God Rewards Those Who Work Hard: No Pains, 100% Gains

Chapter 33 I just made a small move, which is already the limit at this stage.

The fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, early in the morning.

Xu Ke got up to wash up, fed Ziyunque some Lingmi, and met Fangzheng Liu Yongtian to have breakfast together.

This house is a guild hall set up by the Hall of Si Nong, which is used to accommodate various customers who come to the Hall of Si Nong for business and need accommodation. It can be regarded as a guest house of the Hall of Si Nong.

At this moment, in this guild hall, except for a few merchants who came to buy, the others are Fangzheng from various workshops and disciples participating in the promotion assessment.

When Liu Yongtian took Xu Ke into the dining hall, he ran into an acquaintance head-on.

This is Fangzheng from Xishanfang next door.

Huh? Old Liu?

Seeing Liu Yongtian at Xishanfang, he asked in surprise, You haven't gone back yet?


Liu Yongtian replied in a flat tone, and then pointed at Xu Ke, Isn't there a kid in the workshop who wants to participate in the promotion assessment? He can't leave. He can only leave after the assessment is over.

Huh? Has someone from Hedong Fang participated in the promotion assessment?

Xishanfang couldn't help but exclaimed.

It's no wonder he exclaimed, the name of the elderly people's workshop in Hedongfang has long been known.

Xishan Fangzheng's exclamation made other people in the dining hall look over in surprise.

Bringing down the broken Hedong Fang, can also produce a disciple who will be promoted to the assessment?

This is so... salted fish can turn over?

The corners of Xu Ke's mouth trembled a few times when he saw the gazes of everyone staring at him like this, feeling a little awkward in his heart.

We all know the name of our Hedong Fang's collapse and failure.

In fact, it's no wonder Liu Yongtian, the founder of Hedong Fang, became like this.

I don't know what Si Nong Dian thought about, all the senior brothers were arranged in Hedong Fang, and only after the senior brothers retired and returned to their hometowns did they make room for new disciples.

As a result, there are a lot of senior brothers in Hedongfang, and there are very few newcomers, making Hedongfang a veritable retirement home. The entire Hedong Fang has become full of depression, and there have been no disciples who participated in the promotion assessment for many years.

Therefore, even if there was a promoted disciple like Xu Ke, the others didn't take it seriously.

The Hedong Fang is so bad, even if it can produce a promoted disciple, how capable is it? I'm afraid it's just a breakthrough in cultivation. In order to take care of Hedongfang, Sinongdian gave him a chance to participate in the promotion assessment without investigating in detail.

After breakfast, everyone left the guild hall one after another. In front of them, the meritorious service department of the Sinong Hall took part in the promotion assessment.

Xu Ke noticed that there were forty or fifty disciples participating in the promotion assessment. I don't know if there is a quota limit for the promotion assessment of the Hall of Sinong. If there is a quota limit, the competition will be more intense.

There was nothing to say all the way, and everyone hurried to the examination department of Si Nongdian.

Once again came to the Kaogong Division, this time it was not Zhang Lingfeng who came forward, but a deacon.

Originally, on such an important occasion, the examination department's all management had to come forward. I don't know why, but this term's meritorious service department takes care of everything and didn't show up at all.

Meet Deacon Wang!

After the deacon in blue Taoist robe appeared, everyone hurried forward to salute.

Don't be too polite!

The deacon Wang bowed back to everyone in a serious manner, and then said: Fang Zheng, please rest in the tea room. All disciples participating in the assessment, come with me!


Everyone bowed and took orders.

Afterwards, Fangzheng went to the tea room to rest, and the disciples who participated in the assessment followed the deacon to the assessment location.

Xu Ke handed over the purple skylark parked on his shoulder to Fangzheng Liu Yongtian for temporary care, and followed everyone into the examination room.

The examination room for this promotion assessment was set up in the garden in the backyard of Kao Gongsi.

After entering the garden, there were two long tables placed on the ground in front of them. Deacon Wang and another white-haired old man were sitting on the futon behind the long table.

Beside the two of them, there were four desks each, and a total of eight practicing disciples who acted as staff sat behind the desks.

On the lawn in the middle of the garden, there are also futons. These futons are the seats for the disciples participating in the assessment.

Entering the examination room, under the command of an executive disciple, everyone sat cross-legged in their respective positions.

This assessment seemed to be presided over by Deacon Wang. The white-haired old man sitting next to him kept his eyes closed and did not move.

With a chime of Dang, the assessment began.

The examination requirements for the promotion of the disciples of the Temple of Si Nong: four levels of qi training, proficiency in the techniques of mobilization, corruption, rain, and sharpness.

Deacon Wang glanced at the disciples sitting below, and said, It's clear at a glance how to practice Qi, and there is no need for additional assessments. This time, the main assessment is your spells. Next, we will conduct the first test, the assessment of the mobilization technique.

After finishing speaking, Deacon Wang waved his hand, and several executive disciples next to him picked up the tray containing the seeds, came to the field, and distributed the seeds needed for the assessment of the mobilization technique to everyone.

Each person has a small bag, which contains nine paper bags, and inside the paper bags are three seeds.

There are nine different seeds in total, three of each kind.

It seems that nine different seeds represent different levels of difficulty. Three seeds of each kind, that is to say, can only fail three times.

Xu Ke took a look at these seeds, and the only ones he could recognize were the lowest-difficulty silver-leaf jute and thousand-bell millet seeds, and he had never seen any of the latter seeds.

Each person has nine different seeds, numbers one to nine are written on the paper bag, and the difficulty ranges from one to nine.

After distributing the seeds, Deacon Wang said, Take out the seeds and sow them on the grass in front of you. If you fail three times, the assessment is over. If the time is exceeded, the assessment is over. Now, the assessment begins!

Following Deacon Wang's order, the disciples participating in the assessment took action one after another.

Everyone can easily solve the silver leaf jute and thousand bell millet of level one difficulty.

Xu Ke intentionally maintained the same speed as the others to urge the seeds. On the grass in front of him, a thousand-bell millet and a silver-leaf jute seedling quickly grew.

Just when Xu Ke was about to stop, he suddenly noticed that some of the seedlings urged by some disciples were taller and stronger than others.

So, Xu Ke added a little more wood-type spiritual power to make the seedlings he stimulated bigger and stronger.

To get the first place without any dispute, it is natural to lead everywhere.

Even if the seedlings are taller and stronger, there will be no bonus points, so Xu Ke did it anyway.

Xu Ke's actions caused the white-haired old man who had been closing his eyes to rest his mind and ignoring foreign affairs to slightly open his tightly closed eyes. After glancing at Xu Ke, he closed his eyes again.

In the second and third rounds that followed, Xu Ke maintained a speed similar to that of others, but also maintained the spurred seedlings, which were taller and stronger than others.

By the fourth round, the gap began to widen.

Some people have a situation where the reminder is unsuccessful once, and the second and third times are successful.

Xu Ke still maintained the urging speed of the first echelon, maintaining a taller and stronger posture of the seedlings.

In the fifth round, someone began to fail three consecutive reminders, and the assessment ended.

In the sixth round, even more fell behind. More than half of the people finished the assessment in this round.

By the seventh round, there were only two of those who were able to successfully activate the trigger technique three times. One is Xu Ke, and the other is a young man in his twenties who seems to be from Xishanfang.

In the eighth round, Xu Ke successfully completed the reminder, but the young man from Xishanfang failed the reminder three times in a row and ended the assessment.

So far, the provocation technique assessment has ended, and Xu Ke has undoubtedly won the first place.

This wins? I haven't even exerted my strength yet!

Sure enough... I just took a small shot, which is already the limit at this stage.

Still the same sentence, that year, I had my hands in my pockets, and I didn't know what an opponent was!

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