God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 885: The light of local tyrants

The expedition team in the Lord of the Rings has a total of nine people. They are--

Descendants of Aragon, Maya magician Gandalf, Elf Prince Legolas, Dwarf Jinli, Son of Gondor Regent, Polomo, Hobbit Frodo, Sam, Pipin, Meri!


Jiang Fan appeared again, and he had come under an endless mountain!

There is also a huge lake nearby!

Where is this?

The time span of the Lord of the Rings is relatively large. It took six months from Frodo's departure from the Shire to the destruction of the Lord of the Rings!

In these six months, their journey was about two thousand kilometers, which is equivalent to traveling from Harbin to Xiangyang!

Such a long distance, the landforms passed by are completely different!

Jiang Fan was about to locate Frodo, just at this moment!

"Damn it! Run!"

"It's a water watcher!"



"Jiang Fan! Jiang Fan! Please come out quickly!"

Countless noisy sounds sounded!

One of them even shouted Jiang Fan's name desperately!

That voice turned out to be Frodo's!

Jiang Fan lifted his spirits and looked in the direction of the sound!

With the moonlight, I can vaguely see a few people moving along the lake a little further away!

And at the moment!

Near the entrance of a mine, everyone in the Lord of the Rings expedition team panicked!

Opposite them is an endless lake!

And at this moment, in the lake, a monster that looks like an octopus, but a huge three-story building, is roaring frantically!

It has more than a dozen tentacles, each of which has the thickness of an adult waist! Occasionally shot on the shore, even the hard rocks are smashed to pieces!

And at this moment, on one of its arms and legs, Frodo is tightly wrapped around!

This thing is exactly the giant monster at the entrance of Moria Mine-the Water Watcher!


"This thing is too powerful!"

"Who is Frodo calling?"

In the expedition team, the crowd roared!

At the same time one after another shot, slashing at the arms and legs of the water monitor!


Aragorn took the lead and quickly cut off the two arms and legs of the water watcher!

But the next moment, the monster's wrist and foot fractured only slightly squirmed, and it actually grew new tentacles!

Jinli and Polomo also shot, and the elven prince Legolas kept shooting arrows, however, it was useless at all!


Gandalf roared and shot a magic flame directly!

However, the watcher in the water just hit the water surface, and a curtain of water burst out, directly neutralizing Gandalf's magic!

"Damn it!"

Gandalf roared!

He didn't dare to use too powerful magic at all!

Otherwise, it will affect Frodo and everything will be over!

The same is true for others!

Don't dare to give full play to it!

In fact, even if they exert their full strength, it is useless, this monster is terrifying!

It's like having an immortal body!

Unless its head can be chopped off, no matter how many attacks, it will be useless!

But the water watcher has no scruples, even has opened his mouth full of fangs, and is about to swallow Frodo!

"Do not!!"

Everyone is crazy!

At this moment!


A roar full of bloodthirsty and deterrence suddenly sounded!

The water watcher couldn't help but trembled!

next moment!


A black and red shadow suddenly passed by the watcher in the water!


The watchman in the water wrapped Frodo's arms and feet suddenly flying high!

And Jiang Fan, who was riding the Demonized Nightmare Beast and holding the Shuiyu Zi-Mother Sword, had already caught Frodo in mid-air!

Just now, it was he who severed his arms and legs and saved Frodo!

"Jiang Fan!"

Frodo was overjoyed!

"Jing Ling!"

"Oh my God! How come this kind of monster has appeared too!"

"And it's still a ring spirit who rides on a ride!"

"Defense! Defense!"

"Save Frodo!"

The others are in chaos!

Only Aragorn's eyes lit up!


The nightmare beast stomped heavily on the water watcher, and then rushed to the entrance of Moria Mine like lightning!

And until then, everyone saw that the one riding the nightmare beast was actually a human!

Everyone was stunned!

Aragorn fell directly on one knee!


teacher! He really came!

The others were stunned!


This person turned out to be the teacher of Aragon?

However, what he is riding is obviously the Demonized Nightmare Beast!

This kind of monster can only be controlled by the ring spirit!

"Aragorn, long time no see!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Aragorn has reached level 11 at this moment, and the rest are around this level!

Only Gandalf, his aura is extremely strong, he has reached a full thirteenth level!

This kind of strength is actually pretty good, after all, it has just started!

But compared to the water watcher at this moment, it's obviously too dishonest!

This monster is actually a full fourteenth level!

But at this moment, the monster finally reacted, roared suddenly, and charged up to everyone!

"No! Run!"

"This thing is too powerful! Just now it was just to swallow the Supreme Lord Ring, and it didn't take it seriously at all!"

"Looking at the way it looks, I'm absolutely angry!"

"Fast into the mine!"

Everyone panicked and screamed!

Only Jiang Fan sneered, threw Frodo into Gandalf's arms, then stepped on the nightmare beast, and rushed directly to the watcher in the water!


"Come back soon!"

"You are not an opponent of that thing!"

Everyone exclaimed!

But the next moment!

A piece of golden light suddenly appeared in Jiang Fan's hand!

That is surprisingly, Jiang Fan has always been one of the treasures at the bottom of the box!

Gold bricks!

BRIC (pseudo): Gold level!

Level requirement: Level 10

Function: Anyone below the gold level (not including the gold level) is hit by a gold brick, and it will be stunned for one to ten seconds!

But this effect can only take effect once on an enemy target!

Remarks: As the No. 1 local tyrant in the age of mythology, Nezha's wish is very simple-not for the best, but for the most expensive!

In the real world, crisis is pervading, Jiang Fan will never reveal his trump card easily!

And in other worlds recently entered, there is no opponent worthy of Jiang Fan's use of this big killer!

This time, it can be described as the first BRIC show!

Seeing this thing appeared, everyone couldn't help but raise their hands and cover their eyes!

"Fuck! Tyrant gold!"

"Ah! My 32K titanium dog eyes!"

"It's too shiny! This is the brilliant light of money!"

"Vulgar gold can actually exude such charm! Our elves are really superficial!"

Everyone exclaimed!

And Jiang Fan had already raised his hand and threw out the gold bricks directly!


A crisp sound!

The golden brick turned into a golden lightning, suddenly hitting the head of the water watcher!

The next moment, this terrifying monster suddenly froze in place!

And Jiang Fan had already roared, and his whole body burst into an extremely terrifying aura!

Poisonous nail ring!

Nine Suns' True Qi broke out!

The five-strength power of the great shift of the universe!

Wind power!


The sky suddenly exploded with thunder!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan was already holding the Shuiyu Zi-Mother Sword, and suddenly passed over the head of the watcher in the water!

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