Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1559: Sky palace

The original real spirit pattern in the painting has also been changed, and it has become a string of golden threads, which twists and turns in the painting!

The golden silk gradually sketched out a mysterious pattern, the original real spirit map completely changed its appearance, turned into a floating palace, and clouds and mountains were also depicted below.

"This... is this a map?"

Shen Lang frowned slightly, feeling a little weird.

"Floating palace?" Hua Ziling's eyes widened, also unbelievable.

According to Liu Tianqi, this ancient painting records the location of the treasure map, but the map depicts a palace floating in the air. The painting is extremely exquisite and lifelike.

The palace was extremely magnificent, towering above the high school clouds, majestic and magnificent, with a radius of thousands of miles.

"I have never heard of a palace standing in the sky. Perhaps this is not a map at all, but an ancient painting." Shen Lang shook his head.

Hua Ziling thought for a while and frowned: "This ancient painting is exactly the same as what Liu Tianqi said. Since it can be revealed with water spiritual power, it means it should be a real thing. Maybe this is not an intuitive map, maybe there is something mysterious. "

Hearing this, Shen Lang continued to look at this ancient painting after the change. The palace in the ancient painting seemed to be some kind of cultivating sect.

Sure enough, he noticed the three small characters "Tianxing Palace" engraved in the lower left corner of the ancient painting.

"Sky Star Palace?"

Shen Lang read it silently in his heart, confirming that he did not remember the name of this school.

"In the ancient times, there might not be no Xiuxian sect that stood in the air." Hua Ziling said solemnly.

"Even so, there is absolutely no need for the ancient monks to do this."

Shen Lang still felt it was impossible. A palace building with a radius of thousands of miles was floating in the air. How much power would it take to maintain such a huge palace in the void without falling?

Maybe there is really a sky-defying formation that can do this, but it makes no sense to do so.

Most of the ordinary cultivating sects really built the sect on a higher mountain or on a mountain top as much as possible, so that the five elements aura will be more concentrated.

But if it is built in mid-air, it is a bit puzzling. It is not that the higher the height of the five elements, the richer the aura, on the contrary, the higher the height of the five elements will be thinner.

The production of the five elements aura must be attached to the spiritual veins under the ground. It can be imagined as water vapor transpiring from the ground up. At the top of the mountain, the five elements aura is the most abundant.

However, on the top of the mountain, too far high in the sky, instead, because of the five elements spiritual power, it will be scattered into the air, resulting in insufficient spiritual energy.

Therefore, Shen Lang felt that even if the ancient monks really had that kind of magical ability, it was impossible to build a palace in the sky. That would cost a huge price, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

Imagine that if the floating Xiuxian sect is attacked by a foreign enemy, once the large formation that maintains the floating palace is defeated, the result is that the whole thing will fall directly from the air and become nothing.

As long as the ancient monks are not brain-dead, they shouldn't have designed such a floating Zongmen palace, at best it looks gorgeous, but very tasteless.

Hua Ziling still insisted: "At the beginning, this ancient painting caused a **** storm in the Tianshui Continent. It is certainly not groundless. Maybe there is a secret hidden in it. Let's study it carefully."

"it is good."

Shen Lang nodded.

The two began to look at the map carefully and discussed while studying.

In the ancient paintings, apart from the palace, the topography of the mountains is also vaguely depicted under the clouds. Shen Lang remembers the topography of the mountains in his mind, perhaps this is the breakthrough.

Liu Tianqi previously told Hua Ziling that the treasure map recorded the location of the first secret treasure in Tianshui Continent.

Since it is the secret treasure of the Tianshui Continent, 80% of the location is also in the Tianshui Continent, but since neither Shen Lang nor Hua Ziling have a map of the Tianshui Continent, they are temporarily unable to start.

After studying with two eyes for a while, he had no choice but to give up. It might not be so easy to find the location of the treasure. Shen Lang vaguely felt that this treasure map might be some kind of key.

"Hua Ziling, why do you want to tell me about Baotu?" Shen Lang asked suspiciously.

Hua Ziling's pretty face was a little unnatural, and he hummed softly: "This girl has limited strength alone. Can't you want to get a partner to hunt for treasure with me? Shen Lang, just thank this girl for giving you this opportunity!"

When she said that, Hua Ziling didn't actually think too much, she just trusted Shen Lang very much, and felt that as long as she followed Shen Lang, she would not suffer.

Even in the face of some troubles, Hua Ziling is still willing to wander with Shen Lang, and even vaguely expect this feeling in her heart.

"Okay, good, but wanting to get treasures is temporarily out of the question, now going to Tianshui Continent is an act of looking for death. Hua Ziling, you should finish your business first." Shen Lang said lazily.

In fact, Shen Lang is not very interested in treasure hunting in his mind. On the ancient Lingbao, he has the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, but he has no refining, and there are two pseudo-precious treasures, Bingposhan and Qixuanqin.

Even if he took the **** luck of the heaven-defying level and could really get a genuine prehistoric spirit treasure, it would take a lot of time to refine it.

With this time and energy, Shen Lang felt that he might as well look for the Nine-Colored Bone Ring. After all, the Nine-Colored Bone Ring could improve the cultivation level, and it was also one of the necessary materials to perform the resurrection technique.

Hua Ziling curled her lips, she shared such an important secret somehow, this man didn't seem to appreciate herself very much, which made her a little depressed.

Too lazy to think so much, Hua Ziling said: "Give me three days, and in three days we will leave the Northern Liang land."

"it is good."

Shen Lang nodded, and he was relatively easy to act with Hua Ziling, because this woman never caused trouble to herself. On the contrary, I had caused a lot of trouble to Hua Ziling before, and I was a little bit embarrassed to think about it.

After chatting for a while, Hua Ziling arranged a place for Shen Lang to rest, a jade house near the attic.

After bidding farewell to Hua Ziling, Shen Lang closed his eyes and rested in the stone house.

After fighting with Lei Guangmon and Liu Tianqi one after another, Shen Lang also spent a lot of spiritual energy and directly began to meditate and recover.

Shen Lang was greatly annoyed when he thought that Lei Ze's lightsaber was snatched by Liu Tianqi's Yuan Ying.

There are enough Lei Peng bones and Yuyang Lei Jing in Shen Lang's storage ring to refine the Lei Ze Light Sword. It is not difficult for him to refine the nine Lei Ze Light Swords, but it only costs one. Two years.

Moreover, the newly refined Lei Ze Lightsaber had to be re-warmed, not as powerful as the nine he had lost. Shen Lang was very depressed, and the nine Lei Ze splitting lightsabers that had been robbed would still try to take them back.

Now that he wants to return to the Great Wind Continent sooner, Shen Lang has no time to refine Lei Ze's lightsaber for the time being.

Although he lacks the magic weapon of his life and cannot use the Jiuli Sword Formation, Shen Lang has Qixuanqin and Bingpo Mountain, and his combat power will not be greatly affected.

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