God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 970: What kind of black technology is this?

Soon, Stark has finished changing his outfit!

Looking at the red and gold steel armor, Jiang Fan only felt hot!

It's so cool!

If this is worn out, it will definitely be the most beautiful cub in the whole article!

"Jiang Fan, you, are you sure you don't need me to take you?"

Stark looked at Jiang Fan hesitantly!

"No, you can lead the way!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand at will!


Stark buttoned his face mask, two groups of flames ignited directly under his feet, and then he quickly rushed out of the villa!

Alas, I hope Jiang Fan will be there soon!

After all, the first-generation battle armor currently owned by Obadiah, although it has ordinary functions, is resistant to grooves. After adding weapons, although the speed may not be as fast as its own, its combat effectiveness is definitely stronger than its current set!

I hope Jiang Fan can arrive before he is killed!

Thinking in his heart, Stark glanced down silently!


Damn it? !

Stark was stunned!

I saw on the road on the ground, a bicycle is like a high-speed rail, driving fast!

It's fast, even overtaking several sports cars!

Looking at the appearance of Jiang Fan holding the handlebar with one hand and pulling the phone with the other, it is obvious that he can continue to speed up!

"Nima! This, is this really a bicycle?"

Stark opened his mouth wide and couldn't believe his eyes!

"Jarvis! Scan it, what the **** is that!"

I really underestimated China!

Could it be that it is not a bicycle at all, but a new generation of blitzkrieg tools developed by China?

too exaggerated!

Such a speed is simply unheard of!

"Master! That is indeed a bicycle!"

Jarvis scans soon!


Stark was shocked!

It seems that the problem is not the bicycle, but Jiang Fan!

To pedal the bike to this level, this physical strength and strength is absolutely superb!

With Jiang Fan's help, he absolutely slams Obadiah!

At this moment, Stark was so confident!


The two have arrived downstairs in the Stark Weapon Research and Development Department!

At this moment!


A loud noise!

A huge steel armor with a height of more than three meters suddenly sprang out of the building!

This is exactly the one who has activated the battle armor, Obadiah!

In his hands, there is still a woman clutching!

It is the little pepper that Stark loves hard to open, Virginia Potts!

At the same time, a group of men in suits ran out of the building screaming!

These people are just a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coleson!

Just now they entered the weapons department building and were about to investigate Obadiah’s crimes, but they didn’t expect that they were beaten by Obadiah and panicked!


Seeing Potts was caught by Obadiah, Stark suddenly roared and rushed towards Obadiah!


"Hehehe, Tony, you are really dead! But it's useless!"

Seeing Stark rushing, Obadiah just raised his hand and smashed!


With a loud noise, Stark was beaten out directly!

"Hahaha! Sure enough! With this kind of armor, the entire Stark Group will inevitably lead to eternal glory under my leadership!"

Obadiah laughed wildly!


Stark flew back soon, shouting angrily!

It's just that Potts is in Obadiah's hands, so he doesn't dare to impulsive at all!

"Stark! As long as you remove the armor and obediently give me the leadership of the group, I can let this woman go!"

Obadiah was so confident that he only felt that he had a chance to win!

"Damn! Jiang Fan! Help me save Potts!"

Stark looked at Jiang Fan anxiously!

"no problem!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Hahaha! Stark, are you crazy? Let this extremely thin Huaxia Monkey help you save people? China's backward technology alone can't hurt me!"

The voice of Obadiah was full of mockery!



A phantom flashed directly from Obadiah!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan has reappeared beside Stark!

In his hands, he also holds a beautiful woman with a backbone!

It is Potts!

Everyone was stunned!

With a dumb look!

Especially Potts, couldn't believe his eyes!

She was still in Obadiah's hand just now, and in a blink of an eye, she actually came into Jiang Fan's arms!

The point is, this little Chinese man is so handsome!

Moreover, his muscles are more powerful than steel!

Potts, directly intoxicated!

"Potts! Potts!"

Stark yelled several times before Potts reacted!

Finally exclaimed, reluctantly left Jiang Fan's embrace!

"Thanks, thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

And until then, everyone reacted!

Obadiah is even calling the War Armor Intellectual Brain!

"What happened just now? Why is that kid like a ghost?"


The Intellectual Brain of the Battle Armor quickly called up the picture just now!

Until he slowed down a full 64 times, then he barely saw Jiang Fan's shadow!

"This, how is this possible?! He, how could he be so fast!"

Obadiah was shocked!

Is this speed still human?

The branch line of the Battle Armor did not fly so fast!

"Boy! Who the **** are you!"

Obadiah directly asked everyone's questions!

"My name is Jiang Fan, and I am a Chinese takeaway!"


Everyone was stunned!

Phil and other S.H.I.E.L.D. people are also dumbfounded!


"What a joke!"

"This must be a humanoid weapon developed by Huaxia!"

"Damn it, dare to secretly study such advanced weapons and sanction them!"

"Yes! Tariffs will also be raised!"

"Unless they hand over this technology!"

Several S.H.I.E.L.D. staff members kept roaring!



Jiang Fan's expression sank!


He took out the revolver and didn't even look at it. The backhand was six shots!

"Boom boom boom boom!"


The screams sounded in an instant!

Several of the most powerful agents were shot through their cheeks!

Even the teeth were shattered!

Everyone's mouth is full of blood, holding their faces and screaming desperately!

Everyone was stunned!

This temper is too hot!

The key is, why does his bullet turn?

Is it black technology again?

Everyone was shocked!

Even Stark and Obadiah were stunned!

Phil looked at Jiang Fan in surprise!


This Jiang Fan is definitely not a machine!

As a high-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., he has the right to access many secrets!

At least he knows that there is really a **** in this world!

Jiang Fan, could it be China’s... the **** of takeaways?

As soon as he thought of this, he backhanded a few of his men and pumped up!

All of a sudden, several agents who were already miserable, howled louder!

"A bunch of idiots! Shut me up! Apologize to Mr. Jiang immediately!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of agents had been frightened by Jiang Fan's magical methods, and they hurriedly spoke up when they heard this!

"Sorry! Mr. Huaxia!"

"Yes, we are too presumptuous!"

"We don't dare to compare blindly anymore!"

"Please forgive me!"

A group of people all looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan ignored them at all!

It's just a group of wild dogs barking, it's not worth wasting your tongue!

At this moment, Obadiah finally reacted!

It now appears that this Chinese man named Jiang Fan is obviously a friend of Stark, and he must be killed first!

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