God of Life

Chapter 1: When people are poor, they breathe wrongly

   The world is a bitch, showing beauty only to rich people.


  The fire broke out in July, and the city was like a steamer.

  Wang Yan was shirtless, lying in a wicker chair in the shade of his small courtyard, and was so hot that he sticked his tongue out.

   still has a pain in his stomach. He vomited twice yesterday. The sequelae have continued to the present. He is a little hungry, but he can't eat anything.

   The cell phone beside him suddenly rang, and Wang Yan was powerlessly connected.


   "Wang'er! He Meng's college banquet is scheduled to be on the 2nd, are you sure to go?"

   Wang Yonglei's male duck voice came from the loudspeaker. The excitement sounded like it was going to be high-climate.

  Wang Yan can understand Wang Yonglei's excitement.

  He Meng is one of the most beautiful flowers among the graduates of the experimental high school this year. With thin waist and long legs and beautiful skin, she is the goddess in the hearts of many boys.

Yesterday, He Meng wore a pair of hot pants and a loose long T-shirt all the way to the base of the thigh. Although the waist and hip curves were covered, the two long, polished legs were full of fire. How many boys look straight.

   When Wang Yan thought of He Meng's dress and that charming face, there was a certain emotion in his heart.

  However, the answer is two words that are diametrically opposed to emotions.

   "Don't go!"

   "Ah?" Wang Yonglei was a little ignorant, "Really? Really? What a beautiful woman! What do you think?"

   "It's not all along, why do you go?"

"Gee ...... Wang son, is not it yesterday on the subject of further studies feast Liu Weilong stimulated? I did not say that you should not be so stingy ah? How trivial ......"

  How big is it? !

   It's not you who was wronged. It's not distressing to beat other children, right?

   Yesterday, Liu Weilong's college dinner, Wang Yan didn't want to go.

   Although they are classmates, they have their own circles in the class. There was basically no intersection in the past.

  Liu Weilong and He Meng were all children of rich people. Wang Yan was a poor peasant in middle school, and he was a character who never knelt and licked.

   But when invited by others, Wang Yonglei was still struggling. Wang Yan chose to participate in the idea of ​​classmates, gathering once and less.

   The result was not good at all.

  Wang Yan’s red envelopes were given according to the standard of ordinary families. 200 yuan is really not much, but the other party only needs 200 yuan in return, which is a gift exchange.

  Normal considerations, but was run through by several snobbish eyes, and he just talked twice.

   Until now, thinking of those ridicules, Wang Yan was still very angry.

   "Dalong arranged a five-star hotel, not counting drinks, a table would cost more than two thousand dollars, with 200 gifts? You are really interesting!"

   "That's right, mixed food and drink?"

   "Let me say, Dalong is not bad for your 200 dollars, come and come, bore one! The money is not in place, congratulations must have the sincerity?"

   The young man had a good face. At that time, he wasn't able to stand up, but Wang Yan was not stupid. When he came back, he vowed: In the future, this family of guys will not go to the family dinner!


   Admitted to a good university to show off, girlfriend to show off to show off, now the activists have to be trampled on their feet? !

  Do you have enough food? !

Especially when Liu Weilong pretended to be "in fact, your volunteers are very wise to fill, although the Star City teacher is two, but the proportion of girls is high, any kind of boys can find a girlfriend, don't worry about being single", Wang Yan really wanted to give Ya Yi hand.

  Aren’t you just having a little money at home?

  If I had so much money, why did I catch He Meng in hand!

   Silly beep that you can't spend with money!

   Yesterday's experience was so unpleasant, Wang Yan would definitely not be uncomfortable at He Meng's college dinner.

   is not afraid, just don't want to deal with that group of superior dogs anymore.

  As for He Meng, just think of it as a high school dream...

   thought of finally ending his three-year crush, Wang Yan felt a little sad, but he understood that it was a necessity.

  Too lazy to talk to Wang Yonglei again, and directly cut off the other person's persuasion: "Stop! You treat me, I'm sure to go, He Meng, even if they don't, Gao Pan. Bye!"

   Hang up the phone, Wang Yan threw the phone aside, sneered and shook his head.

   I really don't have a B count.

   What are you doing?

  Looked like a clown by those guys who had a sense of superiority, only to say a few words to He Meng for licking his face, and then took her fragrance to go home to get mad !

Gujiao is a mining city filled with upstarts. Commercial centers with scars and scarred urban villages are intertwined. You and my family are the epitome of tens of millions of urban farmers. Low shantytown!

  In such a money society full of impetuous breath, the gap between you and He Meng, [classmate relationship] is not filled!

  When people are poor, they breathe wrongly.

  You don't understand, but I understand.

   Wang Yan seemed to have a flame in his chest, feeling angry and upset.

   At this moment, a clear sound suddenly sounded in my mind.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for being selected by the Shenhao System of the Life Department】

   [As the master of Shenhao system, your breath is power]

   [Current System Level: Level 1]

   [Each breath, you will get a 5 cent cash reward]

  【Upgrade experience: 0/10000】

  【Note 1: Invest, give, and consume 1 yuan, you can get 1 experience. Lending, repayment, transfer, etc. will not generate experience]

   [Note 2: The system transfers money from seconds to seconds, unlimited times, unlimited accounts, absolutely safe]

  【More functions will be available after system upgrade】

  Shenhao system? !

  Wang Yan was dull for a while, repeatedly confirming that it was not an illusion, and his face slowly turned red.

   Feng Shui turns, come to my house this year!

  Brother finally wants to be the most beautiful cub in the village and reach the peak of life?

  Having been excited for a long time, Wang Yan gradually accepted the luck of falling from the sky and turned his attention back to the system itself.

  Department of life?

   Breath is power?

  Wang Yan's heart moved, staring at the panel, gasping for breath.

   "Huh, Huh, Huh!"

   stuck out his tongue and gasped like a dog. Sure enough, the number of money in the system panel began to skyrocket.


   An average of 1 dime per second.

  Efforts to make 10 yuan, Wang Yan rolled his eyes, slap on the wicker chair, lying dead half dead.

  麻蛋yo, this is just to make a joke about making a small life and earn the first 10,000 in life, just put the funeral on it!

   Rested almost, Wang Yan changed his mind and prepared to test, under normal conditions, the number of breaths per minute.

   Breathe out and count silently.

   As a result, suddenly, there will be no gasping, either fast or slow, and after a while, his face flushed again.

  Wang Yan couldn't cry or laugh.

   Once hooked with money, is breathing a difficult skill?

   "Be natural, relax, relax!"

  Wang Yan murmured to cheer himself up and started to try again.

  Try to be free of mind, don't focus on breathing, after a few minutes, finally get a rough figure.

   about 20 breaths a minute, that is to say, 1 yuan per minute is credited.

   The numbers don't seem to be high, but Wang Yan simply counted, and he was shocked.

   About 1440 yuan a day!

   "YES! YES! YES!"

  Wang Yan jumped up, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com's yard was tumbling around, and he kept boxing and hitting the air, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

   Finally rushed to the kitchen, scooped up a pot of water, poured from the head to the feet, cool through the heart.


  Simply wipe the body, and Wang Yan lay down again, slowly recovering his ability to think, and began to ponder.

   The system can be upgraded, and the function should be more and more powerful.

  10000/1440=6.94, you can save enough upgrade experience in 7 days.

   is not slow.

   And the mechanism of the system is very clear-it doesn't matter where the money comes from, the important thing is how to spend it.

   Don't spend it, and have no experience at all.

  Do you want me to make a big wave ratio that costs money like water?

I like!

  On June 8th, Wang Yan just stepped out of the college entrance examination and ended his three-year hard struggle.

  On June 10th, Wang Yan received the largest sum of money in his life, 5000 yuan, 2200 to apply for the driving school summer class, 2800 to be used as a banquet for classmates, and it is still 1983.

   One day ago, he was ridiculed because he had only 200 red envelopes, and he got drunk.

   Ten minutes ago, the most expensive luxury item on the dream list was an iPhone.

   Now, there is a whisper-free high-cold system telling him: your breath is power.

   What kind of feeling is that?

  Life is like a box of multi-flavored chocolates. If you don’t eat your mouth, you never know which one is milky and which one is shit.

   Wang Yan was quite certain: since then, in my life, it will always be milky!

   What kind of milk?

  Trensu, Shuangtuo Mountain, White, Jufeng Grape, Acacia Red Bean...

   Change the brand every day, drink two, and spit!

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