God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 990: Jinglingzong Mountain Gate

What happened this night is much more than that!

At the same time Bao Dabao and Qiu Yuanfeng reached an agreement!


Song Yue was hiding in the room, looking at a number on the phone!

In the past few days, she has been trying to contact the George family. Just now, a friend from Citigroup finally found her the number of a son of the George family who is not low in rank!

With a sense of anxiety, Song Yue finally dialed this number!

The bell rang for a long time, and then a haughty voice rang!

"who are you?"

"Hello, are you Mr. Andy? My name is Song Yue!"

"Huaxia? Woman, how do you know my number? Have I worked on you?"

Andy smiled!


Song Yue's expression stagnated, but after all, the other party was a citizen of Citigroup, not a pariah like China!

Even if you offend yourself, it doesn't matter!

"I'm Gal's friend!"


Andy was visibly startled!

Gal is a genius in the family!

Very powerful!

It is by no means comparable to his second-rate children!

He had heard from the elders in the family before that Gal did indeed go to China for a certain mission!

"Are you a friend of Gal? What's the matter?"

Andy's tone is a little softer!

"Something happened to Gal! Come and save him!"

Song Yue looked anxious!

"what is the problem?"

Andy's face sank!

If something goes wrong with Gar, it's no small matter!

"He came to China to find a man named Jiang Fan, but in Los Angeles, he was conspired to be seriously injured by that Jiang Fan! Now it seems that Jiang Fan has been kidnapped!"


Andy suddenly exclaimed!

Gal is a master at level fourteen!

In a **** place like Huaxia, you can simply walk sideways!

But now, not only was he seriously injured, he was also kidnapped?

"Really! And that Jiang Fan is simply too disgusting! He has no humanity at all!"

"I wanted my family to come forward to rescue Gal, but they didn't talk about human rights at all! Not only did they not save, they put me under house arrest!"

"You must come here soon! Otherwise, Gal doesn't know how much he has to suffer!"

Song Yue said quickly!

"okay, I get it!"

Andy's face is very ugly!

Hanging up the phone, a woman next to him immediately looked at him mockingly!

"What's the matter? Did that Chinese woman have a big belly by you?"

"Don't be kidding Casey! She said Gal was injured!"

"What?! How is this possible?"

Casey's eyes widened suddenly!

"Who is this woman? Are you lying?"

"It shouldn't be. China has so many licking dogs and Virgins. It's not uncommon to help us Citizens!"

"How can you be sure that the other person is licking the dog?"

"Hehe, she actually told me about human rights! Normal Huaxia, who would believe this? What kind of stuff is not a dog?"

Andy sneered!

"Haha! Our public opinion really played well, and some people believed this! But in that case, there must be something wrong with Gal!"

"Yes! This matter must be reported to the family quickly! You can eat breakfast by yourself, I will go to Elder Brandon!"

For China, it is evening, but Citigroup is in the morning!

Andy hurried to a riverside villa!

At this moment, Brandon is watering the flowers!

"Elder Brandon!"

Andy first greeted respectfully!

"Little Andy? Is there anything wrong with being so flustered?"

"Elder, did Gal go to China?"

"Hmm! Let him do something, what's the matter?"

"This... I just got the news, Gal, something happened!"


Brandon's complexion, who was originally laid-back, suddenly changed!

Andy didn't dare to delay, so he told the matter immediately!

"Damn Chinese! Damn Jiang Fan!"

Brandon was furious!

"Elder, did you send someone to rescue Gal?"

Andy asked tentatively!

Brandon took a few steps before nodding!

"Although Gal is at level fourteen, he just entered, and his strength is relatively low. Go and inform Jacob to let him take the shot!"

"But the elder, Jacob is the pinnacle of the fourteenth level! Will he make a fuss if he makes a move? After all, according to the Chinese woman, Gal was conspired!"

Andy looked puzzled!

"Huh! What do you know! This Jiang Fan, we have been searching for it for a long time! Since we found his trace, we must catch him back!"

"Furthermore, since the accident happened to Gal, it means that Jiang Fan must be exceptional! This incident must not be missed!"


Andy hurriedly agreed!

Leave in a hurry!

And Brandon was staring at the east, his eyes full of cruel look!

"Damn Tianding Ten Extremes! If it weren't for the Kyushu Precepts, I would really like to do it myself!"

"Jiang Fan! Whether you are him or his descendants, you must die!"

Let our sight return to China!

In the south of China, there is a tall mountain named Yongshan!

And at the top of the mountain, there is a Taoist temple covering a large area!

However, Taoist temple is divided into front and rear courtyards, and the front is full of incense, which is no different from the normal place where you pray for gods and worship!

The backyard is far from the front yard, and it is never open to the outside world!

At the gate of the backyard, there is still a stone stele handed down from an unknown year and month. On it, there are three large characters written in the ancient book Long Fei Feng Wu-Jing Ling Zong!

At this moment, Yu Qingzi is pacing anxiously!

Unlike looking down from the sky, this backyard, the true mountain gate of the Jingling Sect, is much larger than ordinary people imagine!

This is all because of the magical array!

The entire Jinglingzong is divided into three halls: alchemy, refining, and cultivation, each of which is the size of a football field!

Coupled with the martial arts field and the sloppy places, it looks like a village!

But all of this was concealed by the illusion, as if the size of a normal Taoist temple!

And at this moment, the place where Yu Qingzi is located is in the other courtyard where the head of Jing Lingzong is closed!

"Oh! I should have to go out! Why haven't I come out yet!"

Yuqingzi was anxious!

The cooperation with Jiang Fan is a great opportunity for the entire Jing Lingzong!

If this order is completed, the benefits would be incalculable!

It's a pity that the headmaster has obviously already arrived at the customs clearance time, so he hasn't shown up yet!

At this moment!

"Uncle Yuqing!"

A young man suddenly jogged in!

"Zhengfang? Why did you break in? Don't you know this is where the head of the house is closed!"

Yuqingzi frowned!

"Uncle Master, please forgive me! It's really true! The elder Yunlou of Qingyunmen is here!"

"Yunlou? Haha! This old guy! This time he must be greedy!"

Yuqingzi looked overjoyed!

Walk directly to the front living room!

Qingyunmen and Jinglingzong have never dealt with each other, and both want to hold the other side down!

This time Yunlou came here, it must be Qingyunmen who got some benefits, and wanted to come over and show off!

However, they are destined to smash this time!

After all, compared to the great opportunity of the Jing Lingzong, even if they get a spiritual weapon, it is no use!

Yuqingzi Chunfeng proudly came to the living room and suddenly saw an old man drinking tea!

This person was wearing a white robe, five strands of long beard, and fairy-style bones, but the thief eyes could clearly tell that he was definitely an old fox!

This person is the elder of the Qingyun Gate, Daoist Yunlou!

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