The first thousand two hundred and seventy-four chapters, I, Su Ba, will accompany you to the end!

However, just when everyone thought that Su Ba was bound to die!

Next moment!

Su Ba suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes burst with blazing electric lights!


Su Ba suddenly soared with a terrifying violent fighting spirit, his black hair was flying in the violent wind, and his clothes were hunting!

At the same time, a cold drink came from Su Ba’s mouth, resounding through the audience!

“Top single attack? Oh, do you match it too?! Blow your eyes and let you see what a real top single attack is!”


An aura that dominates the audience rushed straight into the sky, and the blazing golden thunder power of the Ling Xiao god thunder stick in his hand blasted out, spurring the airflow around into a thunderstorm!


With the explosion of thunder in the void, Su Ba’s figure is like an ancient savage beast, and he rushes straight towards Yang Fan. The terrible ice blue Sword Ray shot from here!

At the moment of action!


Between the heaven and the earth, there seemed to be some kind of crisp and abnormal sound that stimulated the deep resonance of the human soul. A terrifying dragon might from the wild rushed out of Su Ba’s body, spreading like a tide!

And behind Su Ba’s void, a huge azure dragon that surpassed the mountains tore through the void, cruising out of the void!

majesty! noble! Full of ancient barbaric air!


The void seemed to begin to tremble, as if in awe of the appearance of this blue dragon!

Everyone’s eyes widened too!

Damn. Groove!

If Yang Fan launched a move before that caused the void to tear apart and a huge black dragon claw appeared, it was shocking!

So now!

This damn thing, behind Su Ba, it seemed like a living dragon appeared, and it seemed that it was the Azure Dragon, a god beast in the ancient period, and it directly shocked countless people!

Immediately under the horrified gaze of countless people, Su Ba’s whole body seemed to be entangled with mysterious cyan lines.

Starting from the forehead, mysterious cyan lines appeared, followed by the face, neck, chest, arms, wherever visible to the naked eye, mysterious and primitive cyan lines appeared.

There are not many cyan lines on the face, only a few, but these cyan lines seem to be alive, and the cyan light flickers slightly, there is a kind of strange and cold heroic weapon that cannot be seen!

In the center of Su Ba’s eyebrows, there is an indigo dragon-shaped rune that resembles Azure Dragon scales. The rune is bright and full of mystery, deep and dazzling!

“Damn it, cool and dazzling!”

Someone can’t help but exclaim!

But soon, his exclamation was drowned in a bright golden light!


The blazing gold Ling Xiao’s lightning burst on the god thunder stick, and the dazzling golden light of the thunder is radiant, comparable to the blazing sun in the sky!

A stream of suffocating terrifying energy spread out from inside!




Unmatched energy soars wildly!

Ten times… Twenty times… Thirty times… Fifty times… Eighty times…


A hundred times! !

Azure Dragon god body carries the power of Azure Dragon!


The Divine Armament power of Ling Xiao’s god thunder stick!

Combined with a hundred times the power of Hunyuan Hakata’s energy increase!

Under the combination of the three, Su Ba’s whole body is unparalleled at this moment, just like a demon god who destroys the world and descends on the scene!

Under Yang Fan’s horrified gaze!

Su Ba’s face was majestic and indifferent, Ling Xiao, the god thunder stick blasted down!

“The fifth style of the big sage stick method-Jiuyou is removed!”


The golden light of thunder is like the dazzling brilliance under the flourishing age, carrying an unspeakable aura of destruction and destruction, tearing everything and destroying all obstacles!

The horrible ice blue Sword Ray in front of everyone, at the moment it touched the golden stick, it burst like a fragile piece of paper, bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Ling Xiao’s god thunder stick is like a terrible thunder dragon riding the wind and waves, tearing everything in front of you, riding the wind and waves, and invincible!


Less than a breathing time, all the ice blue Sword Ray shattered!

Dissipated into pure vitality.


Between heaven and earth!

It is completely covered by a dazzling golden light, and the dazzling contains the ultimate murderous intent, which is shocking!

Next moment!

All the golden lights converged, and the sky returned to its original color.

Everyone looked up subconsciously, and their minds jumped inexplicably!

See you!

Above the sky!

With indigo veins lingering all over, the majestic and enchanting Su Ba stepped on the void, holding the Ling Xiao god thunder stick, the terrifying stick head was already placed a foot above Yang Fan’s head!

The bursting thunder crackled!

Everyone who saw it was in fear!

As for Yang Fan under the head of the club, his face was completely pale at this time.

His expression still has a hint of shock and look of disbelief, and his eyes are a bit sluggish, it seems difficult to accept that his strongest single attack is so fragile.

Su Ba lifted his head slightly, his eyes were condescending, and he looked at Yang Fan lightly.

“I said, my Face, you can’t afford it! Now, do you understand?”

The bitter and murderous intent above his head made Yang Fan regain his senses.

He lowered his head deeply, not daring to look at Su Ba’s incomparably cold and arrogant eyes. Listening to Su Ba’s contemptuous words, Yang Fan showed humiliation, but still said in a low voice.

“Old man…understood.”

“Unexpectedly, when he was young, the old man was considered a genius, and he was promoted to Cultivation Base all the way, and the wind went smoothly, and now he has been in the West Crane Region for tens of thousands of years…”

“Oh, people who are about to die, there are so many nonsense!” Su Ba sneered.

Yang Fan’s expression was stagnant.


Just when Yang Fan felt that he was bound to die!


The murderous intent above disappeared!

But Su Ba took back the Ling Xiao god thunder stick, stood in the void, and stood with his hands behind.

Um? !

Yang Fan was taken aback, looked at Su Ba in disbelief, and stammered slightly, “You…you won’t kill me?”

Su Ba’s expression was indifferent, “You just want to die like that, don’t you? I can fulfill you!”


Yang Fan’s face flushed with naked eyes, and he smiled dryly, “Of course…Of course I don’t want to die! Master Su Ba has a lot of it, and the sea water is really incomparable…”

“To shut up!”

Yang Fan was interrupted by Su Ba before he could finish his compliment!

“Take out all the storage rings on your body, if you don’t want to die!”

Seeing Su Ba’s indifferent face, Yang Fan’s eyelids twitched. Although he refused, he was unwilling to take out his possessions for the sake of his own life.

“Young Master Su Ba, old man…you can go now!”

Yang Fan said dullly.

Today is destined to be his day of shame!

Aggressively came over to arrest Su Ba, and later he failed to make a humble petition, was beaten violently, and was also robbed of all the storage rings. His old face had been rubbed back and forth on the ground countless times.

“Yes! But I want you to go back and bring a message!”

Su Ba said indifferently.

Yang Fan’s heart is tight!

Immediately, although Su Ba looked at Yang Fan, the clear and indifferent voice continued to echo in the sky in all directions!

“Listen! Go back and bring a message to everyone in Ling Bingzong. I, Su Ba, swear with Martial Dao’s heart, that within a month, I will definitely visit Ling Bingzong!

Give you one month to consider!

Yang Dili’s death was his own death!

At that time, the day I personally visit is when you Ling Bingzong give me an explanation!

If you want to fight!

I, Su Bafeng, stay with me to the end! ! ”


There was an uproar at the scene!

this moment!

Countless people opened their mouths in shock, with shocking expressions on their faces!

Even the young master of the Thousand New School in the box of the Colosseum stood up from his seat in shock!

Damn. Groove!

What does Su Ba mean? !

Let Yang Fan speak to everyone in Ling Bingzong, must he visit Ling Bingzong in person within a month? !

Moreover, no matter what choice Ling Bingzong has at that time, Su Ba will accompany him to the end!

This f*ck!

When Ling Bingzong really chooses to have Su Ba’s life, it means that Su Ba will face everyone in Ling Bingzong with his own strength!

Pick a Sect?

Or is it a superpower in the West Crane Region like Ling Bingzong? !

Although Su Ba demonstrated terrifying strength in this battle, he was able to kill the number one Elder Yang Fan of the Ling Bingzong, but wanting to single out a large group by himself is really a fantasy!

Not to mention that everyone else is stunned now.

Yang Fan listened, completely dumbfounded!

He couldn’t believe that Su Ba would say such a thing.

Fighting Ling Bingzong alone is just looking for death!

However, no one thinks that Su Ba said this, just casually, after all, in front of so many people, swear with the heart of Martial Dao!

For any practitioner, the oath of the heart of Martial Dao is the most Sacred and cannot be violated, especially for strong people like Su Ba. Once they swear an oath, they must not regret it!


In the face of possible future breaks and landslides on the Martial Dao road, no strong man is willing to bear such serious consequences!

“Lunatic! This Su Ba is a lunatic!”

The big beard next to Laurie was inhaling.

Laurieshi smiled bitterly, he didn’t know what to say.

After all, normal people would not say that.


Facing countless people’s shocked, horrified, or incredible gazes, Su Ba’s expression was indifferent. He glanced at Yang Fan and said coldly.

“Okay, you can get out of here!”


are you crazy? !

Su Ba’s heart is calm!

He knows what he is doing.

The reason why he didn’t kill Yang Fan and let him go back to communicate was because Su Ba didn’t like being chased down!

He is very short on time. If a big force like Ling Bingzong sends a steady stream of people to chase him down, don’t be too annoying!

Even if Su Ba can easily eliminate the people who are chasing over, it will continue continuously, which will greatly affect the progress of his upgrade, and there is also the risk of exposing the system, even if it is a trace, it is not what Su Ba wants to see!


If you want to get it right once and for all, the best way is to rush directly to Ling Bingzong and let them be completely honest!

Of course, with his current strength, Su Ba still knows himself.

The deadline within one month is therefore born!

The cumulative limit of his strengthening points is nearly 1,000 trillion!

Su Ba is confident!

Within one month, 1000 trillion will be accumulated, and then all Ascension strength!

At that time!

More than enough to kill Ling Bingzong!

What about the West Crane Region Bulk Sect? !

I, Su Ba, want everyone to bow their heads under my stick! !

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