"Mr. Fairman, you, what are you doing?"

Liu Hansheng grudgingly smiled at Ferman!

"Be less confused! Pay back the money quickly!"

"Well, can you please give me a few more days of grace? Don't worry, I—"


Fellman sipped directly at Liu Hansheng!

"I have given you three more days! If you don't pay back, I will send you to Africa for mining!"

"No! Mr. Fellman! Don't, don't!"

"Please! Give me another chance!"

"You, you lend me another ten thousand, I, I will definitely be able to win back from the casino with the original profit!"

Liu Hansheng begged!

"Huh! Fool! If the casino is so good to win money, why would I give you this kind of garbage loan shark? Isn't it okay for me to gamble myself?"

Ferman sneered and waved directly!

"Take him away!"

"No! No!"

Liu Hansheng was sweating profusely!

Both legs are trembling!

Seeing Liu Hansheng's appearance, Jiang Fan suddenly shook his head!

Originally, he still thought that the other party used to be a member of the Jiang family, how could he have a bit of spine!

Even, it can be used as a team training!

Unexpectedly, this guy turned out to be so unbearable!

However, after all, once served the Jiang family, please help him!

"How much does he owe you?"

Jiang Fan looked directly at Ferman!

"who are you?"

Fairman was startled!

"he is--"

Liu Hansheng looked overjoyed and was about to speak!

However, Jiang Fan gave him a cold look!

Liu Hansheng was taken aback!

Immediately shut up!

"You don't have to worry about who I am and how much money, just talk!"

"Hehe, interesting! He borrowed me a total of 100,000 yuan, plus interest, and now the total is 150,000 yuan!"

"There are 300,000 in this card, you can let it down right now!"

Jiang Fan threw a bank card directly at Ferman!

Fellman was taken aback!

However, he immediately handed the card to a subordinate, who immediately walked to an ATM not far away!

After a short while, the subordinates ran back!

"Boss, he didn't lie!"

"Haha, good! Huaxia people really are righteous!"

Ferman gave Jiang Fan a thumbs up!

Then, he waved his hand directly!


"Wait! I'll give you one hundred and fifty thousand, and there is one hundred and fifty thousand in Kari!"

Liu Hansheng suddenly screamed!

"Huh! Although I am a loan shark, he has a good reputation. You will come to our company to take the remaining money!"

Ferman sneered, then nodded to Jiang Fan, turned and left!

"Master, thank you, thank you!"

Liu Hansheng smiled and looked at Jiang Fan!

"It's okay! After a while you take the remaining money and do something by yourself! Don't bet anymore!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and turned to leave!

"Master! Where are you going?"

Liu Hansheng asked hurriedly!

"I came to Italy only temporarily, and I am leaving soon!"

"Master! You, take me with you too!"

"Next time!"

Jiang Fan turned around and put on the mask, without looking back, strode away!

Seeing Jiang Fan's departure, Liu Hansheng suddenly looked ashamed!

He knew that his performance just now made Jiang Fan completely give up!

"Forget it! But, there is one hundred and fifty thousand! I'm sure, I can get back the bet!"

Liu Hansheng's eyes lighted up, and he chased Fehrman directly!

Jiang Fan returned to the parking position and was about to leave!

at this time!


A young man suddenly greeted him with a look of excitement!

This person is just the drag race Les who was thrown away by Jiang Fan before!


"Hello master, my name is Les! Your driving skills are really amazing! I want to worship you as a teacher!"

Les looks sincere!

"Small scene! As long as you work hard, so can you!"

Jiang Fan smiled and got in the car directly!

Les was stunned!

Small scene?

The urban area is breaking through 200 per hour, and you can't even see the taillights of the supercar with the classic handlebars. If this is a small scene, then the bigger scene is driving the high-speed rail!

Worthy of being a master, this B outfit is pure!

"Master! Don't go! As long as you are willing to teach me drag racing, I will give you as much money!"

Les is in a hurry!

If Jiang Fan left, he would never find such a good teacher!

"Do not have time!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand, closed the door directly, and was about to leave!

Les was stunned!

Then he gritted his teeth and leaned directly on the hood!

"Master! I beg you! You promise me! As long as you are willing to teach me, I will agree to any conditions!"

"Stop talking nonsense! You—"

Jiang Fan's expression suddenly moved!

"Are you familiar with the underground forces of the City of Seven Hills?"

At this moment, the time has just been five o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still three hours before Steele's banquet!

These time must not be wasted!

It just happens to be enough for a few votes!

Since Les is a local, it happens to be his guide!

"Of course! I know all the underground forces that can be called the City of Seven Hills!"

Les nodded repeatedly!

"Okay! Get in the car and follow me!"

Jiang Fan shook his head directly!

Master, this is, agreed?

Les was overjoyed and suddenly ran into the car!


Rolls-Royce made a beautiful drift and flicked directly onto the street!

"So handsome!"

Les's heart is surging!

Even at the start, he is so cool. As long as he has the master's teaching, he will definitely become a true car god!

And Jiang Fan has already taken out his mobile phone!

"Wang Yi! Call in Xiaobu, ready to work!"


Wang Yi, with a look of excitement, rushed over with Lu Bu!

"Mr. Water, where do you start?"

Wang Yi rubbed his hands in excitement!

"Mr. Water?"

Les was stunned!

Then, suddenly looked at Jiang Fan with shock!

"You, you, you are a takeaway star!"


I should have recognized it long ago!

This unique silver mask is the best proof of the takeaway star!

"Huh? Who is this kid?"

Wang Yi and Lu Bu looked at Les curiously!

"Hello, you, me, my name is Les!"

Les stammered!

too excited!

Since the trailer of "Yi Jian Wushuang" was broadcast, the takeaway star has become the idol of all young people!

Unexpectedly, I can have close contact with idols!

"Les, who is the nearest underground power?"

"Oh! Yes, it's Butch!"


In a luxurious office, a short and fat man is watching TV with a smile!

This fat man is one of the strongest underground forces in the City of Seven Hills, Butch!

At this moment, what was shown on TV was the scene of Jiang Fan and others being interviewed at the airport in the morning!

"Hehe, I didn't expect the crew of "Yi Jian Wushuang" to come to the City of Seven Hills so soon!"

A subordinate smiled!

"Yeah! Now on the black market, the movie hard disk of "Yi Jian Wushuang" has been fetched to 10 million!"

Butch smiled slightly!

"Ten million?!"

"so much?!"

"It's too exaggerated!"

"real or fake?"

A group of subordinates were shocked!

"Huh! Of course it is true! This is the news from Vienna last night!"

Butch smiled triumphantly!

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