God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 992: Feijian is the hard currency

Of course Yuqingzi knew Yunlou's plan, but Jiang Fan's existence could not be known to others!

"Friend Yunlou, you don't need to inquire about it! Although you can't afford to change the pair of devil horns, I still have something else in my hand!"

Yuqingzi said, opened the storage bracelet directly, and then raised his hand!


For an instant on the ground, seven or eight hideous monster corpses appeared directly!

One of them is a tenth-level three-headed dog cub!

Upon seeing these things, Yunlou's eyes almost didn't come out!

Those few Qingyunmen disciples even drooled!

"This, so much!"

"All Western monsters!"

"These corpses, if you make good use of them, are enough to make more than a dozen medium-grade artifacts!"

"What's more! The aura of the three-headed monster is very strong, obviously it has the blood of an ancient monster. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to refine a spirit weapon!"

Yunlou and others all looked at Yu Qingzi with excitement!

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Yunlou, do you want it?"

Yuqingzi smiled triumphantly!

"Think! Think!"

Yunlou slobbered vigorously!

Although it doesn't deal with Jing Lingzong, there is no need to deal with these good materials!

As long as Yuqingzi is willing to give it to him, even if he is called Dad, he will recognize it!

"Fine! You Qingyun Sect and my Pure Spirit Sect are from the same origin after all! Although our ancestors of the two factions do not deal with each other, they are still brothers after all. We still have to talk about the fireworks!

"What Daoist Yuqing said!"

"Yes, yes! Uncle Yuqing is too right!"

"Uncle Yuqing has a broad mind, and I am so moved!"

"We were offended just now, so please don't be offended by Master Yuqing!"

"Yes, yes! We will apologize to Master Yuqing!"

Yunlou and a few disciples have a flattering!

"Ha ha……"

Yuqingzi smiled triumphantly!

Even Fang has straightened his back!

It's so refreshing to be able to see Qingyunmen's face like this, it's as good as a spirit weapon!

"Fine! These things, you just have two thousand flying swords!"

Yuqingzi smiled slightly!

"How many?!"


"Flying sword?!"

Not only the people at Qingyunmen, but even Zhengfang was stunned!

"This... Fellow Daoist Yuqing, I don't know what kind of flying sword you are talking about?"

Yunlou's face turned pale, Yu Qingzi was like a lion's mouth!

The serious flying swords are all magical artifacts!

Those top sects are not so dark!


"Flying sword! It's an ordinary flying sword that can be practiced by those low-level disciples, but not qualified!"

Yuqingzi spoke slowly, not rushing or impatient!

"True, true or false?"

Yunlou looked incredible!

That kind of flying sword is simply rubbish!

It's worthless!

Yuqingzi wants this thing for a fart?

"Of course it's true! Two thousand flying swords, these things are all yours! So, let's take the corpse of the three-headed **** dog cub first, and it will be a reassurance for you!"

Yuqingzi waved his hand generously!

Everyone was completely stunned!

"Uncle Master! No way!"

Zhengfang panicked!

It's crazy to use these materials for flying swords!

"Shut up! You know what a fart!"

Yu Qingzi glared at him directly!

Except for a few of them, no one knows that Feijian is hard currency!

Jiang Fan didn't recognize anything except Feijian!

These materials are priced according to Jiang Fan's offer, but only 800 handles!

I made a thousand and two when I changed hands, and I can use these flying swords to continue to purchase good things from Jiang Fan!

Yuqingzi thought he had made a profit, and was overjoyed!

But he couldn't think of it, Jiang Fan had expected this long ago!

Jiang Fan's cleverness is that he never fishes!

Only when Yuqingzi and others make a big profit, these people have the motivation and passion to open up business!

In fact, no matter how much they made on the surface, in the end, all that flowed in was Jiang Fan's pockets!

And what Jiang Fan paid was just some demon corpses that were of no use to him!

This transaction is simply an empty glove white wolf!

At this moment, Yunlou and others were directly excited when they heard Yu Qingzi's words!

Too cheap!

It's a bargain!

Fearing that Yu Qingzi would change his mind, Yunlou grabbed the corpse of the three-headed dog cub from Hell, threw it directly into his storage bracelet, and then gave a fist!

"Friend Yuqing, I will go back to the mountain gate to prepare the flying sword, waiting for me!"

When the old Taoist finished speaking, he immediately took a few of his children and ran away as if being chased by a dog!

"Master, Master, really let them... take it away like this?"

Fang's face hurts!

"Hey, don't worry, this is all petty profits! Our Pure Spirit Sect will be fully developed!"

Yu Qingzi smiled very happily!

At this moment!

"Uncle Master! Uncle Master!"

Another young disciple suddenly ran into the meeting room!

"what happened?"

"Uncle Master! The head is out!"


Without a word, Yu Qingzi ran straight to the backyard!

And at this moment, under the Yongshan Mountain!

Leaving the cloud tower of the Jing Lingzong, the task is being arranged!

"Quick! Check it out right away to see where Yu Qingzi has been during this period of time and who he has contacted!"

Yunlou spoke directly to a disciple!

"Master, what are you doing to check this?"

"Fool! It is impossible for Yuqingzi to produce so many good things at once! It must be an adventure!"

"Besides, he actually exchanged such precious things for flying swords, which proves that these things are definitely a lot!"

"As long as we find the person behind him, we will send it out at Qingyunmen when the time comes!"

Yunlou looked greedy!


"What the master said!"

"One of our outer disciples happened to belong to the traffic control department. I will let him investigate now!"

A group of people are extremely excited!



Just as Song Yue finished the phone call, waiting for Jiang Fan to be unlucky at the same time, in another private courtyard far away from her!

Zhou Yandao is frowning and looking at Zhou Jing!

"Are you going to Los Angeles?"

"of course!"

Zhou Jing's expression of indifferent answer!

"I am your father! What is your attitude!"

Zhou Yandao shouted angrily!

At this moment, he is completely different from the man in front of Zhou Yuande who only knows the promise!

"Father? Just a trash like you, is worthy of being my father?"

Zhou Jing sneered!

Zhou Yandao's first wife was the result of a family marriage, but died because of a dystocia when he gave birth to Zhou Ning!

And his second wife is the one he really likes!

However, when that woman gave birth to Zhou Jing, she also died of dystocia!

Zhou Yandao hated Zhou Jing for this and never regarded him as his own son!

On the contrary, he cared for Zhou Ning!

Fortunately, Zhou Jing showed a talent for martial arts since he was a child, and was brought up by the ancestors of the Zhou family!

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Jing has never been polite to this father!

Even if Zhou Yandao was the person that the ancestors of the Zhou family once admired most, he was the most suitable family heir in the hearts of the ancestors of the Zhou family!

"I'm a trash? If it wasn't for Zhou Yuande's--"

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