God Rewards Those Who Work Hard: No Pains, 100% Gains

Chapter 62 Swordsmanship: Extraordinary! A thought is born, the sword energy soars to the sky

After sending Gao Zhengzhi away, Xu Ke couldn't wait to start refining the green jade boat.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, activating the refining technique to drive spiritual power into the sapphire boat, Xu Ke discovered that the only part of this flying magic weapon that can be refined is the part that retracts and releases the magic weapon and controls the flight. All of the rune structures have been banned.

Well, that's also understandable.

If after a magic weapon is sold, all the rune structures are presented in front of others, then... if one is sold, it will be copied by others. How can a craftsman rely on it for a living?

Xu Ke drove the spiritual power and infiltrated it into the flying magic weapon. First, he refined the rune lock in the control mechanism and stamped it with a spiritual power mark.

This rune lock is nothing special, it's just a spiritual anchor function.

Because everyone's spiritual power is different, even if they practice the same technique, their spiritual power still has their own characteristics. After the spiritual power is anchored, no one else can drive this magic weapon except myself.

After refining the rune lock, the only control mechanism behind it is to release or retract the magic weapon and the rune structure to control the flight attitude.

These rune structures...

In addition to being able to imprint spiritual power, the rune structure inside the control mechanism is also closed.

It is not impossible to forcefully break through the blockade, but the problem is... the spiritual power has just come into contact with the rune, and when trying to go deep, a warning pops up: breaking the rune forcibly will cause the rune to self-destruct!

Well, the technical blockade is quite serious, and there is no spirit of sharing at all.

This sapphire boat is the most valuable thing on Xu Ke's body, so he dare not mess with it.

Originally, Xu Ke planned to take the opportunity to study the structure of the green jade boat, explore how the magic weapon is forged, and even thought about giving full play to the cottage spirit, but now... this wishful thinking has come to nothing.

There are a lot of things to learn, and the art of refining is not bad, so take your time in the future!

Xu Ke didn't get entangled anymore, and continued to refine the green jade boat.

Because most of the rune structures have been banned, leaving only a small part of the control mechanism, there is nothing to refine.

In a short while, Xu Ke had already refined the green jade boat.

With a gesture of his hand, the sapphire boat fell into his hand, and Xu Ke stepped out of the room, ready to test drive the flying magic weapon.

When he came to the yard, he stretched out his hand and threw the sapphire boat, a burst of spiritual power was released, and the magic weapon was activated.

The next moment, a flash of spiritual light flashed on the sapphire boat, and the sapphire boat, which was about a foot long, instantly turned into a sapphire painting boat about three feet long, one foot wide at its widest point, and one foot high.

The bow of this sapphire painting boat is slightly raised and pointed; the middle part is a cabin surrounded by corridors, the cabin roof has double eaves and arches, the lower part is supported by four pillars, and the sill wall is curtained; the tail is flat and slightly closed.

The whole sapphire boat looks exquisite and elegant, which is very good.

Xu Ke was eager to try, and quickly jumped up and landed on the sapphire boat.

The flight control of the sapphire boat can stand on the bow deck or sit in the cabin. It was Xu Ke's first flight, so it was safer to sit in the cabin and control.

Walking into the cabin, there is a three-meter-wide and five-meter-long cabin, which separates two rooms.

There is a living room in the front, and there are desks and futons on both sides of the main seat and the cabin. Behind the living room is a lounge, in which there is a soft couch, a table and a futon, and a bookshelf is left on the bulkhead.

Other than that, there isn't much else in there.

After viewing the cabin, Xu Ke returned to the living room and sat down on the main seat.

The table on the main seat has runes engraved on it, and spiritual power transmission channels are laid out, which can be regarded as a console plus a power cabin.

With a burst of spiritual power, the console was activated, and a window opened on the floor under the table. This window is the fuel input port of the power furnace.

Xu Ke took out a hundred low-grade spirit stones from the storage bag, and threw them into the power furnace with some heartache.

To activate the green jade boat, at least one hundred low-grade spirit stones are required, which is burning money! Can afford a car, but can't afford gas! ! !

Stretch out your hand and press it, the Power Furnace shut down, and then the sapphire boat trembled slightly, a stream of spiritual light spread, and a faint protective light curtain covered the sapphire boat.

The Green Jade Boat has been officially launched.

The next moment, Xu Ke activated his spiritual power again and manipulated the sapphire boat... into the sky!

With a sound of 咻, the sapphire boat rushed straight up from the ground, roaring into the air, whipping up strong winds and shaking, and the clouds scattered.

Fuck! The throttle is too high!

Novices on the road, understandable, understandable.

Xu Ke muttered something in his heart, and quickly adjusted the flow of spiritual power, so that the speed of the green jade boat's lift-off became slow and gradually became stable.

Lifting into the air, descending, hovering... Xu Ke gradually became familiar with the operation of the Qingyu boat, and became cautious every time his spiritual power was operated, and only gradually increased the flow of spiritual power, not daring to step on the accelerator.

After all, it is flying in the sky now!

An improper operation is the end of the crash.

If the plane crashes, even if you use the Wind Repelling Technique to slow down the falling speed, you may not die from the fall, but...don't you feel so heartbroken if you break the sapphire boat?

In the process of gradually becoming familiar with the operation, Xu Ke discovered that if he let out a little of his spiritual power and run with the spiritual power circulating in the sapphire boat, Xu Ke would be able to control the sapphire boat more precisely and easily.

Perhaps... this is the correct way to operate the flying magic weapon?

The operation method of this flying magic weapon, if you go to a store to buy a flying magic weapon, the merchant will definitely tell the customer. However, my flying artifact was exchanged from Gao Zhengzhi.

Gao Zhengzhi probably thought that I already knew this, so he didn't mention it at all.

After all, those who can buy a flying magic weapon must know how to operate the flying magic weapon. It is very rare to want to buy a car without knowing how to drive it.

Xu Ke pouted, not knowing what to say.

Once the correct control method is found, the next test flight process becomes very easy.

Release a trace of spiritual power and run together with the spiritual power circulating in the sapphire boat. This not only allows Xu Ke to precisely control the spiritual power, but also through the spiritual power induction, makes himself and the flying magic weapon seem to be integrated.

This is much easier to manipulate.

Of course, Xu Ke still had no waves, and still followed the steps to familiarize himself with the operation of the Qingyu Boat step by step, such as lift-off, landing, hovering, turning left, turning right, accelerating, stopping suddenly, circling...

After these operations were completely under control, Xu Ke got up and walked out of the cabin, and came to the bow deck.

On the bow deck, there is a small console, which is convenient for the operator to stand on the bow and control the flying magic weapon.

Standing on the bow deck of the ship, Xu Ke released a trace of spiritual power, which fell into the console, merged into the spiritual power circulating in the sapphire boat, and controlled the flying boat.

Xu Ke flicked the sleeves of his robe and stood with his hands behind his back. With a thought, the sapphire boat roared up.

Stepping on a flying boat, flying in the sky, standing against the wind, with fluttering robe sleeves.

The flying boat with the flowing aura, the figure with fluttering sleeves, this painting style... this temperament...

It turns out that this is the correct posture to control the flying magic weapon!

So...Xu Ke played more vigorously.

Acceleration, emergency stop, rollover, spiral, cobra maneuver, maple leaf floating...

Xu Ke had a great time!

Hey, kid, have you played enough? It's already midnight, and it's still rumbling and flying non-stop, so noisy that people can't sleep!

Fangzhengzhuang Yuting's voice suddenly reached Xu Ke's ears.

Xu Ke was taken aback, and quickly stopped the flying boat.

Looking up, I saw Fangzhengzhuang Yuting driving a cloud of light over the Bishuitan lake in front of me, staring at Xu Ke with an unkind expression.

Uh... Sorry! Sorry!

Xu Ke smiled embarrassingly, and quickly cupped his hands at Zhuang Yuting, I just bought a flying magic weapon, and I got carried away for a while, and Fang Zheng laughed at me.

Okay, let's go back!

Fangzhengzhuang Yuting waved his hand towards Xu Ke, Don't fly around in the middle of the night in the future, even if you want to fly, can't you open the sound-absorbing talisman array?

I was playing hard, and I forgot for a while.

Xu Ke bowed his hands to Zhuang Yuting again, then activated the silencer array and lowered the flying boat.

Seeing Xu Ke's leaving figure, Zhuang Yuting secretly sighed.

Boy, I deliberately placed you in the Five Elements Hill, just to let you see that there is no foundation-building method in the Little Five Elements Hunyuan Zhenjue.

You are still young, even if you abolish the Little Five Elements Hunyuan Zhenjue and start over from scratch, there is still time.

There is only so much I can do, it depends on how you choose.


In the next few days, Xu Ke did not drive the flying boat to wave around, but stayed at home to practice.

In addition to the two exercises of Small Five Elements Hunyuan Zhenjue and Yellow Turban Lishi Body Forging Technique, Xu Ke's practice schedule is very full.

You need to practice swordsmanship, heart seal psychic art, geomancy art and qi-watching art.

Learn the low-level spiritual beast cultivation method, learn the planting methods of yellow bud rice, jasper fruit and cacia flower, learn spiritual wine brewing technique and spiritual tea formula.

It is also necessary to use Xuanmen Shushu to interpret various spells in the low-level spell drawing technique, draw spells, and reversely deduce various low-level five-element spells.

Even use the Xuanmen Shushu to interpret the Small Five Elements Hunyuan Zhenjue to prepare for the future Ten Thousand Levels of Qi Training or self-created foundation-building exercises.

The schedule is full.

Because of the foundation building problem, Xu Ke re-adjusted the use method of Hundred Times Harvest, and first ensured that he would give each of the Little Five Elements Hunyuan Zhenjue and Yellow Scarf Warrior Exercise a hundred times harvest every day.

For the remaining Hundredfold Harvest, Xu Ke first used it to brush up Sword Control, intending to brush up all Sword Control skills first.

In the practice world, strength comes first.

Xu Ke is naturally very interested in the reputation of sword cultivator attacking and killing Wushuang.

After staying at home for ten days in a row, the time has come to the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month.

In the house.

Xu Ke stretched out his hand and waved it, with a sound of clang, the long sword, the magic weapon, came out of its sheath, turning into a rainbow light, circling around his body.

He pinched his fingers in his hands, and with the sword energy drawn, the swirling sword light whizzed up.

Law enforcement is like a mountain, The legal net is restored, paint the ground as a prison, rectify the law on the spot...

The various moves of Zhengfa Sword Art are released through the magic weapon long sword flying in the air, and the sword light shines suddenly, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

After rehearsing the Fa-rectification sword art, Xu Ke's wrist trembled, and his sword pointed towards the sky.


A howl of sword shot up into the sky, and a beam of sword light pierced into the sky like a white rainbow penetrating the sun!

Chirp chirp! Chirp chirp!

This shrill sword whistle, this sharp and icy sword aura, and this murderous sword rainbow made the purple skylark, which was playing on the sycamore tree, startled and screamed.

Xu Ke stretched out his hand and made a move, the sword light that rushed into the air flashed an arc, and put it back into the scabbard around his waist with a clang.

Royal Sword Technique: Extraordinary!

Within a hundred feet, the sword arrives, attacking and killing Wushuang.

In the dantian, next to the true magic talisman of Fengrui Technique, there is a new rune, which is the true magic talisman of Sword Control.

The two runes are connected to each other, and their spiritual power is connected, forming a whole, just like combining a more complicated magic spell.

Because Xu Ke knew too little about sword cultivators, Xu Ke couldn't understand the essence of it even if he used Xuanmen techniques. He only knew that the aura of cashing gold produced by Fengrui technique became more controllable and more powerful. .

At this moment, the skill of controlling swords has turned into Xu Ke's innate instinct, and when a thought is born, the sword energy soars to the sky!

So... I am more like a sword repairer!

A sword flies out, and the head is taken from a hundred feet away. You are not a sword cultivator, who is a sword cultivator?

In addition to the full practice of Yujian, Xu Ke's Yellow Turban Warrior Exercise has reached the second level of proficiency.

Originally, the first level of the yellow scarf wrestler's exercise technique was perfect, and Xu Ke had already trained as a hercules bearer, with a body of copper skin and iron bones, and the strength to pull nine bulls backwards.

At this moment, after the second level of proficiency, Xu Ke gave birth to another physical body vision-slab ribs and tendons!

The bones became harder, the tendons became stronger, and the strength and defense increased significantly.

According to the Yellow Turban Lishi Exercises, the second layer of kung fu can achieve invulnerability by swords and guns, imperviousness to water and fire, and strength of nine bulls and two tigers.

This invulnerability to swords and guns definitely does not include the flying sword magic weapon, it should be invulnerable to all iron, and ordinary magic weapons can also resist it.

As for fire and water do not invade, this is actually a reference, not only water and fire, but also increased magic resistance, able to bear the spell bombardment, rushing in front of the enemy, and beat him to death with eight punches!

If the physical training does not have magic resistance, then there is no need to mess around, and people will use spells to kill and cripple them.

According to the progress of the exercises, if you practice to the second level of proficiency, you will be invulnerable to swords and guns, if you practice to great success, you will be invulnerable to water and fire, and if you practice to perfection, you will have the power of nine bulls and two tigers.

The power of nine oxen and two tigers, this is not just a matter of more strength, one punch down, even the shield and the person, directly blow up!

As for Xu Ke's qigong method Small Five Elements Hunyuan Zhenjue...

Contrary to Xu Ke's expectations, after ten days of continuous brushing and gaining a hundred times, the Little Five Elements Hunyuan Zhenjue was actually promoted to the fifth floor.

Yes, the fifth level of Qi training!

This should be the reason why Xu Ke interpreted the Small Five Elements Hunyuan Zhenjue through Taoism, and calculated a more suitable spiritual power running route and spiritual power fluctuation frequency.

It seems that the interpretation of the Small Five Elements Hunyuan Zhenjue with Taoism can't stop, and even more techniques need to be interpreted.

This will make my qi training more efficient and faster.

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