Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1088: Martial art

Shen Lang clasped his fist and said, "If I go back to my brother, I came here to mine voluntarily."

"Voluntary?" The headed burly man, including several supervisors next to him, looked at Shen Lang curiously, the expression on his face was obviously a little unbelieving.

Shen Lang took out a mission document from his arms, with his own fingerprint stamp on it, which was regarded as evidence of his own mining chores.

The brawny man took the document, looked at it, and then yelled: "Boy, depending on your face, maybe it's a new disciple? Then I'll tell you straight, there is no shortage of five-element spirit stones in the martial arts recently, so mining The pay for his chores has been reduced. In the past, mining was fast. After a full month, you can still get two five-element spirit stones. Now you don’t know if you have one. Boy, how long are you going to do?"

"Two or three years," Shen Lang said, touching his nose.

"Me, fuck?" The brawny man was startled and looked at Shen Lang with shock: "Are you kidding me?"

The supervisors nearby also looked at Shen Lang with monsters.

"Of course it's not a joke. I am a martial artist, and I was barely accepted as a named disciple in the Chongxiao Hall. With my aptitude, it is really not easy to mix up, so I plan to earn more spirit stones while I am young. Life is a little better." Shen Lang scratched his head.

I have to say that Shen Lang's acting skills are still in place. As soon as these words came out, the brawny and others felt sympathy.

"Wu Xiu really doesn't mix well in the martial arts. Junior brother can have such perseverance, it is really admirable."

The burly man touched his nose, then picked up a pen and a booklet from the table and asked Shen Lang to fill in his name.

"There is no time limit for mining chores. You can dig for as long as you want. For specific matters, the captain of the guard inside will tell you when you enter the mine. This is a miner's card, you wear it."

After speaking, the strong man threw a bronze listing to Shen Lang.

The number "121" was written on the bronze plate, and Shen Lang wore it directly on his neck without knowing what it meant.

"Thank you brother."

After that, Shen Lang entered the mine.

The mine on the side of the mountain wall is huge, hundreds of meters high.

When Shen Lang walked into it, he suddenly found a white light enveloped his body. With a "swish", his whole person was instantly teleported out.

Shen Lang was stunned for a moment. The entrance of this cave was originally a cover, and it turned out to be a teleportation array that was deceptive!

It's no wonder that Shen Lang just felt that the security measures in this spiritual mine were too low-end. It turned out that it was far from simple as he saw.

Unlike ordinary teleportation arrays, Shen Lang clearly felt the white light rising from around him, carrying a strong restraint.

The Spirit Mine is the important place of the Chongxiao Palace, of course, there are restrictions, the purpose is to prevent outsiders from sneaking into the Spirit Mine to steal the Five Elements Spirit Stone.

This kind of restriction is very peculiar. It is a powerful formation that can sense the cultivation base aura of the monk. If the cultivation base is higher than the Qi refining seventh stage, or the Void Stage, the restriction will be activated on its own, trapping people in it, and the whole spirit The mine will also initiate a warning.

Once the prohibition is triggered, the law enforcement elders of Chongxiao Temple can escape to the Spirit Mine in ten minutes at most, defending and killing the intruder.

So for thousands of years, no one or sect has dared to steal the spirit mine that attacked the Chongxiao Temple.

Fortunately, Shen Lang's cultivation was sealed by the Blood Soul Charm, and even the restriction was not recognized.


Shen Lang was teleported to a place.

Here is the hillside to the north of the back mountain. The terrain is relatively flat. There is a blue brick path created by man and there are a lot of simple stone houses around.

More than a dozen guards wearing black robes walked back and forth around this blue brick trail. These were all patrol disciples guarding the mines. Their cultivation bases were not low, and they looked like Qi refining four to six.

It turns out that the spirit mine runs through the entire Lingxiao Mountain. Just now, the entrance to the rock wall on the top of the mountain is not the entrance to the mine. The real entrance is in the middle of the mountain.

Seeing Shen Lang being transferred over, the two guards immediately stepped forward, staring at Shen Lang, and said, "Are you new to mining?"

"Exactly." Shen Lang clasped his fists and showed the miner's card on his neck.

"Come with me!" a guard stepped forward and looked at the miner's card on Shen Lang's neck, and yelled impatiently.

Shen Lang was led to an empty stone house labeled 121, and the guard said nonchalantly: "This house No. 121 is your temporary residence."

Shen Lang immediately reacted. It turned out that the number on the miner's card meant this.

Mining requires at least one month, and the maximum time is unlimited. During the mining period, there is no need to participate in martial arts activities. You can go out of the mine to rest for three days every month. This stone house is where Shen Lang rests.

There are many stone houses around, but there are not a few people walking around. It is estimated that they all went into the cave to dig a mine.

Afterwards, the guard led Shen Lang through the blue brick path and came to the entrance of the mine.

There was a table and wooden chair beside the entrance of the cave. A fat guard sat on the wooden chair. This person was the captain of the mine's guard and had the cultivation base of Qi refining sevenfold.

The fat man glanced at Shen Lang, and said lazily: "Except for the necessary tools, nothing is allowed in the mine. Kid, take out the storage bag."

Shen Lang had already guessed that this would happen, and took the black leather storage bag prepared in advance from his waist and handed it to the fat man.

This storage bag was obtained from Master Liu Xian by Shen Lang before, and it was filled with low-end things, just to cover people's eyes.

As for the storage ring in his hand, he had already swallowed it in his abdomen, and he could vomit it out when he was in the mine.

The nine-color bone ring and the fingers are connected as a whole, which can be hidden in the flesh and blood, and outsiders can't see it.

The fat man recorded his name, and threw his storage bag into a basket on the side. He coaxed, "My surname is Li, and he is the director of the spirit mine here. Some new students always have a few hearts. The unruly guy, delusional to enter the spirit mine to steal the Five Elements Spirit Stone. According to the rules of the school, anyone who dares to steal the Five Elements Spirit Stone will be interrupted with one leg and expelled from the Chongxiao Hall! Your kid had better not commit it to me. What's wrong, otherwise Lao Tzu will break your leg himself."

A haze flashed in Shen Lang's eyes. He instinctively saw that this person was a little unhappy, but he still clasped his fists and said, "Yes, Brother Li."

The fat man sneered and said: "Boy, you are worthy of calling me senior brother for a miner? I tell you, all the miners in the Ling mine must listen to my orders, and I will be called Master Li from now on!"

Shen Lang expressionlessly, said: "Manager Li, can I enter the mine?"

Seeing that Shen Lang didn't seem to be afraid of himself at all, this made the fat man a little unhappy, because the miners who came here were in awe of him for three points, and over time, he developed a complete sense of superiority.

The hairy boy in front of him must not know how powerful he is. The fat man decided to humiliate him, and said with contempt: "Boy, you came to mine at such a young age, maybe you want to steal some five-element spirit stones from the mine. . Hurry up and take my clothes off, let the manager check it."

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