
A black Bentley slowly stopped at the gate of Jinghu Courtyard!

However, at the moment, the Jinghu Courtyard is obviously depressed, and even the dead leaves and weeds at the door are not cleaned up!

And a stubble-faced, decadent man was sitting at the door with a dull face, looking at the lake not far away!

Had it not been for the mole above his left eyebrow, I am afraid that no one would believe that this man was actually the genius of the Zhou family who single-handedly led to the extermination of the Jiang family, Zhou Ning!


The door opened and Qi Rongchang took a few steps!

"Shao Ning! You, how did you become like this?"

Is this still Shao Ning who used to be suave and controlled everything?

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined it!

And all this is because of that Jiang Fan!

What did that monster do to Ning Shao?

Qi Rongchang's heart is full of chill!

"It's you?"

Zhou Ning slowly raised his head, speaking hoarsely!

"It's me, Shao Ning! You, you..."

Qi Rongchang looked worried!

at this time!

"Hehe, Zhou Ning, you are really useless!"

The tone full of mockery suddenly sounded!

Upon hearing this voice, Zhou Ning suddenly turned his head, and then suddenly a glimmer of light flashed through the originally godless eyes!

"Zhou Jing!"

"Yes! It's me!"

Zhou Jing sneered!

"You came to see me making a joke too? Feel free to do it! Anyway, you have won!"

Zhou Ning twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at the lake again blankly!

"There is nothing to be proud of to win against you like this!"

Zhou Jing smiled disdainfully!

"Zhou Ning, I really didn't expect that if I retreat with the ancestor for half a year, you will become like this... You, you are really ineffective!"

"Whatever you say!"

Zhou Ning did not even fluctuate in his tone!

"Huh! You and I have been fighting since childhood! But I didn't expect that you would be abandoned by Jiang Fan's bereaved dog!"

"However, you are my elder brother after all. With this tone, I will help you out!"

Zhou Jing looked at Zhou Ning proudly, then turned around and left!

But at this moment!

"Don't underestimate him, otherwise, your fate will be worse than mine!"

Zhou Ning suddenly spoke slowly!

"Huh, Zhou Ning, it seems that you were really scared by Jiang Fan! Remember, I am Zhou Jing, it's not a waste like you!"

Zhou Jing smiled proudly and turned into the car!

Qi Rongchang hesitated for a moment, and finally smiled at Zhou Ning reluctantly, and then quickly stepped into the car!

Seeing the car drifting away, Zhou Ning was still expressionless, but the ground under his feet suddenly "clicked", directly splitting a hairline-like gap!

"Zhou Jing...hehe..."


After the day’s meal delivery, Jiang Fan is also thoroughly familiar with the various functional applications of this armor!

To put it simply, this thing has basically no shortcomings except for its weak combat effectiveness!

After all, it is the first generation of Iron Overlord. According to the original Marvel, this character has five generations!

But what I entered is the movie version, I guess I won't encounter the same model in the future!

As for energy consumption, after flying for a day, the Ark's reactor has not used up even one percent of the energy!

As soon as they returned to Jiangzhai, Yuqingzi and Yuguangzi got together!

"Mr. Jiang, all the materials have been processed!"

"Okay, you pick whatever you want, and it will be your salary for this month!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile!

"This—thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

The two veteran faces are overjoyed!

"By the way, Master Yuqing, you go back to the mountain gate and see if your head of the retreat is over. Bring a few materials along the way. It's better to get me back with more flying swords!"

"Okay! I'm leaving now!"

Yu Qingzi couldn't take care of the sky, and immediately prepared to go with a smile!

Mr. Jiang is so kind!

I have not paid my debts yet, so I will start paying my wages!

Moreover, according to Jiang Fan's intention, he will be the middleman between the two parties in the future. This advantage, you can use your **** to know!

Sending away Yuqingzi, Jiang Fan immediately waved!


A ghostly Sadako suddenly appeared beside him!

"Where is the evildoer!"

Yuguangzi suddenly yelled, raising his hand to point to Sadako!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped him!

And Sadako looked terrifying, glaring at Yuguangzi!

If she hadn't disappeared as much as she could, how could this old way be presumptuous to her!

Hearing the noise here, in an instant, all the masters of Jiangzhai came out!

There was no reaction from the others. Curtis was immediately excited when he saw Sadako!

"Pretty girl! This superb beauty is a perfect match for me!"

The old guy was radiant, "Bah Bah" often spit on his hands two spitting, and touched the little hair directly!

Then he looked at Sadako with excitement!

"Sister, make a friend?"

"Okay, so wretched!"

Zhenzi hurriedly hid behind Jiang Fan in fright, looking at Jiang Fan pitifully!

"Brother Jiang Fan, who is this grandfather?"

Before Jiang Fan could reply, Curtis was in a hurry!

"Sister! I can't say that! I'm just showing my old age! When I cross life and death and become a lich, I will definitely hang Peng Yuyan at that time! Yan cover little plum!"

"No way! I don't need Grandpa!"

Sadako refused without hesitation!

"Don't! Although I am over seventy, my heart stays at eighteen forever! If you don't believe me, ask the master, my phylogeny is in his place!"

Curtis is in a hurry!

The crowd looked dumbfounded!

Sadako's current appearance is full of ghosts, with only a terrifying black hole left in one eye, long hair and shawl, her face is hideous, she can't even touch the slightest edge!

The Necromancer's aesthetic is really powerful!

"Cough cough! Curtis, you are in your seventies and eighties, don't do harm... Oh? Sadako, you seem to be..."

Although Sadako will always stay in the teenage stage, she is not much younger than Curtis!

"Well! People of your time, communicate by yourself!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand!

"Sadako is everyone's new partner, and she is now spiritually unstable. Be careful not to hurt her!"

"Don't worry, Master! Sister Sadako gave it to me!"

Curtis slapped his chest, revealing a mouthful of white teeth!

"It's you who don't worry about it! I don't care about free love, and I will tear you down if I use it!"

"Master, don't worry!"

Curtis was overjoyed!

"Okay, what are you supposed to do! Curtis... You really have a fight with Ning Caichen!"

Jiang Fan shook his head and wandered around the yard without hesitation!

Curtis looked puzzled and looked at Wang Yi!

"Ning Caichen? What do you mean?"

"A ghost! It's awesome!"

Wang Yi looked admired and slipped straight away!

But Jiang Fan turned for a long time, but his brows became more frowning!

The Evil Spirit Well must be settled sooner, the better, but Jiang's house is only a temporary residence. After Jiang's house is rebuilt, you have to go back. Putting it here, it seems to be useless!

The key is that this thing takes root, and there is no way to move it!

Do you want to wait for a while?

Jiang Fan just hesitated for half a second, and then directly discarded the idea!

After that, he suddenly raised his hand and shot the Evil Spirit Well directly!


An incomparably evil, terrifying aura full of ghostly spirit spread throughout the entire Jiang Mansion in an instant!

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