God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 844: You have to believe me this is altitude sickness

Jiang Fan picked it up and saw that it was Xia Yuanqing who came here!

"Brother-in-law! Have you arrived in Xiangzhou? We have already inquired..."

Xia Yuanqing said a lot about Balabala!

The effect is that they have also asked Wang Hu, and learned the location of the tomb!

"Brother-in-law! Let's go there in a while, when are you going to leave?"

"You go first, I'll take the students to play!"


When I hung up, Curtiston looked at Jiang Fan!

"Master, won't you go? In case something happens to them..."

"It doesn't matter! Archaeology and tomb robbery are two different things. If you don't talk about the outside, even if you enter inside, you won't be able to clean up the record without ten and a half months!"

A group of people talked, laughed, and arrived at Yunxiao Mountain Scenic Area in an hour!

Yunxiao Mountain has a very wide range, and the rest area developed on the mountain is full of food and lodging!

The car stopped at the entrance of the scenic spot and Jiang Fan clapped his hands directly!

"Pay attention! When climbing the mountain for a while, follow the good team, everyone don't worry too much, and also! Remember, the beautiful scenery is for admiration, not for taking pictures! Don't patronize taking pictures!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"Got it!"

"There is bungee jumping on the top of the mountain, right?"

"Hehehe, Jiang Fan! Your death date is coming soon! My new vivo 60x zoom is just to record your ugliness!"

A group of students are very excited!

Lu He sneaked up to Yun Xiaoru and summoned his courage to speak!

"Xiao, Xiaoru! The mountain road is rugged, for a while, I, I, I, I will help you, right?"

"Okay! Thank you in advance!"

Yun Xiaoru said with a smile!

"No, you're welcome!"

Lu He didn't expect things to go so smoothly, he was so radiant!

Wu Chengliang on one side hurried over!

"Lu He! Are you fascinated? Forgot to hang Jiangfan when going up the mountain?"

"Haha, haha!"

Lu He ignored him at all, just kept giggling!

"Leave him alone! This idiot is out of help!"

Feng Jin beckoned, and immediately, Liang Kai, Honglei and others all leaned in!

"Attention everyone, Project One is ready to begin!"


A group of students are sneaky, laughing funny!

Yunxiao Mountain is tall and straight, with seven peaks in total. Jiang Fan and others climbed Yunai Peak!

The mountain roads here are very gentle, and occasionally you can see the gurgling water flowing down the mountain!

In addition, there are endless calls of insects and birds, and occasionally you can see small animals such as squirrels!

A group of students take pictures while enjoying the scenery!

But at this moment!

"Oh! Snake!"

A voice filled with artificiality suddenly sounded!

Then Wu Chengliang rushed out and hugged Jiang Fan!

"There is a snake! Teacher, I'm so scared!"

Everyone feels like a Teddy day!


This acting is no one!

Jiang Fan is also dumbfounded!

If Wu Chengliang's performance is seen by Zhang Wentao, he will definitely be beaten to death!

Forget it, let's cooperate!

"Ahem, where is the snake?"

"At this!"

Wu Chengliang gave a weird laugh, and stretched out his right hand in front of Jiang Fan, directly showing a small snake!

The little snake coiled around Wu Chengliang's hand, spitting out the letter listlessly!

Jiang Fan was silent for three seconds, and finally let out a weak cry!

"Oh! Snake! I'm so scared!"

Wu Chengliang opened his mouth wide, his face turned green!

Especially his acting skills are bad enough, Jiang Fan is actually worse than him!

Brother, what's the matter with you yawning while yelling?

Would you give me some face?

Feng Jin and others, who were preparing to take pictures later, recorded Jiang Fan's ugly attitude, were even more stunned!


Jiang Fan's expression is too perfunctory!

Looking at them is just like looking at a idiot!

However, the next moment, Jiang Fan suddenly narrowed his eyes!

The originally listless little snake stiffened suddenly, and the next moment, unexpectedly panicking, he rushed into Wu Chengliang's open mouth!


"Cough cough cough cough!"

"Help! Help!"

"Oh! Oh oh oh..."

Wu Chengliang frightened his fart, and the feeling that the little snake squirmed in his mouth scared him away!


Wu Chengliang vomited directly!

The little snake fell to the ground and ran away quickly!

"Student Wu Chengliang, if the teacher remembers correctly, this seems to be the second time you vomited, right?"

Jiang Fan has a look of memories!

"Hu, nonsense! Did I vomit before?"

"Huh? You forgot the bucket of Yoneda Kyou you did last time? I still have photos on my phone!"

"Don't, don't say-vomit~~"

It's okay that Jiang Fan didn't mention this, but Wu Chengliang suddenly vomited even more fiercely when he mentioned it!

Even Hong Lei at the back covered his mouth with a pale face!


This demon!

"Okay! Everyone keep climbing!"

Jiang Fan smiled and turned around and left!

"This bastard! I said this trick is useless!"

"Let’s do less of an afterthought!"

"What's next?"

"Forget it, I quit!"

"Me too, let's climb the mountain honestly! Look at Wu Chengliang, your eyes are straight!"

A group of bear kids looked at Jiang Fan helplessly, and honestly began to climb the mountain!

Soon, everyone came to the top of the mountain!

It's just that, except for Jiang Fan and Ni Wen, everyone else is out of breath!

As for Lu He, who wanted to support Yun Xiaoru, he was forcibly pulled up by Yun Xiaoru!

"Xiao Ru! I, I am not physically strong, huhu, no good!"

"Me, huhu! I just have altitude sickness! Huhu! You must, trust me!"

What a shame!

Never let Xiaoru look down on me!

"Well, okay..."

Yun Xiaoru expressed acceptance of this excuse!

The top of the mountain is not small, there is also a spacious building!

It is the bungee jumping experience hall!

Upon seeing this, Murongcui's eyes brightened!

"Hey hey! It's here! It's finally here!"

"Unicorn Unit 2! I'll be able to avenge you right away! Just, rest in peace!"

Murong Cui took a step forward and looked directly at Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan! It's a man, let's bungee jumping!"

"Don't say anything, civilized you and me! I promise your challenge!"

Jiang Fan laughed, and then looked at the group of bear kids behind!

"Anything else you want to play?"

"No no no no!"

Everyone took a step back and waved their hands again and again!

This thing is too exciting, playing this with Jiang Fan is simply hurting the enemy by 800 and self-defeating a thousand!

But at this moment!

"I, I'll come!"

Lu He suddenly stood up!

Everyone was taken aback!

Look at Lu He incredible!

Ha ha!


That's right!

This is the look of worship!

Today! Murongcui can't, nor Jiang Fan!

I, Lu He, is the focus of this event!


Today, I, Lu He, will do my best to let you see my masculine charm and take your heart!

Lu He is triumphant and can't wait to look up to the sky and laugh!


"Fuck off! Your physical fitness makes people fly when they jump down!"

Jiang Fan refused!

"Nonsense! Me, I—"

Lu He still wants to quibble a few words, but!

"Lu He, you will really die! Please, don't let Brother Jiang Fan carry a life lawsuit!"

Yun Xiaoru just made up the knife!

People, life lawsuits?


Lu He squatted weakly on the ground, as if he had been stepped on by a bunch of elephants!

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