God of Wine

Chapter 432 Unique to First Wood, Burning Life

Ji Dong's guess was right. Dior and his team of ten members are the elite of a famous high magician academy in the Beishui Empire. Their status in the academy is like that of the students of the Yin Yang School of Tiangan Academy. Just as the college was on winter vacation, a group of ten of them decided to explore the Sanhe Mountains.

There is no doubt that they are extremely outstanding in the academy, and everyone is a genius among the magicians of their department. The long-term genius evaluation coupled with their own really good strength, it is inevitable that their hearts will swell. They have also seen many earth dragons, most of which are fourth- and fifth-order existences, but any earth dragon will never be a match for the ten of them.

So, they made a plan. This time when they came to the Sanhe Mountains, everyone had to tame an earth dragon to temporarily serve as a mount. Wait until the cultivation level is raised to six crowns in the future, and then go to find a real dragon to make a contract with. Their positioning for themselves is indeed not too high, the goal is only the earth dragons outside the Sanhe Mountains, and it can be regarded as an exploration for the future Daolong Valley exploration. As soon as the college was on vacation, these young people couldn't bear their temper. Under the leadership of Dior, they practiced together for ten days especially for the Sanhe Mountains, and then came to the Sanhe Mountains with great ambitions. According to their own ideas. Everyone must at least find a sixth-order earth dragon as their mount.

In fact, if ten of them teamed up, it would not be too difficult to deal with a sixth-order monster. After all, they had all ten attributes.

However, they never expected that after entering the Sanhe Mountains, they would encounter an irresistible danger in such a short period of time.

That's right, their judgment was correct, even the sixth-order earth dragon couldn't beat ten of them together. However, this is the Sanhe Mountains, and the plateau climate and cold weather will affect their condition. What's more, who stipulated that the earth dragons just came up to attack them one by one? When he encountered the seven-headed earth dragon led by the Iron Armored Dragon King, Dio already realized that something was wrong.

Dio understood that it is impossible for ten people on his side to deal with the seven monsters in front of him. Just one armored dragon king is a big problem. What's more, there are two ground fire dragons that are good at long-range attacks and four extremely fast velociraptors. If one is not good, everyone will be wiped out here.

At this time, Dior had already made up his mind, the partners were brought by himself, no matter what, he had to protect them to evacuate safely. That's why he released the first wood to second wood magic skill of the special skill level just now, which temporarily resisted the attack of the seven-headed earth dragon.

"Hurry up, I have a way to escape." Dio couldn't help feeling anxious when he saw that his companions hadn't moved.

The girl from the Yimu department said resolutely: "Dior. If you don't leave, I won't leave either. I will break up with you. Let them retreat first."

Dio looked at the Otoki girl, without concealing his deep affection, subconsciously held the girl's hand, and pressed his lips tightly. A friend in adversity sees the truth, at this moment, the fear in his heart has completely disappeared, and the exhausted magic power seems to have recovered a little bit.

"Boss, we won't leave either. We are not cowards. Even if we die, we will die together." Dio's partners were loyal enough and quickly gathered around Dio. Everyone gathered their magic power and resolutely The look made them look a little bit more murderous. At this moment, they seemed to have grown up a lot.

The first to strike was still the two water magicians from before. Apart from Dior, among these ten people, they are the two strongest.

This time, there were four condensed ice cones, also black and purple in color. But the magic power is stronger than when dealing with the three armored dragons before. After the four ice cones were condensed, their expressions became similar to those of Dior, obviously trying their best.

Dio didn't say anything more, he deeply understood that indecision would definitely not prevent the entire army from being annihilated. There is only one fight.

"Shoot the right legs of the four velociraptors." Dio shouted.

Four ice cones shot out immediately, even bringing up four faint frost mist in the air. The Velociraptor is only a fourth-order monster, and it is also good at physical attacks. Their two front claws are relatively slender, but they have sharp claws. Coupled with their big mouths that are good at biting, their attack power is not bad. However, the strength they rely on most is speed.

A Velociraptor without speed is no different from a pheasant. This is what a powerful magician in history said. Dior's dispatch to his partners made Ji Dong nod slowly. Just as Dior commanded, these four velociraptors are actually the biggest threat to them.

Although the armored dragon king is strong, his speed is not fast. His huge body destined him to turn around slowly. But velociraptors are extremely fast. When they face a strong enemy, they can often escape calmly. Under the laws of survival of nature, this is their ability to survive.

Therefore, if these four velociraptors who are not very powerful are entangled, then the ten people in Dior are really in danger. It would be easier to deal with the Iron Armored Dragon King and the two Fire Dragons only after the four Velociraptors were dealt with first.

The lock of the four-crown magician is definitely not something that the fourth-order monsters can dodge. Four ice picks accurately passed through the gaps in the vines, piercing the right legs of the four velociraptors respectively.

If it is to kill the four velociraptors, they may react in advance and run away because of the murderous aura, but if they only attack their right legs, there will be no murderous aura in the lock, even if it is this kind of speed. Dilong finally found his way.

Four clouds of blood mist swayed in the air. The four velociraptors fell to the ground with screams. Although it was not fatal, it was impossible to run fast. But at this moment, Dior's defensive vines shattered.

The flames of the fire dragons at both ends finally landed on the vines. The restraint of the flames on the vines, coupled with the powerful strength of the Iron-clad Dragon King, broke through the blockade at once. The huge body of the Iron Armored Dragon King hit Dio's direction. The injury of the four velociraptors has angered the boss.

At this time, Dior calmed down instead, "Give up the suppression of the five elements, and everyone disperses. Double fire, double earth, and double gold, you six went to clean up the two fire dragons. This big guy is handed over to me and Nair." Nair is the Otoki magician beside him. At this time, the magic power of the Shuangshui magician has been exhausted, and there is no hope for the time being.

While speaking, Dio turned around and ran away pulling Neil. Not running in the opposite direction, but running sideways. While running, he couldn't help throwing an angry look at Ji Dong. But even so, he didn't lead the Iron Armored Dragon King to Ji Dong's direction.

Yao Qianshu smiled and said: "These little guys can be regarded as pure and good-natured. Ji Dong, why don't we make a move?"

Ji shook his head, "Wait a little longer. The more crisis you face, the greater your potential will be stimulated."

Yao Qianshu said helplessly: "I'm already starting to worry about our trip to Dragon Valley. The greater the pressure, the greater the chance of collapse!"

It was Dior's careful calculation to assign six people to deal with the fire dragons at both ends. The two fire dragons are both Tier 5 monsters, so it's not a big problem to have four of his companions to deal with them. As long as he can hang the Iron Armored Dragon King all the time. After the two fire dragons are dealt with, and then concentrate everyone's strength, it is not impossible to win.

The actual situation on the battlefield developed according to Dio's judgment. Under the siege of his six partners, the fire dragons at both ends retreated steadily, with more and more scars on their bodies. Although it won't be fatal for a while, the threat has become smaller and smaller. And the two water magicians with four crowns are using the crystal nucleus to quickly recover their magic power.

Dior understands that what he and his partners need now is time. He has already decided that as long as he can overcome the difficulties in front of him, he will immediately lead his partners to exit the Sanhe Mountains. this place. It's really not where they should come at this stage. At least you have to wait until the Six Crowns have been cultivated before you come here to have the strength to save your life.

Dio's magic power has been consumed a lot, and there is no time to recover at this time. Although the speed of the Iron Dragon King is not as fast as the Velociraptor, it has a huge body, and it can advance a huge distance with every step. Chasing after Dio and Neil, they are dangerous.

Without the support of magic power, although Dio's physical condition is excellent, he feels more and more tired. If it wasn't for the fact that Nair, who was with him, could continuously release some magic skills and use the vines in the forest to block the Iron Dragon King, they might Has been caught up. But even so, the armored dragon king was getting closer and closer to them, and Dio could even feel the stench and hot breath of the armored dragon king blowing on his back continuously.

no more. There is no escape. Dio took a deep breath. At this moment, his heart became calmer, as if something broke inside him. A strong blue light suddenly rose from his body.

The next moment, he slammed and threw Naier beside him forward, while he accelerated a few steps, stomped on the trunk of a big tree not far in front, took advantage of the momentum to rebound, and went straight to the iron armor behind him. The Dragon King rushed forward.

With this pounce, Dior's eyes were full of determination, and he called in his heart, Neil, farewell. You must survive!

The dazzling cyan light rose from Dio's body like a flame. Even the menacing Iron-clad Dragon King couldn't help slowing down a bit after seeing this scene, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

Yao Qianshu in the distance couldn't help shouting, "The wood type is unique, and life burns."

Yes, wood magicians can control a huge breath of life. When their strength reaches a certain level, they can control their own vitality to merge with their own magic power, and burn their own life flame. In the process of burning, their own strength will increase exponentially. but. Once the flame of life is extinguished, so will their lives. This is the desperate trick of First Wood Mage and the enemy to die together!

Dior, who was burning with the flame of life, was like a cyan light ball, hitting the Iron Armored Dragon King's chest fiercely. At this moment, his speed and decisiveness made the Iron Armored Dragon King's reaction slow down. One shot.

The huge body of the Iron Armored Dragon King was sent flying backwards by his impact, flying more than ten meters before falling heavily on the ground. And Dior's body also fell from the sky.

Two rays of light, one black and one purple, fell on Dio almost at the same time. The two water magicians finally recovered part of their magic power, but they didn't attack the enemy, but poured the water magic power on Dio's body.

Water grows wood, the magician Renshui used his magic power to nourish Dio's body, and the magician Guishui used her body to instantly extinguish Dio's burning flame of life. Finally, at this critical moment, Dio's life was saved. Of course, none of them saw that Ji Dong, who had raised his hand in the distance, put it down gently again.

The Iron Armored Dragon King rolled on the ground, and when he stood up again, the previous ferocious aura was gone. With a roar, he rushed towards the fire dragons at both ends of the besieged land. Dio's six companions had to move quickly out of the way. The armored dragon king picked up two velociraptors, and each of the two fire dragons picked up one each, and ran away in a desperate manner.

Monsters above Tier 6 already have a certain amount of wisdom. This armored dragon suffered a disadvantage from Dior, and the younger brothers were in a bad situation, so they immediately chose to rub the soles of their feet with oil.

Dio's partners didn't care about chasing him, and quickly surrounded Dio, especially the girl named Nair, who ran over almost crazily. Tears were flying in the air and weeping loudly.

"Dior, you idiot, how can you burn your own fire of life?" Prada, the magician of the Renshui department, cried out in anger and pain.

Dio was lying on the ground. Although he was not dead, he looked very old at this moment, as if he had aged dozens of years in an instant. The power of burning life is powerful, and the price is also huge. Although it was stopped by the partners in time. But Dior also knew that his life was over. Not only can he no longer use magic power, but he can only linger on. As for how many years he can live, he himself does not know.

Dio looked at Nair, who was in tears, and forced a smile on his face, "Naier, don't cry. I don't regret it. I don't regret it at all. As long as you are okay and everyone is okay, I am relieved, not to mention, Am I still alive? Prada, from now on, I will pass on the position of captain to you. Take everyone to leave the Sanhe Mountains immediately. We were too arrogant in the past, and this place is not suitable for us to conduct trials .Fortunately, everyone is okay. Otherwise, I will be desperate. Go, go now. Prada, it is up to you to lead everyone out of here. I believe, you will do it."

In the new week, please recommend a ticket.

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