As soon as the nightmare beast's styling style appeared on the stage, the audience immediately shocked the audience!

Everyone was stunned!

I stared blankly at this monster I had never seen before!

It wasn't until the nightmare beast let out a low roar that everyone recovered!

"This, what is this!"

"With a fierce head and blazing fire in the eyes, is it a sacred beast?"

"Mr. Jiang's tactics are amazing! Unexpectedly, he can summon such a god!"

"You need martial arts and skills. This is going against the sky!"

The eyes of a group of people looking at Jiang Fan had already brought a trace, facing the divine panic!

Even Cao Cao was shocked!

He always felt that his brother is very fierce!

However, I didn't expect that Jiang Fan was more than fierce!

It's a god!

Cao Cao was so excited, goose bumps appeared all over his body!

With the help of Jiang brothers, hegemony can be achieved!

As for Lu Bu, he was already dumbfounded!

This is so outrageous!

With just one finger, it turned into a monster!

Does this Jiang Fan still know spells?

And Chituma, his eyes widened!

The coercion on the nightmare beast is too strong!

Actually let it, a burst of fear!


Lu Bu Nai is the world's most powerful general!

And it is the first horse in the world!

Even if it is really a beast, it will not bow its head!

One person, one horse, seems to have a good heart!

"A mere illusion, dare to be rampant!"

Lu Bu suddenly let out a low growl!

Strike a horse to kill Jiang Fan!

It's just magic, he Lu Bu is fearless!


Jiang Fan clicked the corner of his mouth, suddenly turned on his horse, and rushed towards Lu Bu!

"Ding! System reminder! You have been riding a nightmare beast (demonized). Due to the lack of a ring of spirits, your blood and vitality are slowly draining!"

"Ding! System prompt! You have been riding a nightmare beast (demonized), due to the lack of ring of spirits, your strength has been greatly weakened!"

For a moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly felt weak!

The strength suddenly dropped by 30%!


Jiang Fan scolded in his heart!

Without the ring, the Nightmare Beast can only be used if it is forced!

However, even if it drops by 30%, that's enough!

The person is still halfway, Jiang Fan has suddenly an extra, murderous, slashing sword!


The speed of both parties is incredible!

At the next moment, it has rushed to one place!


Lu Bu burst out, Fang Tian painted a halberd and cut Jiangfan straight!


Jiang Fan roared like a tiger, slashing the horse's long sword, and greeted him again!


A loud noise!

Contrary to everyone's expectation, the two were actually together, and they were shaken off!

"Oh my God!"

"Too fierce! Actually, it shook Lu Bu off the horse!"


"This kind of supernatural power is as if the overlord is alive!"

Everyone was stunned!

Lu Bu, the first general in the world!

Ordinary masters do not even have the strength to survive him!

But Jiang Fan actually knocked him off the horse!

It's amazing!

But Jiang Fan frowned!

Lu Bu's strength turned out to be as high as level seven!

This is not the world of martial arts, nor the world of magic!

Rather, the real historical world!

Lu Bu simply broke through the shackles of the world!

No wonder, he is called the number one general in the world!

The existence of level seven can absolutely crush anyone!

However, Lu Bu was even more shocked!

His arms are shaking unceasingly now, but this kid has nothing to do with it!

Seeing him, he just underestimated the enemy before he fell off his horse with himself!

The true strength is far from bottoming!

Too tough!

What the **** is this kid!

However, the next moment, his heart was directly filled with anger and shame!

No matter who he is, to force himself down, this is simply a shame!

"I will kill you!"

Lü Bu roared, Fang Tian painted a halberd like a shining rainbow, and swept towards Jiang Fan fiercely!


After getting off the Nightmare Beast, Jiang Fan has returned to his peak state!



The entire battlefield seemed to have been thundered!

In an instant, almost flying away!

However, everyone was shocked when the smoke dissipated!

I saw that the Fang Tian painted halberd that Lu Bu swept was actually held firmly in Jiang Fan's hand!

"Fuck! It's too fierce!"

"It's this one again! Even Lu Bu's Fang Tian painting halberd is the same!"

"Too shocking! My scalp is numb!"

"Supernatural power! Supernatural power!"

Everyone, all trembling!

too strong!

It's too strong!

Strong enough, the universe burst!

Lu Bu has been trapped!

He opened his mouth and looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

Is this still a human?

He has spent his entire life in the army, dozens of battles, let alone Jiang Fan, who detained his weapon, even if he can resist a single move, there are only three or five people!

Lu Bu was shocked and angry, desperately trying to regain the weapon!

However, Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

Suddenly, raise your hand!

next moment!

Holding the tip of the halberd, he unexpectedly lifted Lu Bu, who was desperately holding the halberd!


On the battlefield, it was all in one piece, and there was a sound of air-conditioning!

But this is not over!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly at Lv Bu, who was violently jumping with blue veins on his forehead, and actually, holding the tip of the halberd, hit the ground fiercely!


Lu Bu was slapped directly on the ground with a halberd, and he spouted a mouthful of blood!

"Not convinced?"

Jiang Fan smiled and looked at Lu Bu!


Lu Bu is full of murderous eyes!

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold, holding the tip of the halberd, and slamming at Lu Bu, who was not letting go!


Lu Bu spouted blood again!

However, he didn't even let go!


"Not satisfied!"






"Do not accept! Do not accept! Do not accept!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Jiang Fan smashed!

The whole ground is trembling crazily!

Lu Jun, who was on the opposite side, knelt in shock!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

It's too fierce!

This is really like smashing Lu Bu, just like smashing a groundhog!

Lu Bu was beaten like this, killing them is not the same as cutting melons and vegetables!

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Fan just felt light in his hands!

Lu Bu is gone!

"Don't smash it, take it, take it!"

On the ground, in a big pit, Lu Bu vomited blood while howling!

In his eyes, there is full of fear!

Too livestock!

not human!

This kid is definitely not a person!

Suddenly to this level, nothing has happened in the ages!

The others are already numb!

It is beyond their cognition to label Lu Bu as such a virtue!

All of them opened their mouths and drooled stupidly!

Even Cao Cao is no exception!

Jiang Fan casually threw Fang Tian's painted halberd and lifted Lu Bu!

At this moment, Lu Bu's armor has long been shattered!

The whole person was disheveled, so embarrassed!


Jiang Fan directly threw Lu Bu in front of Cao Cao!



Cao Cao finally got over it!

Then, his face was ecstatic!

"Thank you, Brother Xian! Thank you, Brother Xian! Hahahaha!"

Lu Bu has been defeated, and there is no major trouble around him!

Next, as long as you clear out the four wilds, you can play against Yuan Shao!

Cao Cao's excitement is beyond words!

"Come here! Drag Lu Bu out and show the public!"

Cao Cao laughed!

"wait wait wait!"

Lu Bu panicked when he heard that he was going to kill him!

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