In Jiang Fan's sincere and sincere eyes, a few veterans who obviously lacked social practical experience quickly confessed clearly!

The so-called refiner is actually both complicated and simple!

Simply speaking, in terms of materials, stainless steel, bronze, gold, silver, aluminum, manganese, titanium, etc. can all be used as refining materials!

Of course, these things are basically all popular products. If you want to practice high-level magic weapons, you need more special ones!

The meteorite from the outside world, the bones and tendons of some alien beasts, and some rare items hidden deep in the ground!

Gradually refine these things with real fire according to what you think in your heart, and then engrave the talisman, and then connect with each other, so that a magic weapon can be considered fresh!

The same is true for refining medicine. The more advanced, the more and more special materials are needed!

But it's complicated, it's Fulu!

The engraving of Fulu is a university question. The more advanced Fulu superimposed, the better it will be!

Jiang Fan readily took out a flying sword!

This is one of Yuyangzi storage bracelets, worth 20 causal points!

"What is the material of this thing? How long will it take to practice?"

Jiang Fan asked!

"This is for low-level Qi training disciples. The ingredients are stainless steel and bronze, plus a small amount of silver ore. It can be refined in one day!"

Yuyangzi glanced casually!

"I don't have enough training, and the third and fourth brothers are about the same as me, but the second brother can at least practice three handles a day!"

"If it is made in the Golden Core Realm, one can be made in about two minutes!"

Jiang Fan's eyes widened directly!

One handle in two minutes!

Thirty handles an hour, three hundred and sixty handles a day, when converted, that is a full 7,200 causal points!

A great master of the Golden Core Realm can provide himself with 7,200 causal points a day!

As for whether it can be refined 24 hours a day, that's his shit!

As long as you don't breathe, you can keep practicing!

Even the four hapless guys now can provide themselves with 120 causal points in one day!

This business is a bargain!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

"Then, what do you need for refining?"

"We haven't reached the Golden Core Realm, so we can't use pill fire. Of course, we can also use magical casting, but it's too laborious! It's better to have a forge, and the other is the material!"

Yuyangzi said happily!

After all, these things are known to the entire cultivation world!

It's a pity that a few people don't know at all, they are about to become slaves!

"Forge? Where is this stuff?"

"Our sect has it, there are so many things, almost one!"

"Can you make it now?"

"It's okay, but it's a bit cumbersome. If the materials are sufficient, it will probably take three to five days!"


Jiang Fan laughed!

"Tell me all the materials you need! Dabao, call your dad and ask him to send me some ready-made materials for wagons!"


And a few cultivators were blindfolded!

"Mr. Jiang, you, what are you doing?"

"Of course it's to see how you refine tools! I have long admired cultivation, and I really want to see it!"

"This... doesn't it need a few wagons? This is enough to make hundreds of flying swords!"

"It doesn't matter, we have enough materials, what if some of you miss it?"

"Then, that thing is the most basic. It must be done once, and you won't miss it..."

"You are welcome! I am so wealthy!"

Several cultivators vaguely felt that they were being shackled, but they thought about it, it shouldn't be!

Who is okay to let himself practice so many flying swords?

This thing is too much for ass!

Even for ordinary people, it's not as easy to use as a pistol!

A few veterans cleaned up their minds, and they just felt like making a fuss!

"A few celestial masters, I happen to have some rare and exotic animal corpses here. If you are interested, why don't you come over and take a look?"

"Oh that's fine!"

A few people suddenly looked excited!

Soon, he followed Jiang Fan to Curtis' warehouse!

This is a separate two-story building, upstairs is Curtis' laboratory and retreat, and half of the downstairs has been converted into a warehouse!

The various summoned objects that were summoned last time and killed by Jiang Fan are frozen inside at this moment!

As soon as Jiang Fan opened the cold storage door, all the old ways were shocked!

"This, this seems to be a kind of foreign demons!"

"Foreign races have strong muscles and bones, and are most suitable for refining!"

"Look! That thing looks like a Western Demon!"

Yuyangzi lifted his spirits and pointed at the corpse of the hapless great demon Eto'o!

"Oh! This is a baby! This bone is perfect for making the "Soul Flute"!"

"This skin is peeled off, but it's the best material for making panic drums!"

"No more! It is also a wonderful product to refine armor!"

"These two horns can be made into wine bottles!"

"It's a pity that the blood has been spoiled, otherwise it could be completely made into evil Luo smog!"

Several cultivators greedily touched the bones of the big devil, like a pack of perverts!

Although Huaxia also has a summoning technique, they are all ghost soldiers and ghost generals, and immortal soldiers and generals are first-class. They really don't know how to summon this Western devil!

So there are often people smuggling the corpses of high-quality monsters from the West, they are all very popular!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan has an entire warehouse here!

A few veterans were so excited that they were drooling!

"Ahem! A few, just look at it. In fact, these are garbage that doesn't fit on the table, otherwise they won't be thrown here!"

Jiang Fan smiled!


Several cultivators all looked at Jiang Fan with wide-eyed eyes!

"Of course, I have a Western Necromancer under my hand. These things are all summoned by him to play, and it's not worth mentioning!"


The eyes of several summoners have all changed!

Necromancers are the private property of the Western Dark Council. They have historically been few in number. With the pursuit of the Light Council, the number is even smaller!

Jiang Fan actually has such a subordinate in his hands!

No wonder there are so many materials!

"Ahem! Mr. Jiang, hehe, you said before that you want to use materials to pay for our work?"

Yu Qingzi laughed dryly, looking at Jiang Fan expectantly!

"of course!"

"Well, that's better, just use this?"


Jiang Fan did not hesitate!

The excited noses of several old Dao suddenly puffed out white smoke!

"But for a few of you, I'm just a little curious. If it is the low-grade garbage flying sword, how many handles can be worthy of this big demon?"

"Well, at least five hundred handles!"

Yuyangzi's face is determined!

"Nonsense! Little Junior Brother, this is what you didn't know! Once the soul-calling flute is made, you can chase the soul, the least valuable flying sword with eight hundred handles!"

Yu Fangzi smiled coldly!

"You are still young! But you don't know that once the Evil Luo Miasma is cast, it will be dead in one mile! Although it lacks blood, the value of this thing is greatly reduced, but at least a thousand handles!"

Yumingzi touched his beard and shook his head!

"Okay! Only a thousand handles!"

Jiang Fan made a final decision without saying anything!


Several cultivators were stunned!

"Give me a thousand flying swords, this thing is yours!"

Jiang Fan was overjoyed!

These cultivators are so kind!

What's more, I have never seen such a price increase before!

One thousand flying swords is twenty thousand causal points!

Probably, when the great devil was alive, he never thought he was so valuable, right?

Go Pikachu!

Use your residual heat!

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