Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1612: Waste prince

Isn't it a pity for such a beautiful woman to die?

Liu Tianqi has been bored in the palace for more than 20 years. He has not touched a woman for more than 20 years, and is almost mad. Now suddenly encountering such a stunning beauty, it is really itchy.

If Le Feier died, Liu Tianqi would be very sad.

"Master, you don't understand this. Women sometimes have more self-esteem than men. Blindly forcing her will only make the other person more dying. With my understanding of women, we can persuade this woman in another way. ." Liu Tianqi said solemnly.

Lu Ming asked curiously: "What method do you have?"

Liu Tianqi smiled and said, "Master, if you can trust me, you can avoid it first. Let me talk to this girl alone."

"Tianqi, the teacher knows that you have a good hand at coaxing women. But this is not an ordinary monk. Don't be clever but be mistaken!" Lu Ming frowned.

Liu Tianqi believed in herself: "Master, don't worry, Tianqi will definitely not do you a disservice. Besides, this woman has also been subjected to a forbidden magic technique by you. Are you afraid that he will not run away?"

Lu Ming thinks about it and feels right, Le Feier has been under his own forbidden magic, and is always under his control. Even if the woman woke up and wanted to commit suicide again, Lu Ming could still stop her actions by using God Forbidden Technique.

May as well let Liu Tianqi try it, maybe it will work wonders. If she could really convince this woman, the empress who hadn't returned would be annoyed by the Qiqu Xianyin matter.

"Okay. But Tianqi, pay attention to everything."

After Lu Ming gave an order, he left the study and stayed outside the palace.

In the study, Liu Tianqi looked at Le Feier on the soft couch, her face was fascinated.

He felt that with his own pick-up skills, let alone the silver-haired beauty, at least he should be able to make the other party not hate first, and then slowly let go.

Just when he was about to wake Le Feier, Le Feier suddenly coughed and woke up, but her breath was very weak.

Liu Tianqi was surprised at first, then walked to the soft couch with a smile on her face, and said with concern: "Lady Le, you finally woke up."

"Who are you?" Le Feier's breathing was very disturbed, and she wanted to struggle to get up, but her body was trembling slightly.

"Girl, don't get excited, here is Liu Tianqi, the son of Empress Jinghong. Girl, you are too injured, so don't get up." Liu Tianqi stepped forward and was about to help Le Feier.

Le Feier was expressionless, only one word was spit out from her mouth: "Get out! Don't touch me."

Liu Tianqi coughed and didn't dare to do too much, so she said calmly: "Girls don't have to be like this, you should know that you have fallen into our hands and you have been subjected to forbidden magic. It is absolutely impossible to escape. It’s a matter. Instead of looking for death, why not change your mind. If you agree to cooperate with us, this son will surely let the queen remove the forbidden magic on you."

"No need to talk nonsense, don't try to do different things, this girl would rather die than succumb, you die this heart." Le Feier's face was extremely cold.

She wanted to struggle to get up, but found that her body was under a layer of restraint and her body could not move. Lu Ming was worried that Le Feier would commit suicide, and had already imposed a ban on her.


Liu Tianqi suddenly clapped her hands and exclaimed with joy: "Girls are extremely impressed with such a solar term. In today's comprehension world, women like girls are really rare. You can see from the bottom that girls are the Aegean. , It happens that Xia is also good at this way, it seems that we are quite destined. If you and I are not different, Xia would like to make you this friend!"

I have to say that Liu Tianqi's pick-up skills are really not covered. If it were other female sisters, I'm afraid he would be shocked by his words.

Unfortunately, Le Feier did not eat this set, and said coldly: "Not interested. Jumping the beam clown, get away from this girl!"

Liu Tianqi's face turned dark, and a hint of anger was looming. This woman really toasted and did not eat or drink fine wine.

"Girls don’t have to be like this, I’m not hostile to you. I just feel that the girl is dead like this, which is a pity. Let’s listen to the next words, not only can we relieve the girl’s crisis, but we can also turn our enemies into friends. Wonderful?" Liu Tianqi said sternly.

"I'm not interested! You said that you are the son of Fairy Jinghong. Could it be the waste prince who was killed by Shen Lang? He, who is dead, have any right to comment on this girl." Le Feier sneered.

This sentence directly pierced Liu Tianqi's weakness and immediately made him feel very faceless.

"What's the matter? Isn't Shen Lang going to die? My mother will catch him sooner or later, huh, there may be something more painful than death waiting for that crap." Liu Tianqi's face was so gloomy that he finally exposed Out of nature, you can no longer pretend to be gentle.

He is also a face-saving person. If it weren't for Le Feier's beautiful appearance, how could he keep his breath so low?

But now that Le Feier mocked him so much, Liu Tianqi suddenly had no patience and was in a terrible mood.

"Shen Lang was born unknown, and his cultivation level is only in the middle of Yuan Ying. You, the so-called elites of the Tianshui Continent royal family, want to kill him, but you still need the help of this old woman, Jinghong, to be ashamed? Look at Yiben girl, you royal monks, Everyone is as timid as a mouse, but so!"

Le Feier knew that she was bound to die, and her whole body also became abnormally poisonous. The usual Xiaojiabiyu temperament disappeared, only cold and hatred.


Liu Tianqi was so angry that she couldn't speak when she pointed at Le Feier.

He originally wanted to cheat Le Fei'er with rhetoric, but the plan was not only failed, but Le Fei'er brought the rhythm to him, and he was half-dead with anger.

Liu Tianqi couldn't help it anymore, and shouted violently: "Blind woman, don't forget that you are now in our hands, and you don't want to be stunned, just cooperate with us honestly!"

"Die this heart, waste prince." Le Feier's delicate and pretty face showed a trace of contempt.

Liu Tianqi was going crazy, he felt that his self-esteem was seriously frustrated.

Liu Tianqi, in a complete breakdown of emotions, grabbed Le Feier's collar with one hand, and furiously said: "Bitch girl, this son will give you ten breaths to consider, obediently cooperate with us and lift the seal of the Tianxing Palace. Otherwise, this son will have one* Maru, even a virgin martyr after eating it will become *. I will throw you into the barracks guarding the border, where there is an army of 100,000 monks..."

After speaking, Liu Tianqi took out a pink pill.


Le Feier sneered loudly. She gritted her silver teeth and mocked: "This girl is not a woman who is greedy for life and fear of death, why don't you kill me? The prince of the dignified Tianshui mainland, playing such tricks, is not afraid of being ridiculed? "

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