Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1213: Sacrifice

The Dutian Ji Spirit Formation is very old, and it is the only ancient formation method described in "Xuandi Qianyuanlu" that can communicate with the upper realm.

This formation can only be arranged by the earliest ancient monks in this world.

The runes of the Dutian Sacrifice Spirit Formation around the altar are all intact, and what Lianshan Zhenren did is just get through this ancient formation.

The reason why Shen Lang didn't recognize this formation at the beginning was mainly because the description of the Dutian Ji Ling formation in Qian Yuanlu of Emperor Xuandi was very vague. Basically, it simply explained the function and use of this formation.

It is rumored that the monks who broke through the **** transformation stage from this realm, after breaking the void, can fly to two interfaces, each of the ancient spirit world and the ancient demon world.

In the ancient times hundreds of thousands of years ago, monks in the transformation stage who had the ability to ascend from this realm to the spiritual or demon realm would generally do their best to build a capital city sacrifice spirit formation before ascending.

After the **** transformation stage, there are still several great realms, namely, the **** transformation stage, the refining period, the body stage, and the Mahayana stage. In the end, there is only the stage of crossing the catastrophe to become a god.

Once a monk in the upper realm advances to the Void Refinement period, his life is almost endless, but every thousands of years, he will encounter a tribulation, and the tribulation will become more and more severe. If he cannot continue to break through the realm, he will die sooner or later. Tribulation.

The situation of the monks who died under the catastrophe is quite special. Even if their primordial spirit is destroyed, their souls will not immediately die, they will enter the cycle of reincarnation, wandering in the ghost world.

The monks who are above the Void Refining Period have very powerful three souls and seven souls, and can even resist the power of reincarnation.

Therefore, the ascended monk came up with such a method in order to avoid dying under the catastrophe.

They will build a Dutian sacrifice spirit formation in the human world or the lower interface, and use special materials to shape a body, place it in the ice coffin, and leave a strand of remnant soul.

When the deity of the upper realm dies under the calamity of the sky, once the Dutian sacrifice spirit array is activated, it will summon the deity's three souls and seven souls from the ghost world, regain the memory of the previous life, and resurrect with the help of the host body.

Of course, the resurrected body only inherited the remnant soul of the deity, at most only the cultivation base from the Nascent Infant stage to the Deity Transformation stage, and could not improve any strength, and the lifespan was only a thousand years.

After death, the soul cannot escape into reincarnation, which means that the true soul is destroyed.

Although the disadvantages are great, but no matter how you say it is equivalent to having two lives.

After all, no one wants to die.

Shen Lang didn't know what realm it was after the God Transformation Period, but he also knew that after the Dutian Ji Spiritual Array had used so many pill formation periods as sacrifices, the things summoned were absolutely terrifying existences!

"What way?" Hua Ziling asked hurriedly.

"The sacrifice method of the Heavenly Sacrifice Spirit Formation is quite special. Only monks with spiritual power reaching a certain level are regarded as sacrifices. We quickly dissipate all the spiritual power in the body, and we should be able to avoid being forcibly taken away by the formation. Threat." Shen Lang said solemnly.

"This is really safe? When we activate the formation, the spiritual power is not enough and we will show up. I can't hide the eyes of the monks in the Yuan Ying period! And once this formation is activated, we don't have any spiritual power. Run away?" Hua Zi Ling Dai frowned.

"In this way, we leave a trace of spiritual power to pretend to activate the formation. When the formation is activated, you are ready, and I have my own method to take you away. Lianshan Zhenren is the host of the formation, short It should not be possible to remove this large-scale formation within time, otherwise it will suffer a huge backlash." Shen Lang said immediately.

"Okay, this girl believes you once!" Hua Ziling bit her teeth.

Shen Lang hummed: "Hmph, when did I let you down? Needless to say nonsense, now quickly dissipate your spiritual power and remember not to be discovered."

"it is good."

The two began to cast spells secretly, dissipating their spiritual power.

The method to dissipate the spiritual power is very simple, that is, divide the spiritual power in the Dantian Neiyuan Pill into two parts, and offset each other, so that all of their spiritual power can be dissipated very quickly without being discovered.

After about a few minutes, Shen Lang and Hua Ziling both had empty spiritual power, and the white Yuan Dan was bleak.

After losing their spiritual power, the two of them lost almost all their fighting power, leaving only a very small amount of spiritual power.

Just at this moment, the real Lianshan on the altar was finally finished, and he said loudly: "You and everyone, now immediately inject spiritual power into the formation flag next to you to connect the formation."


There is no doubt that there is fraud in the scattered cultivation during the period of the formation of alchemy, and immediately rushed into the spiritual power towards the banner of the hundred faces. Shen Lang and Hua Ziling also pretended to put their spiritual power into the formation.

"Boom bang bang bang bang!"

A small cyan flag suddenly radiated light, and the runes on the ground followed by golden light, connected into a golden thread, rushing to the ice coffin on the high platform of the altar.

About half a minute later.


With a loud noise, the four blue stone pillars on the outside of the altar burst into the sky with a dazzling blue light. On the stone pillars vaguely golden runes were flowing, and the ground was shaking.

And the ice coffin braving the vast cold suddenly floated up, and the **** runes and golden runes on the surface of the ice coffin began to roar.

The Dutian sacrifice spirit array was finally activated!

Standing on the high platform in the center of the altar, Zhenren Lianshan pushed out his palms. Two groups of pure Yimu spiritual power poured out from his palms and were absorbed by the ice coffin.


Zhenren Lian Shan yelled violently, with a slight grin on his face.

The floating coffin cover was opened, and dazzling blood spewed out from the coffin, like a firework exploding, covering the entire altar in an instant, and all the rest of the alchemy period was covered by blood. .

"No, let's withdraw quickly!"

Shen Lang's eyes burst out, and he injected his last trace of spiritual power into the blue flag in front of him, and then grabbed Hua Ziling's arm.

It was this moment.

After all the loose cultivators were shrouded in blood, the body could not move, the red, yellow, cyan, gold, and blue spiritual powers of the five elements were forcibly stripped from the body of the loose cultivators, and even the golden core was broken!

The spirit power of the five elements and the golden core rose into the sky, all absorbed by the ice coffin in the center of the altar!

Except for Shen Lang and Hua Ziling, all of the alchemy period around the altar was spared and all died!

It was almost just a breathing space, the spiritual power and the golden core pill in the sanctuaries were forcibly pulled away, and their bodies died and fell to the ground.

The colorful primordial light clusters broke out from the corpses of the casual practitioners, but they were also forcibly absorbed by the ice coffin.


"The beast of the alliance, I*!"

"The **** of the alliance, the old man will not let you go if you are a ghost!"

Before dying, the primordial spirits of the scattered cultivators also uttered various violent shouts.

Seeing this scene, Hua Ziling couldn't help taking a breath, her pretty face pale.

Because she and Shen Lang had no spiritual power in their bodies, they were not sensed by the Dutian Ji Spiritual Array, avoiding the tragic situation of being sacrificed.

"Huh? What's going on!" The real Lianshan who was casting a spell in the center of the altar suddenly realized that there were two monks outside the formation that had not been sacrificed. He was shocked.

"Thunder Talisman, break it for me!"

Shen Langxin mentioned his throat, he took out five thunder talisman from the storage ring in a thunderous manner, and instantly crushed and excited them.

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