God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 541: Antiques worth ten years of life

Gentle stunned!

There is absolutely no shortage of suitors around her!

And all are young talents!

However, there is no one that can make her see!

She likes reading novels, especially those sweet pet articles, CEO articles!

She hopes that her future prince charming will be like the protagonists in those novels, domineering and full of charm!

Rather than, those idiots under the guise of a gentleman, who are actually idiots!

And Jiang Fan, happened to have them all!

As for family background, rights, and money, she doesn't care at all!

Anyway, no matter how rich she is, she is not rich!

When she thought of this, she only felt like a deer!



No way!

This bastard!

But a pervert!

The character is definitely not good!

When I thought, Jiang Fan actually dared to hug another woman in front of him!

She suddenly became even more angry!

This is simply unforgivable!

"Humph! No matter how good you say, it's useless! I won't forgive you!"

Gentle and suddenly angry!

Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan was also dumbfounded!

"are you crazy?"

"No, I, I mean... Anyway, I will contact you later!"

Blushing tenderly and shyly!


Why did you say what was in your heart!

She glared at a group of subordinates!

"Why are you kneeling? Don't get out!"

After saying this, turn around gently and run!

A group of subordinates are also blinded!

Hurry to keep up!

Seeing Gentle leave, Jin Deyan leaned forward with a blank expression!

"Brother, what's the matter?"

"Insane, ignore her!"

Jiang Fan said, already looking at Lou Yufeng!

"Mr. Lou, it's almost there, let's start!"


Lou Yufeng nodded repeatedly!

"But, Mr. Jiang, what I just said..."

"I only need antique pearls, or other things with weird origins! The rest are not needed!"

"this is!"

Lou Yufeng's heart is slightly sour!

I am the number one beauty in Shencheng. I don't know how many people want to take advantage of them. However, after I have sent them to the door, Jiang Fan is actually indifferent!

Really, annoying!

However, when she thinks that gentleness is also a defeat, she suddenly feels a lot of balance!

As for the things Jiang Fan needs, she has a lot of them here!

"Mr. Jiang, since you like antiques, why don't you go to my office?"


Soon, a few people came to Lou Yufeng's office!

Contrary to Jiang Fan's expectation, although it is a Fengyue place, Lou Yufeng's office is clean and tidy!

And it's furnished, full of taste!

It seems that this woman is not like an ordinary person!

It seems, with the shadow of some aristocratic children!

Jiang Fan's eyes moved slightly!

And Lou Yufeng had already opened a secret door and walked in with Jiang Fan directly!

Inside the secret door is actually a rather spacious room!

The room was brightly lit, and on every showcase, there was a piece of exquisite porcelain!

The exquisite luster, just by looking at it, you can know that it is extraordinary!

"Afeng, unexpectedly, you have so many good things here!"

Jin De Yan chuckled!

"The old man is really good at joking, I can't compare this little thing to the Jin family!"

Lou Yufeng covered her mouth and smiled, then looked at Jiang Fan!

"If Mr. Jiang likes it, Yufeng will give it to you!"

Everyone was taken aback!

Yufeng, this building is so big!

But Jiang Fan was expressionless, and his fingertips swept across the porcelain one by one!

Then, he sighed with disappointment!

The value of these porcelains is indeed very high, but none of them can be exchanged for causality!

In other words, these things, in his opinion, are all rubbish!

Seeing Jiang Fan's reaction, everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan's taste for antiques is so high!

There are a few of these things, and Jin Deyan was moved by it!

But Jiang Fan was actually disgusted!

Lou Yufeng was also stunned!

"Mr. Jiang, you, don't you have anything satisfactory?"

"Don't be disappointed, Mr. Lou, for a while, I will teach you a maintenance method, the effect is good!"

Jiang Fan smiled faintly, turned around and left!

Lou Yufeng suddenly panicked!

Once Jiang Fan got out of this door, then she would have no chance again!

Now, the entire Shanghai city knows that Jiang Fan likes things like antique beads and jade!

Therefore, as long as there is a demand, they are desperately accumulating!

After all, if there is one more thing that satisfies Jiang Fan, the more life expectancy will be obtained!

In turn, the prices of these antiques have risen even more sharply than pork!

Although Lou Yufeng has the Phoenix Nightclub to make money, after all, he can't compare to those family groups with profound heritage!

Moreover, those things are simply not something that money can buy now!

Lou Yufeng's sweat is dripping!

Seeing that she was about to leave the dark room, she suddenly remembered something, her expression moved!

"Mr. Jiang, I have another item that was auctioned off before. If you are interested, you might as well take a look again!"

"Let's take a look!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

Lou Yufeng immediately led everyone out of the dark room, and then pointed to the inside of a glass cabinet in the office!

"Mr. Jiang, this is the thing I said!"

Jiang Fan took a closer look, and saw that in the glass cabinet, there was actually a three-legged bronze tripod with a height of one and a half meters!

It's just that, on this small tripod, it is all patina, almost corroded, only a general idea can be seen!

"Although it is a bronze ware, its appearance has been ruined. This thing is worthless!"

Jin Deyan frowned!

It seems that Lou Yufeng is really out of things, and he actually took out all this kind of worthless stuff!

This thing is actually placed in the office, which is obviously not a good thing!

"What the old man said!"

Lou Yufeng smiled slightly!

"At the auction, I also took it casually! Don't look at this bronze ware, but it has a very peculiar feature!"

Lou Yufeng said, already opened the glass cabinet!

Suddenly, a scent of fragrance filled the entire office in an instant!

Everyone just feels refreshed when they smell it!

"This bronze ware exudes this scent all the time. It should be an incense burner handed down in ancient times!"

"Although it is of little value, I really like the taste, so I kept it!"

"Mr. Jiang, I don't know this thing, are you interested?"

Lou Yufeng is purely a dead horse doctor!

Jiang Fan put his hand directly on it!

next moment!

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! You can get 2000 karma points for selling this item!"

Damn it!

Jiang Fan gasped directly!

Two thousand causal points!

"System, what is this?"

"Ding! It takes 500 causality points to identify this item! May I ask the host, do you identify it?"

"Wait a minute!"

Jiang Fan was completely excited at this moment!

This is the second such valuable thing he got after Tianyuan Shizhong!

"President Lou! This thing is good, I like it!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

With a finger hook, this bronze cauldron was immediately put into the system backpack by him!

Everyone was shocked!

With a finger hook, such a big thing is gone?

What is this skill?

so amazing!

However, Jiang Fan's next sentence made everyone gasp!

"Fair trade, I'll give it to you, borrow my life for ten years!"


Everyone was shocked!

Lou Yufeng flushed with excitement!

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Jiang!"

"You're welcome! Let's do it now!"

Soon, the ritual was over, and Jiang Fan was about to identify the bronze tripod!

Only at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

His cell phone suddenly rang!

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