfeng looked at Qiu Lu with an incredulous expression!

"Wang family, was destroyed!"

Qiu Lu was cautious and repeated it again!


Qiu Yuanfeng gasped hard!

"Who did it?"

"Yes... Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang Fan?!"

Qiu Yuanfeng's eyes twitched!

This kid, without making a sound, killed the Wang family!

"Tell me about this in detail!"


Soon, Qiu Lu told the matter again!

"You mean, Jiang Fan alone, killed a total of 27 ninth levels?!"

Qiu Yuanfeng looked dumbfounded!

The coldness around him is even more staring!

She can clearly feel that Jiang Fan's strength is definitely not tenth!

However, she was able to kill twenty-seven nine-levels below level ten, let alone seeing, she just listened, she had never heard of it!

How fierce is this!

"He, how did he kill?"

"I don't know! It is said that when Jiang Fan started his hands, he flew sand and rocks!"

"The entire Wang family seems to have a demon wind!"

"After the wind stops, those people will die!"

Qiu Lu said with a look of fear!

Qiu Yuanfeng and cold feelings are even more daunting!

Simply at a loss!

This sounds so special, how does it resemble a fantasy novel?

"Could it be that Jiang Fan shot too fast?"

Can't help but ask coldly!

"It is very possible! It is said that the time before and after is no more than one minute!"


The two gasped!

One minute, twenty-seven nine levels!

This is not killing people, it's not so fast to kill chickens!

Jiang Fan's strength is simply terrifying!

Suddenly, his face moved coldly!

"Patriarch! I saw Jiang Fan's swordsmanship that day. At that speed, it is not impossible!"

"Exorcising evil swordsmanship?"

The corner of Qiu Yuanfeng's eyes twitched!

I can't help but breathe quickly!

There is no man who does not yearn for power!

If this is the case, then this sword technique is far more powerful than he imagined!

Thinking of this, Qiu Yuanfeng waved his hand directly!

"You two, go down first!"


Seeing the two leave, Qiu Yuanfeng immediately picked up the phone!

"Qiu Yang, how is the recovery from the injury?"

Qiuyang, it was the person who asked him to practice the evil spirit sword spectrum on the day of Qiuyuan Peak!

"Master, I can't get out of bed yet!"

"Where's that swordsmanship?"

"Swordsmanship hasn't been practiced yet, but I tried to run it again for the additional mental techniques!"

"The results of it?"

"Very strong! No! It should be said, very strong! According to this kind of breath circulation, the swordsmanship used will definitely be a ghost!"

Qiuyang's tone was full of surprise!

"Yeah! The injury is good, immediately try to practice this set of swordsmanship!"


Hanging up the phone, Qiu Yuanfeng's eyes suddenly flashed with light!


The reason why Jiang Fan is so strong is precisely because of this set of swordsmanship!

made money!

In the past two days, I have sent someone to sneak into the Yang family to look for the stone statue!

As long as you find the stone statue and add this set of swordsmanship, the Qiu Family will definitely have the strength to challenge those wealthy families in the capital!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Qiu Yuanfeng laughed wildly when he thought of this!

However, he laughed immediately!

"Wait a second! After confirming that this sword technique is indeed correct, then ask the intermittent secret technique Jiang Fan said!"

"At that time, it will be the moment when my Qiu family truly rises!"

And at this moment, on a street!

Jiang Fan is looking at Long Yan!

"How long have you been with me?"

"This...senior, I was afraid that someone would be against you last night, so I just followed!"

Long Yan looked pleased!

"I will call Brother Fan from now on! Okay, find a place to eat first!"

Jiang Fan said, walking directly to a snack street not far away!

Seeing Jiang Fan didn't drive him away, Long Yan was overjoyed!

However, the two of them had just arrived at a roadside stall, and Long Yan's expression suddenly changed!

Suddenly looked not far away!

And Jiang Fan frowned at this moment!

I saw that not far away, a thin white old man was staring at himself with a pair of gloomy eyes!

If this is the case, that's all, but the aura on this old man's body is unbeatable!

Far beyond the ninth level, the limit it should have!

It turned out to be level ten!

"Jiang Fan?"

The old man slowly asked in extremely bad Chinese language!

"Yes, it's me!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's promise, the old man's eyes lit up!

"Billions! Mine!"

The old man laughed wildly and raised his hand directly at Jiang Fan!

The next moment, the air around Jiang Fan was twisted!

An overwhelming pressure suddenly hit!

The corner of Jiang Fan's eyes twitched!

Under this pressure, even a steel ingot would have to be crushed alive!

This old man is really tough!


"Long Yan! Kill him!"

Jiang Fan suddenly grinned!

Someone doesn't need it, it will be invalid after expiration!


Long Yan, who was still hesitating about whether to do it, immediately looked happy!

Just now, he was afraid of doing it himself and stealing Jiang Fan's limelight!

But now that Jiang Fan has spoken, he can finally make a move!

I saw Long Yan's chubby right hand stretched out, just scratching it at random!


A sound that seemed to burst into bubbles suddenly sounded!

The pressure around Jiang Fan suddenly disappeared without a trace!

And Long Yan, already using a speed that was extremely incompatible with his body, teleported to the old man's eyes!

"grade ten?!"

The old man is dumbfounded!

Unexpectedly, this big fat man, who looks stupid and stupid, is actually at the tenth level!

Fortunately, he has gone through a lot of battles, and at a moment when he is not allowed to send, he actually hooked his finger, and even placed seven air barriers in front of him!


Long Yan disdainfully smiled and slammed it with a fluttering punch!

next moment!


Within a few tens of meters around the two, it seemed like a boring thunder!

Long Yan's punch completely destroyed the seven air barriers almost instantly!

This kind of soft, but powerful and overbearing method made Jiang Fan feel dizzy and faintly disoriented with vision!

But the old man suddenly widened his eyes as if he had seen the scariest thing!

"Cathode yang!"

"Haha, good vision!"

Long Yan smiled grimly, his fist was still strong, as if the breeze was blowing, it touched the old man!

With his fists reaching his body, the old man suddenly screamed and backed away desperately!

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