God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 552: The beast is not qualified to let me save

However, this time, before his hand was dropped, he was already firmly pinched by someone!

Jiang Fan!

"who are you?"

The man was startled!


Jiang Fan said coldly!


The man suddenly grinned!

He slapped Jiang Fan up!

"Damn! The doctor dared to stop!"

"Believe it or not, I'll lose your job every minute!"

However, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly became cold!

The man only felt flustered, his already waved arm, unexpectedly involuntarily, stopped!

"I'll treat your mother!"

Jiang Fan spoke directly!


The man froze for a moment, and then suddenly sneered!

"Okay! If it is not cured, I will kill you!"



at this time!

The female doctor who was beaten hurriedly said to Jiang Fan!

"Boy, you don't even know what's going on!"

"This one is here to ruin people!"

"The old lady only said that she had a headache! But she refused to do any tests!"


Others also hurriedly spoke!

"Little brother, don't be impulsive!"

"This one is not a good person!"

"They have corrupted several hospitals before!"

"It is said that before, in other hospitals, this man's brother also killed a doctor!"

"Because the doctor insisted on not prescribing medicine before the test!"

The crowd was all discouraged!

However, when he heard the crowd, the man smiled triumphantly!

"Boy! Did you hear that?"

"Our family is not easy to mess with!"

"If you can't cure it, hehe!"

Listening to the crowd, Jiang Fan's murderous intent began to rise!

These beasts!

In order to swindle money, unexpectedly, even this kind of frantic thing can be done!

However, he smiled slightly!

"Don't worry! If it's not cured, I'll give you a million!"


The man looks overjoyed!

A greed flashed in his eyes!



A group of people came to the ward!

I saw that in the ward, an old lady was eating beef with a face of enjoyment. When a group of people came in, she immediately dropped the beef and lay down on the bed with an uncomfortable expression!

And the men and women around her immediately made a sad expression!

"Mom! This kid is here to see you a doctor!"

The man walked a few steps quickly, blocking the sight of the group of people behind him!

"Oh~~ Someone finally came to see me!"

"If you don't come, I'm going to die!"

The old lady groaned!

"Yes! What a broken hospital! What kind of illness my mother is! Only now!"

"These doctors just owe you a beating!"

"No, just be honest!"

"The same was true at the previous hospital! You had to let the third child kill a doctor before you knew how to pay!"

Several men and women looked mocking!

And Jiang Fan has already walked into the ward!

However, when he saw the old lady, Jiang Fan's expression suddenly changed!

"Oh! This old man is very sick!"

"Family stay, and the rest will all go out! I will use unique acupuncture to treat this old man!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone was stunned!

All the fools could see that the old lady was obviously pretending!

The butter on your mouth hasn't been dried yet!

Jiang Fan himself was in the ward and faced a group of family members.

"No way, brother!"

"Somehow you let us be witnesses!"

"Otherwise, you must be ruined!"

The crowd is discouraging!

The old lady was also stunned!

This kid, your brain is not normal, right?

But that's great!


This time, if you don't corrupt hundreds of thousands, it's not over!

If you don't give money, kill him!

Anyway, here, they are all from their family!

But Jiang Fan had already pushed everyone out and directly locked the door!

"Hey! Kid, don't forget what you said!"

"If you can't cure it, you can pay us one million!"


The man sneered, and actually took out a knife from his waist!

"Relax! It's definitely cured!"

"Moreover, I have covered your illnesses as well!"

Jiang Fan smiled unusually kindly, and even more so, a silver needle had slipped out of his hand!

for a long time!

The ward door opens!

Doctor Liu and others waiting outside the door suddenly saw that Jiang Fan walked out helplessly, and behind him, the old lady and the family were laughing triumphantly!

Just now, Jiang Fan had already called and asked Jin Deyan to transfer one million directly to the family's account!

"Huh! I really use acupuncture and moxibustion, I really thought I was a genius doctor!"

"However, he is still smart and knows to give money honestly!"

"Hey, one million, it doesn't take much effort to get it!"

"Mom! Let's go, change place!"


"However, he gave us those needles, why do I always feel weird?"

Several old ladies walked out of the ward with pride!

And the crowd looked at Jiang Fan helplessly!

This young man just didn't listen to persuasion. Now, a million people have been wronged for nothing!

And the female doctors are even more unbearable!

This young man, if it were not for them, he would not be blackmailed!

"Little brother, I'm sorry!"

The female doctor apologized!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan gave a gloomy smile when he looked at the old ladies who were walking further and further away!

"It's ok!"

Soon, the old ladies were out of the hospital!

Several people were about to get in the car and leave, but at this moment!


The man took the lead and let out a scream!

He only felt that his whole body was cut by a knife!


Heart-piercing pain!

He hurts, tears, nose, and even urine!

But then, it's itchy again!

Itching made him want to scratch his muscles!

Next, the old lady, and her other children!

These people screamed desperately!

One by one, all **** and urine flow!

"Help! Help!"

"It hurts! It hurts to death! Who will save me!"

"Ah!! Itchy! There are bugs! There are bugs on my body!"

"Help! It hurts too much! Itchy!"

Several people howled desperately!

The crowd was stunned!

"Well, what's going on?"

"It was good before!"

"Huh! It must be retribution!"

"Deserve it! I knew that this kind of person is absolutely not allowed to die!"

In the eyes of the crowd, there was no mercy at all, all with a sneer!

"Quickly, go and carry them into the hospital!"

Several doctors frowned, and they were about to go for treatment!

Although the group of old ladies are inferior to animals, they are still human lives after all!


"This situation is likely to be a plague, let's wait and see!"

Jiang Fan suddenly stretched out his hand to stop a few people!

Several doctors were stunned!

They suddenly understood that all this must have something to do with Jiang Fan!

He spent a million just to teach these people!

But how did he do it?

This method is simply unheard of!

At this moment, the old lady's family has already caught themselves dripping with blood!

The man even scratched his face!

Seeing Jiang Fan stop the doctors, they all understood immediately!

"It's you! It's you, right!"

"The needle, you gave us the needle!"

"I want to kill you!"

They screamed desperately, but at this moment, let alone killing Jiang Fan, they were already in pain and couldn't even stand up!

"Little brother! We were wrong! You, please help us!"

"We give money! No matter how much money you give!"

"Please! Let us go!"

"We don't dare anymore! We will definitely change our minds in the future!"

However, Jiang Fan smiled coldly in the face of the begging few people!

"Beast, I am not qualified to save!"

At exactly this moment, both big and small have already driven the car over!

Jiang Fan walked directly to the car!

When passing by a few people, he suddenly smiled!

"I forgot to tell you that I can only use this needle method, but I can't solve it!"

"Moreover, this painful and itchy feeling will stay with you until you die!"

"enjoy it!"

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