God of Green

Chapter 25

Seeing a figure wearing the main team jersey rushing past him, Poulsen's face changed drastically. Before he could see who this person was, he stepped forward, trying to compete with the opponent and stop the opponent from heading the ball.

But it was too late.

When Jiang Xiaolin shook off the defender and rushed to the front point from the middle, Martens also kicked the ball and kicked it out.

The ball was not kicked high, and it flew straight to the front point.

Jiang Xiaolin, who rushed to Poulsen, didn't even need to jump. He headed the ball directly and headed it to the front goal.

The header attribute, which has been added to the full value of 20 points, made the ball Jiang Xiaolin headed out with enough power, fast speed and sharp angle.

Although Romero, who was standing in the middle of the goal, became alert when he saw Jiang Xiaolin rushing to the front point, he began to move slightly to the front.

But there were still several players from the main team in the middle, including two central defenders. He was not sure that the corner kick taken by Martens would definitely be given to the front point and Jiang Xiaolin.

Therefore, the movement was not very resolute.

As a result, the ball was given to the front point and Jiang Xiaolin, and it was too late when he saw this clearly.

When Xiaolin finished his header, Romero was still two or three meters away from the near post. And the ball flew into the goal by brushing the post, and Romero was completely out of reach.

He could only subconsciously reach out to grab it, but he didn't catch anything, and watched the ball fly into the goal. (Refer to Shevchenko's header in front of Ibrahimovic in the European Cup)

Seeing the ball enter the net, Jiang Xiaolin immediately turned around and opened his arms to rush towards Martens standing on the wing.

Rushing to Martens, Jiang Xiaolin hugged him tightly, loudly venting his excitement: "Thank you, Martens!"

Martens also hugged Jiang Xiaolin, patted him on the back, and said: "Congratulations, Jiang, this ball is great!"

Jiang Xiaolin hugged Martens and celebrated for a long time before letting him go.

It was really exciting.

For a striker, scoring a goal is the greatest justice!

What passing, stopping, dribbling, and poor cooperation are not important in front of a goal.

Isn't the ultimate goal of a football game to score a goal and win?

With this goal, Jiang Xiaolin is basically sure that Van Gaal will not refuse to sign him.

After all, it was an internal training match. Others did not rush up to celebrate with Jiang Xiaolin, but they all applauded and congratulated Jiang Xiaolin.

Even Romero, after shaking his head in frustration, picked up the football in the goal and kicked it to the midfield, also gave Jiang Xiaolin a thumbs up to express his appreciation.

Romero deserved to lose the ball.

Not to mention him, even top goalkeepers like Buffon, Cech, and Casillas could only sigh in despair, unless they guessed the intentions of Jiang Xiaolin and Martens and moved to the front of the goal in advance to defend.

Coaches such as Van Gaal on the sidelines were somewhat delighted with Jiang Xiaolin's goal.

Jiang Xiaolin had not demonstrated his header ability in the previous two days of training.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaolin was not only good at shooting, but also good at headers.

Moreover, this ball not only demonstrated Jiang Xiaolin's headers, but also his ability to run without the ball.

It was because he first stood in the middle to confuse the opponent, and then suddenly started before Martens kicked, inserted to the front point, and headed the ball before Poulsen, that this goal was scored.

There are many things in this goal, and Van Gaal and his coaching staff are very satisfied.

Signing Jiang Xiaolin is already a no-brainer. It just depends on what Jiang Xiaolin can show and what kind of contract he can get.

Next, the substitute team strengthened the defense against Jiang Xiaolin.

But Jiang Xiaolin's full-value off-ball running ability is not just good-looking in numbers.

Although the opponents are all Eredivisie players, they are not really impeccable.

Not to mention Alkmaar's substitute team, even the Italian national team's defense line can't completely stop Jiang Xiaolin.

In the 46th minute, it was originally a counterattack by the substitute team.

As a result, the counterattack was intercepted by Schals before it passed the center line. This switch from offense to defense made many people on the substitute team unable to react.

But Jiang Xiaolin reacted.

The moment he saw Schals kick the ball, Jiang Xiaolin turned around and rushed towards the substitute team's goal.

After intercepting the ball, Schalls did not delay. At the moment when Jiang Xiaolin turned and sprinted and was about to be offside, he immediately passed the ball diagonally to the front of Jiang Xiaolin, and gave Jiang Xiaolin a lot of lead time to rush.

Jiang Xiaolin did not disappoint him.

The substitute defender who turned back in shock after Jiang Xiaolin successfully countered the offside, no one caught up with him.

And Rome, who left the goal and attackedAfter Romero ran to the penalty area, he found that he could not touch the ball before Jiang Xiaolin, so he had to stop and squatted in a defensive posture in the penalty area.

Through previous training, Romero knew that Jiang Xiaolin was not good at passing, so he just had to block Jiang Xiaolin's shot.

Sure enough, after receiving the pass from Schals, Jiang Xiaolin did not stop well and was a little crooked.

Jiang Xiaolin had to adjust his pace and direction and run two steps again before catching up with the football that he had stopped crooked at the front of the penalty area.

At this time, one of the substitute defenders who was chasing him hard behind him had caught up, leaving Jiang Xiaolin no time to pass the goalkeeper.

Jiang Xiaolin did not plan to pass Romero. In the process of chasing the ball, he had already observed Romero's position, and then he caught up with the ball and shot it to the far lower corner of the goal.

Jiang Xiaolin thought that this shot would be 80% likely to score.

Unexpectedly, Romero had already seen that he could not pass him and could only shoot. He had already focused on observing Jiang Xiaolin's run-up route and the part that touched the ball.

In the moment before Jiang Xiaolin touched the ball, Romero predicted that Jiang Xiaolin would shoot at the far bottom corner, so he immediately moved a step to the far end and then pounced.

At this time, Jiang Xiaolin, who had already kicked, had no time to change the shooting route and angle.

So, Jiang Xiaolin's high-quality shot that went straight to the dead corner was actually pounced by Romero who fell to the ground and pushed the ball out of the baseline.

After completing the shot, Jiang Xiaolin, who was looking forward to scoring, opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at the ball rolling out of the baseline. Then he retracted his gaze and looked at Romero who got up from the ground.

Romero smiled at Jiang Xiaolin and said, "You've scored one goal, that's enough, don't even think about scoring another one."

Jiang Xiaolin raised his eyebrows and said, "It's still early, just wait!"

Romero also said, "Just come on!"

The next corner kick was not headed by the main team, and Romero made a timely attack and directly took it into his arms.

Romero, the goalkeeper of the Argentine Olympic team, was obviously stimulated by Jiang Xiaolin to a better game state, and his performance was better than in the first half.

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