Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1106: Sun spar

Taking a deep breath, Shen Lang cautiously walked towards the cave.

The cave is about tens of meters high, and it is dark inside. There are still some dry branches around the stone wall, winding and twisting, and you can vaguely see a large number of scattered fire lights on the branches.

It is the fire crow group!

This fire crow was about the size of an ordinary crow, and was considered the smallest monster bird among Tier 4 monster beasts. His body was flushed red, with golden eyes, feathers bursting out of flames, and his combat power was amazing.

The fire crow is a nocturnal monster, usually resting during the day, and most of the fire crows in the lair are sleeping.


The dozen or so fire crows ahead may have felt a stranger enter, and immediately opened their eyes.

The territorial consciousness of the monster beast is extremely strong, and it will never allow outsiders to step into it.

Shen Lang's sudden intrusion made the dozen or so fire crows extremely angry and screamed suddenly. With a beak, a bowl-sized fireball struck Shen Lang like lightning.

Seeing more than a dozen fireballs flying over, Shen Lang pinched the tactics with one hand and used the sword and shield in the Tiangang Pure Sun Sword Classic.


A cyan light flashed, and Shen Lang soon condensed a light blue sword and shield in front of him, which was like a protective cover around his body, wrapping him perfectly.

"Boom boom boom!"

A dozen fireballs smashed on the sword and shield in front of Shen Lang, causing a big explosion, making a violent roar, and the fire glaring.

In the aftermath of explosions and heat waves, numerous potholes were blown out on the ground.

The sword and shield easily defended the fireball's attack, and Shen Lang couldn't help being satisfied with the defense of the sword and shield.


With a wave of Shen Lang's right hand, more than a dozen light blue Qi swords suddenly fired, like a meteor in the night.


The body of the dozen or so Fire Crows in front was penetrated by the Qi sword in an instant, and the white light exploded. The bodies of the Fire Crows were all torn apart by the explosion and killed instantly.

The attack immediately awakened all the fire crow swarms in the cave. Large swarms of fire crows flew out of the cave, and dense fires burst out like a wave, screaming in anger.

The sound of "quack quack" was endless, and Shen Lang's ears were tingling trembling.

Shen Lang's expression became a little ugly. He underestimated the number of fire crows in this lair. Hearing this call, there were thousands of fire crows in the cave!

Thousands of Tier 4 monsters, even the late Nirvana monks, may not dare to deal with them.

Shen Lang gritted his teeth, he was already here, he wouldn't be reconciled unless he went into the cave to take a look.

A swarm of fire crows rushed out of the cave, and even set off a violent wind and heat, and the scorching high temperature twisted the air.


Countless fire crows spouted fireballs, and a large number of fireballs flew toward Shen Lang for a while, and the rising fire light was as dazzling as the sun.

Shen Lang gritted his teeth, hurriedly pinched the sword art with both hands, and instantly condensed hundreds of Qi swords in front of him, and flew towards the incoming fireball.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a violent cracking sound, and the whole cave roared continuously, and the fire was everywhere.

The Qi sword condensed by Shen Lang's Pure Yang Sword Art can almost be instantaneous. After hitting a hundred Qi Swords, he immediately condenses a hundred Qi Swords in front of him, which is equivalent to a steady stream of Qi Swords.

Thanks to this, Shen Lang barely resisted the attack of the fire crow.


Numerous Qi swords soared up in front of Shen Lang and collided with the incoming fireball. The sound of the explosion was shaking, and the aftermath of the flame and heat wave was blocked by the sword and shield in front of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang urged the first layer of sword art to the extreme, and the fire speed of the Qi Sword gradually surpassed the speed of the fireball ejected by the fire crow.

"Puff puff puff!"

A large number of Qi swords stabbed the flapping winged Fire Crow, and the contained yang energy directly exploded, and the Fire Crow flew all over, killing him immediately.

There are too many fire crows in the cave, and the fire crows are inherently very fierce, not afraid of life and death, as if they don't know what to fear.

With sweat on his forehead, Shen Lang did not dare to relax a bit, and tried his best to urge his sword art.

There was a stalemate for five or six minutes, and finally a large number of Fire Crows were killed under Shen Lang's Qi sword. The cave was a mess, thick smoke billowing, and pits of fire light everywhere, as well as patches of Fire Crow corpses.

You can smell roast meat in the air.

The sword and shield in front of Shen Lang had also endured the impact of a large number of fireballs, and had already insisted on reaching the limit.

Seeing that there was only a small group of Fire Crows left, Shen Lang turned against the guests and rushed directly into the cave. With his sleeves rolled, a large number of Qi swords flew out.

The remaining hundreds of Fire Crows were powerless to resist, and were stabbed by Qi swords like targets.

When the last corpse of the fire crow fell to the ground, Shen Lang gasped for breath, and it was finally over.

With his own power, he destroyed the entire Fire Crow Lair! Think about it, Shen Lang feels like he is awesome.

The main reason was that this Pure Yang Sword Art was too amazing. He clearly released an attack of that kind of intensity range, but the energy consumption in his body was less than one-fifth.

In short, I eliminated a group of fire crows, hoping that I would not return empty-handed.

Shen Lang released his divine consciousness and walked toward the cave. He could feel that the sun was very strong in the cave, and it contained dense fire elements. It should be possible to grow treasures of heaven and earth.

Soon, he found a bright light on the rock wall deep in the cave.

Shen Lang immediately leaned forward and took a look, and saw that the corner of the rock wall was inlaid with a light yellow spar, and the spar folds glowed, emitting a yellow-white glow.

"Solar spar!" Shen Lang's eyes lit up, with an expression of ecstasy on his face.

This light yellow spar is called the sun spar, and it is recorded in the records of Emperor Qian Yuan. It is a rare thing in the cultivation world.

The surface of the sun spar is like topaz, and it contains extremely rich Yuanyang Qi. This kind of spar is not an ore, but a kind of stone that grows naturally in a place with strong yang, which can be formed for thousands of years.

Shen Lang immediately took out a sacred weapon dagger from the storage ring and dug out the palm-sized solar spar embedded in the rock.

Holding it in his hand, he could obviously feel a wave of sun-burning spiritual power coming from the spar. Just a slight absorption made Shen Lang feel comfortable, full of warm current, and unexplainably enjoyable.

Although the sun spar is not as good as some high-end yang attribute spirit grass spirit fruit, it is no longer useful for Shen Lang at this stage.

Shen Lang continued to walk into the depths of the cave and turned the cave upside down. Apart from the sun spar he had just discovered, he found no other treasures of heaven and earth.

Since the sun spar can be formed here, there may be more than one. It is necessary to take a moment to dig out the stones around the cave wall.

Shen Lang released his Qi sword and began to dig holes in places with strong Yang Qi, digging three feet, and began to search for other sun spars that might exist.

"Boom boom boom!" The roar continued.

With the assistance of Qi Jian, Shen Lang saved a lot of energy.

The effort paid off. After digging through the cave, Shen Lang dug out two more solar spars.

Although they were only slap-sized, they were enough to surprise him.

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