God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 983: Red and Blue Medicine Pills

Brother Leopard no longer dared to conceal anything, and directly confessed everything!

"This bastard! I can't spare him!"

Ma Desheng roared!

The eyes almost burst out of fire!

Because of that bastard, not only was he kidnapped, but Jiang Fan actually humiliated himself severely!

Jiang Fan!

You bastard!

You are not my best brother Ma Desheng, you are a complete bitch!


Too insidious!

It's so bad that it smokes!

I, Ma Desheng, will never forgive you!

Ma Desheng cursed Jiang Fan desperately, and Jiang Fan had already taken out Brother Leopard's phone!

"Hello, 110? I want to surrender! Yes! I kidnapped someone! I'm not kidding! Ma Desheng, who won the prize two days ago, was kidnapped by me! Daxing Village, come on!"

Everyone was stunned!

Especially Ma Desheng!

"You, did you call the police?"

"Of course, otherwise?"

"You, you are violent! According to your personality, shouldn't you kill these kidnappers and then kill Li Dong?"

Ma Desheng's eyes widened!

"Director Ma, as a public official, how can you be so cruel!"

Jiang Fan looked shocked!

"I'm cruel? Am I special..."

Ma De can't say anything about being uplifted!

"Brother, you, let us go! We, the first time we did this, we didn't make a cent!"

Brother Leopard and others want to cry without tears!

"I let you go? If your kidnapping is successful, what should the victim do? Since you want to do this, you have to be prepared to take risks!"

Jiang Fan looked straight!

"You are only accomplices. Some of them are surrenders. They will not be too heavy. You will be reformed in there, and you will be out in a few years! If I still... you come to me and I will give you a job to make a living!

The kidnappers were stunned!

No wonder Jiang Fan said surrendered when he just called!

This is to give them a chance!

Moreover, after coming out, we must find a way for them!

After a long time!

"Thank you! Thank you brother!"

"We must strive to come out early!"

The kidnappers were so moved that they couldn't cry, and under the leadership of Brother Leopard, they bowed deeply to Jiang Fan!

Soon, the sound of the police car sounded!

Jiang Fan left quickly!

The police were stunned when they saw the scene!

I saw that five or six strong men were crying bitterly!

And beside them, there was a fat man with a naked **** gritted his teeth!

What's the situation with this Nima?

And listening to the movement of the police car, the reporters who rushed over were immediately excited!

This scene, even if you write a script, it's not a problem!

"Papa Papa!"

In an instant, countless flashes light up!

"Jiang Fan! You beast!"

Ma Desheng bit his lip firmly, and finally shed tears of humiliation!

As soon as Jiang Fan left here, the system prompt rang!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"Do you have this feeling, don't you know if you are awake or in a dream?"

"They are watching you!"

"Do you believe in fate?"

"No, because I don't like others to control my life!"

"You can feel that there is something wrong with this world in your whole life, but you can't tell where it is. It is deeply rooted in your mind and makes you crazy!"

"You live in a prison that you can't perceive, a prison that imprisons your consciousness!"

"This is your last chance, swallow the blue pill, everything is over, you will return to life again!"

"And swallow the red pill, I will show you the truth!"

Red and blue pills?

So familiar!

"Ding! Please give Neo a warm corn soup with ribs!"

This name is so familiar, who is it?

Jiang Fan's head is full of question marks!

But it’s important to deliver the food, let’s go!

Find a restaurant, order food, pack, Jiang Fan went straight to find a small alley!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-The Matrix!"

Nani? !

"Fuck! Wait—"

It's a pity that Jiang Fan's scream is not over yet, his whole person has completely disappeared!

The first part of The Matrix tells that in the future, there will be a war between humans and artificial intelligence!

The mankind who once dominated the earth is not an opponent of machines at all!

In order to stop the machine, mankind tried to cover the earth with dark clouds, hoping to make the machine lose the most dependent energy source-solar energy!

However, the machine found another source of energy!

A more suitable energy source than solar energy-mankind!

By absorbing human biological energy, machines have completely ruled the entire world!

In order to better use energy, artificial intelligence directly invented a virtual reality network-matrix!

The human beings living in the matrix have no idea that their bodies are imprisoned by machines, like crops, they can only be slaughtered at will!

And the male protagonist Neo, is such a person!

Internet hacker Neo, who lives in the matrix, discovered that the seemingly normal real world actually seemed to be controlled by some force, so Neo investigated the matter on the Internet!

And Murphys, the captain of the human resistance organization that lives in reality, has been looking for the legendary savior in the matrix. In this way, under the guidance of Trinity, a member of the human resistance organization, the two met, and Neo was also in Murphy. Under the guidance of Si, he returned to the real reality and escaped from the matrix!

Neo, who learned the truth, became a member of the Resistance!

However, in one mission, after they entered the matrix, they were betrayed by the traitor Saifu, and Morpheus was arrested!

In order to save Morpheus and re-enter the matrix, Neo finally awakened his true ability, killed "Agent Smith" and became an extremely powerful "hacker"!


Jiang Fan appeared again, and he had come to an extremely dark underground world!

This place is extremely empty, and not far away, there is also a spaceship suspended in the air!

Countless mechanical octopuses are desperately attacking the hull of the spacecraft!

These things are more than two meters long and are covered with mechanical tentacles. They are natural human killers!

"Damn it! These mechanical octopuses are getting more and more!"

"They are coming in soon!"

"Morpheus! What should I do? The octopus will come in if the electromagnetic pulse is not activated!"

"Speak quickly!"

At this moment, in the spacecraft, several crew members are looking at Morpheus anxiously!

However, Murphys just stared at the computer screen blankly, looking at the data that was constantly being refreshed, without responding at all!

The same is true for Trinity on one side, and their eyes are full of despair!

However, what they despair is not their own lives, but--


Neo actually died!

Killed by the matrix's anti-virus program, the "agent"!

He is the savior predicted by the prophet!

The death of Neo can only show that everything in the past was their delusion!

Human beings simply cannot fight against the matrix, they can only perish!


Countless distorted metallic sounds rang out!

The spaceship was torn a big hole by countless mechanical octopuses!

Moreover, the key is that the electromagnetic pulse circuit was actually cut by the mechanical octopus!

"It's over..."

Electromagnetic pulse is their last hope!

This thing is ruined, everyone has only one dead end!

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