God of Defiance

Chapter 1654 Sorry, not interested

"Chu Tian..."

The two rushed into the valley and almost cried out after seeing this unexpected scene.


Chu Tian's luck was very bad. Not only did he fail to catch the previous holy insect, but he was surrounded by three masters and fell into danger!

Three masters, one Saint Venerable, two Great Saints, with a strong aura and almost the same clothes, obviously from the same force!

The three people's aura was like three invisible mountains, standing beside Chu Tian, ​​intertwining with each other, completely surrounding him, unable to escape.

"It seems that you two came in with this kid?"

Just when Wang Tiannu and Xu Shuang were slightly stunned, the Saint Venerable among the three suddenly turned his head and asked coldly.

He was quite old, with gray hair, sparse and sparse. Although his face was somewhat handsome, he was covered with wrinkles and his skin was loose, giving people a sense of heroism.

His name is Zheng Zegang, from Tianwu Sect. Like Dongming Island where Li Hyun-soo is, his comprehensive strength is enough to rank in the top three in the entire East Region!

The other two great saints were his fellow disciples, Qi Yue and Cui Hanshuang.

Not long after the three of them entered the valley, Chu Tian and the holy insect suddenly appeared!

The holy insect was incredibly fast and instantly drilled into the gray light in the center of the valley, but Chu Tian was surrounded by the three people on the spot.

After hearing Zheng Zegang's question, Xu Shuang and Wang Tiannu were stunned and didn't know how to answer for a while.


After casually scanning the two people, Zheng Zegang sneered and looked at Chu Tian again.

"If I remember correctly, your name should be Chu Tian, ​​and you seem to be from the Five-Colored Koi Clan of Tailing Mountains!"

"Before, when you were outside, you had a conflict with Li Hyun-soo. Someone protected you at that time, and you survived successfully. Now give me a reason not to kill you!"

After a breath, Zheng Zegang stared at Chu Tian, ​​his murderous intent in his eyes slightly subsided, and spoke in a cold voice.

At this moment, of course he could decisively take action and kill Chu Tian!

But the scene that happened outside before secretly reminded him that the person in front of him obviously had some background.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Gu Xuantong and Wei Hongji to go against Li Xuanzhu and publicly defend him!

"There is no grudge between us. We are strangers and cannot be considered enemies! You don't have to kill me at all. On the contrary, we can cooperate with each other!"

"Of course, if you really want to kill me, I'm not afraid, because I'm afraid you three can't kill me alone!"

Chu Tian stood with his hands behind his back, staring at Zheng Zegang fearlessly, and spoke lightly.

After saying that, he didn't care about the reaction of the three people, and jumped directly, instantly got rid of the pressure control of the three people, and accelerated towards the gray light in the middle area of ​​the valley not far away.

After seeing this scene, Zheng Zegang and the other two immediately showed a trace of shock on their faces.

Obviously, the three of them were a little unexpected!

Chu Tian, ​​a mere little saint, got rid of their pressure control so easily!

"This kid is not simple. Don't act rashly. Listen to my instructions first!"

After Zheng Zegang gave a voice message, he waved his hand and rushed towards the gray light in the middle of the valley with his two junior brothers.

After seeing this, Wang Tiannu and Xu Shuang looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

Chu Tian was very fast and took the lead. He rushed to the vicinity of the gray light. As a result, he found that it was a thick gray light cover covering a small medicinal field!

The medicinal field was not big. It looked like only half an acre at most.

In the medicinal field, there were more than a dozen spiritual medicines of various colors, swaying gently with the breeze.

Chu Tian quickly turned his head and scanned the spiritual medicines one by one. His face suddenly changed.

These dozen spiritual medicines, the youngest one is also two thousand years old, and the ones with similar ages are basically three thousand years old!

And the one in the middle with the highest age, Chu Tian estimated that it was at least more than four thousand years old, and it might even be close to five thousand years old!

At this moment, Chu Tian's eyes were fixed on the spiritual medicines in the medicine field, and an unprecedented fiery color burst out in his eyes.

He could ignore ordinary thousand-year-old spiritual medicines.

But he could not ignore spiritual medicines over two thousand years old.

Especially the spiritual medicine over four thousand years old in the middle of the medicine field, which attracted his eyes tightly and could not be easily moved away.

Although the value of all the spiritual medicines in this medicine field is still not as good as the holy insect he chased before, it is not much different!

"Hiss... Five thousand years old fog spirit grass!"

At this moment, a cry suddenly came from behind.

Chu Tian heard the sound and turned his head hurriedly.

As a result, he found that Saint Zheng Zegang rushed to the gray light shield, his eyes shining, staring at the spiritual medicine in the middle of the medicine field shrouded in a faint colorful mist.


In the next breath, Zheng Zegang roared, clenched his palm into a fist, exerted enough strength, and punched hard on the gray light shield!


In an instant, a loud bang exploded!

The gray light shield covering the small medicinal field trembled slightly, and after a few flashes of light, it quickly returned to its original state, without even a trace of cracks on the surface.

"I don't believe it!"

Zheng Zegang snorted coldly when he saw this, clenched his fists, and attacked again.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, dense fist shadows like raindrops hit the gray light shield one after another, and a shocking loud noise was heard immediately.

After seeing this scene, Chu Tian smiled slightly, took a few steps back, folded his arms, and watched the situation.

Only two or three breaths later, Zheng Zegang's two fellow disciples also joined the ranks of blasting the gray light shield!

The three of them attacked together, and their power was obviously much stronger. They directly smashed the gray light shield, which continued to tremble violently, but still did not leave any cracks.

At this time, Wang Tiannu and Xu Shuang hurried over, with anxious faces, reminding Chu Tian to be careful of being beaten to the punch!


Chu Tian grinned after hearing this.

This small medicinal field has been protected by the gray light shield for at least thousands of years!

As a result, it has not been broken by anyone until now, which shows that its strong protection is definitely far beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

It is not so easy for the three to break through the gray light shield!

Seeing that swinging their fists did not have any obvious effect, Zheng Zegang and the other two immediately took out their weapons, displayed various powerful martial arts, and continued to attack frantically.

As a result, the three of them struggled for a full quarter of an hour, sweating and panting, but still failed to leave even a trace on the gray light shield.


Suddenly, bursts of mocking and hissing came from the gray light shield.

I saw a three-colored insect about the length of a palm, slowly climbed onto the five thousand year old mist spirit grass in the middle of the medicinal field, propped up its body, and nodded and laughed at Zheng Zegang and the other two outside the light shield.

"How is it possible? This is... a three-colored arrow worm of the Saint level!"

The moment he saw the three-colored insect, Zheng Zegang's face suddenly changed and he exclaimed.

After a breath, he turned his head suddenly, his eyes were cold, and he looked at Chu Tian, ​​and shouted in an imperative tone: "Boy, the three of you quickly join us! If you can break through this layer of gray light shield, I can consider sparing your lives!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested!"

As soon as Zheng Zegang finished speaking, Chu Tian immediately spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders, and replied with a bored look on his face.

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