Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1351: Traveling to Yunjian Continent

When Shen Lang returned to Tianquan Sect, he greeted Jiang Hailuyuan and the two.

The two asked Shen Lang why he went to Xuanyuanhong's office. Shen Lang casually went over it, and did not mention the matter of opening the spiritual world inscriptions.

After talking for a while, Shen Lang returned to his home.

When he arrived in the training room, Shen Lang immediately took out the jade slip that recorded the inscription of the psychic world and studied it carefully.

The method recorded on the jade slip was named "Lingbao Jue".

Lingbao Jue is rather obscure, but with Shen Lang Yuanyingqi's cultivation base, it is still easy to master this technique.

Shen Lang locked himself in the training room for more than ten days, and finally mastered the trick of Lingbao Art.

After being able to perform the Lingbao Jue perfectly, Shen Lang couldn't wait to take out a long sword box from the storage ring.

Open the sword box, and what is inside is the Pearl Umbrella of Hunyuan Lingbao.

After Shen Lang broke through the Yuan Ying stage, he has initially refined the Hun Yuan Pearl Umbrella.

Of course, only staying at the stage where the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella can be stored in the storage ring, it is impossible to motivate the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella at all.

Unlike the ancient and crude Pingshan sword, the Hunyuan pearl umbrella is very gorgeous, with a large number of spar pearls inlaid on the umbrella, which is dazzling.

Shen Lang immediately urged Lingbao Jue, pinched with two fingers, formed a weird handprint, and slapped the method onto the small umbrella.

A magical scene appeared.


The Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella suddenly surrounded a large number of golden rune marks, like a tadpole crooked, like some kind of strange text.

Shen Lang urged his spiritual power to hit the Lingbao Jue in the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella with all his strength, and the spiritual world inscription on the surface of the umbrella was finally lifted.

After a few seconds, the surface of Hun Yuan's pearl umbrella canopy finally showed a dazzling seven-colored aura, carrying an astonishing spiritual pressure, causing Shen Lang to stand up all over his body.

This prehistoric spirit treasure seems to have released some power.

"this is……"

Shen Lang's eyes widened and he was extremely excited. There was an illusion that the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella could move freely.

Holding a glimmer of hope, he held the colorful umbrella over his head, trying to inject spiritual power into the umbrella.

"Bah Bah Bah!"

Hunyuan's pearl umbrella canopy suddenly burst out of dense silver light filaments, making a sharp sound like cutting glass, which is extremely terrible.

"Innate Clarity Shenguang!?" Shen Lang exclaimed.

Seeing the congenital clutch light on the canopy was about to overflow, Shen Lang was so frightened that he immediately recovered his spiritual power.

Just kidding, something like Innate Clarity Shenguang is extremely terrifying and extremely destructive, and it can make all objects separate and unassemble and turn into powder.

Even the masters of the transformation stage dare not touch the congenital clutch light, it is fatal to get a trace of it. In case the light overflows, the entire sacred loft will be destroyed instantly!

After regaining his spiritual power, the silver light filament surging on the Hunyuan pearl umbrella umbrella was gradually absorbed.

Shen Lang was relieved. He can't actually activate the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella. As for the dense congenital clutch light in the umbrella, it should be the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella.

"My son, if Xiao Rou guessed right, the function of this Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella should be to absorb the beam of light, and be able to move it, so that it can be retracted freely." Xiao Rou flew out of the beast bag on Shen Lang's waist. , Hurriedly told Shen Lang his thoughts.

"Absorb the beam? I rely on, it can also absorb the innate light of the clutch!"

Shen Lang took a deep breath. If this is the case, the ability of this Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella is too defying!

"Maybe this Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella contains a lot of Innate Clarity Divine Light from the beginning, so after the son injected spiritual power, the innate Clarity Divine Light in the umbrella overflowed." Xiaorou explained.

Shen Lang frowned and said, "But I still can't move this umbrella. The congenital clutches in the umbrella are out of control."

"Of course, it’s not that easy for the son to perfectly control the prehistoric spirit treasure. Every prehistoric spirit treasure has a different activation method. The son must first fully refine this Hunyuan pearl umbrella before he can feel the activation. This treasure's tactics. After you finish practicing the tactics, you can activate this treasure." Xiaorou said sternly.

Shen Lang thought for a while, and then asked again: "Xiao Rou, do you know how to completely refine this treasure?"

"Xiaorou also knows very little about Honghuang Lingbao. However, according to my guess, it should be to make this Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella merge with your spiritual thoughts." Xiaorou said softly.

Shen Lang nodded slightly, almost as an understanding of the characteristics of Linghuang Lingbao.

According to that, the only way to refining the desolate spirit treasure is to die. Continuously immerse the divine mind in the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, and repeatedly temper until the spirit treasure is psychic.

After the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella is initially psychic, then can he enter the next stage, and practice the activating technique in the Lingbao, and then the spirituality of the Lingbao will be greatly enhanced.

There is no shortcut, Shen Lang honestly tried to refine the prehistoric spirit treasure.

A month passed in a blink of an eye.

I have to say that this prehistoric spirit treasure is too difficult to refine. Shen Lang only dipped a faint divine mind into the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, and the refining speed was too slow.

If you want this treasure to reach the level of psychic, you don't know that it has to be refined until the year of the monkey, and it is basically impossible to achieve it within 45 years.

The cycle was too long, and Shen Lang temporarily gave up his plan to refine this treasure.

Of course, there is one thing to be happy about.

Shen Lang discovered that the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, which was not completely refined, could still be used once.

As long as he madly injects spiritual power into the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, he can release all the congenital clutches in the umbrella.

It is worth mentioning that the remaining innate clutch light in this Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella is so huge that it can instantly destroy the entire Tianquan Sect!

But the Innate Clarity Divine Light cannot be recovered after being released, and after releasing it once, the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella is useless unless Shen Lang can completely refine and control this treasure in the future.

Simply put, Shen Lang has the ability to kill everything at once, which is equivalent to an important life-saving opportunity!

Shen Lang was still in a good mood. Although the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella was far from being refined, the treasure became his most important means of life-saving.

After a week of rest, Shen Lang finally decided to leave Tianquanzong and began to travel the Yunjian Continent.

Before leaving Tianquan Sect, Shen Lang and Jiang Hailuyuan said hello and went to the residence of the two seniors.

"Junior Brother is leaving so soon?" Jiang Hai's expression changed slightly.

"Two seniors, I just can't bear my temper. I want to walk in many places. I decided to do it before." Shen Lang said in a deep voice.


Jiang Hai and Lu Yuan looked at each other.

Since Shen Lang joined Tianquan Sect, the sky of Tianquan Sect has soared into the sky.

But want to tie Shen Lang in the martial arts, this is unlikely.

Shen Lang is stronger than Jiang Hai and Lu Yuan, and they are not easy to say anything to keep, after all, they can't hinder the future of this junior.

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