Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2008: Great Wasteland

Shen Lang stood up swayingly, and the two ghoul spiders in front of him became ten centimeters in size and got into Shen Lang's sleeves.

The scene of a virgin forest, the forest is filled with a faint demon atmosphere, the trees are shaded, the sun is shining, and the temperature is a bit hot, as high as 40 or 50 degrees.

For ordinary mortals, this temperature is estimated to be unbearable, but for monks, it will not have the slightest impact.

"This should be the Great Wasteland!"

Shen Lang thought secretly that the Great Wasteland was located in the southernmost part of the ancient spirit world, with a hot climate and large tracts of virgin forests and mountains intertwined.

Before, the world-class teleportation array in Tianxu City could choose a location when teleporting, and Shen Lang directly chose the southernmost place, and it was indeed teleported to the great wilderness.

There are many races in the Great Wasteland, and a large number of strange races have gathered. The land here is vast and sparsely populated, and the ethnic lands of each race are small. Even the largest race in the Great Wasteland does not reach one-twentieth of the human race.

The most important point is that the immortal cultivation forces in the Great Desolate Realm are obviously weak. According to the human race, it is just a barbarian land.

The cultivators of the Transcendental Stage walking in the Great Wilderness, as long as they are not high-profile and deliberately provoke the races in the Great Wilderness, it is not easy to cause any danger.

Shen Lang rubbed his dizzy brain, flew into the air, released his spiritual sense, and scanned the surroundings.

With a radius of thousands of miles, it is a jungle hinterland, but there is a continuous mountain range to the south.

The land of Nanyuan is the southernmost part of the Great Wasteland, so no matter where you are in the Great Wasteland, it must be right to go south.

Shen Lang released Ziyun Zhang, sitting on the cloud group, rising up into the sky, and swiftly walking towards the south.

While controlling Ziyunzhang's flight, Shen Lang thought about his future plans.

Now that he has been teleported to the Great Wasteland, the Scarab Clan doesn't know where he is. It should be impossible to find the Great Wasteland, and it is impossible for the monks of the Taiyi League to chase the Great Wasteland.

His situation should be safe. Shen Lang intends to go directly to the land of Nanyuan to find Yunhenzi, first obtain the mental method of the sixth layer of the Tiangang Pure Sun Sword Canon, and then think about his future plans.

But the Great Desolate Realm was too huge, so flying like Ziyunzhang, Shen Lang would not even want to reach the land of Nanyuan in a thousand years, he had to use the teleportation array.

And to go to Nanyuan, there are several dangerous places to go through, which requires extreme caution, not so easy.

During the flight, Shen Lang released his consciousness to pay attention to the environment below. He wanted to find a small race to ask for directions, such as the location of the teleportation array.

When Ziyunzhang flew over the mountains to the south, Shen Lang keenly noticed that the aura of the five elements here was stronger than that of ordinary places, and there was a fight in the valley ahead!

Shen Lang put away Ziyunzhang and quickly flew towards the valley.

Not long after, he saw a giant black bear that was a kilometer long fighting with a giant golden centipede, the scene was extremely violent!

The hair of the black bear's whole body was like steel, but at the moment the body was stabbed in many places, dripping with blood.

The golden centipede is like a giant python, entangled the black bear tightly, and its feet and limbs are like sharp spikes, plunged deeply into the black bear's flesh and blood.


The black bear was extremely angry, and his body released a large amount of magic flames, frantically struggling to bind the golden centipede.

But the more he struggled, the tighter the golden centipede was bound, leaving a deeper wound on the black bear's body, and blood splashing.

Shen Lang narrowed his eyes, and he knew that golden centipede was the "golden-backed centipede", a famous fiend in the ancient spirit world.

This worm is also a type of beast. It has no intelligence, has a fierce temperament, and likes to eat flesh and blood. Most of it comes from the jungle hinterland. The combat power is comparable to that of the monks in the middle and late stages of the gods.

As for the black bear, Shen Lang didn't know what race it was. He looked like a demon cultivator, and his aura was probably in the middle of transforming a god.

In the battle before him, it was obvious that the golden-backed centipede had the upper hand, and his whole body was not injured. The black bear has scars all over his body. Although it looks more violent, it may not last long.


The golden-backed centipede opened its two huge jaw teeth and bit towards the black bear's neck fiercely.

The black bear desperately grabbed the golden centipede's jaws with his thick hands, and tried his best, but he still couldn't support it.

Just at this critical moment.

The black bear noticed Shen Lang's breath, and shouted like he saw a life-saving straw: "Friend Dao help! I am the Young Master of the Demon Bear Clan. As long as the Daoist is willing to save me, the Demon Bear Clan will pay a lot of rewards, and I am grateful! "

Shen Lang frowned, Demon Bear Clan?

This race, Shen Lang, had heard about it. It seemed that it was the last few tribes among the 37,000 tribes in the ancient spirit world, and it was weaker than the fire ant tribe.

Anyway, he just came to the Great Wasteland and needed a guide, so Shen Lang simply chose to take action.

"Nine Blood Spirits!"

With a low drink, Shen Lang directly transformed into a golden horned flood dragon, with golden dragon scale folds glowing on his body, exuding a palpitation breath.

The golden-backed centipede felt the powerful breath of the golden-horned dragon, and made a sharp whistling sound in its mouth, which seemed a bit irritable.

The Golden Horned Flood Dragon got close directly, opened its mouth wide and fangs, and bit towards the golden back centipede's forehead with lightning speed.


The golden horned dragon directly bit off the carapace of the golden-backed centipede's brain, and blood spattered like a fountain.


The golden-backed centipede screamed after being injured, released the black bear, and the hatred transferred to Shen Lang. The golden-backed centipede shook its sharp legs, and its tail flung towards the golden horned dragon like a whip.

The golden horned dragon is unwilling to show weakness, and a layer of golden blade storm surrounds the sharp dragon scales, and it is also thrown towards the golden back centipede.


There was a violent explosion sound, the golden-backed centipede lost to the golden-horned dragon, and it was directly thrown away by the sharp iron tail of the golden-horned dragon, and hit a side of the mountain wall with a muffled noise.

Affected by the violent wind, the black bear took a dozen steps back.

Seeing the golden horned dragon after Shen Lang turned, the black bear was startled and exclaimed: "Golden Jiao Clan!"

When did the Great Wasteland come into this high-level race?

The golden-backed centipede had a few pairs of feet and limbs chopped by the golden-horned dragon's tail.

The Golden Horned Flood Dragon was not afraid, and fought with the golden back centipede that flew over, and quickly gained the upper hand.

In the same realm, the comprehensive combat power of the Golden Horned Flood Dragon is much stronger than that of the Golden Back Centipede. The Golden Back Centipede is quickly dying by the ravaged flesh and blood.

Shen Lang changed back to his body, raised his right hand, facing the golden-backed centipede.

The next moment, the golden beetle pattern on the back of Shen Lang's hand released the golden light of Sheng Ruo Lieyang.

Then, a magical scene appeared.

The huge golden-backed centipede was sucked in by the golden beetle pattern on the back of Shen Lang's hand and disappeared out of thin air.

The owner of the Sacred Worm Tower can imprison the evil insects into the tower by themselves. This golden-backed centipede is at the level of the transformation stage and can naturally be taken away by the Sacred Worm Tower.

The only requirement is that the detained worm must be extremely weak and have no resistance.

Shen Lang was testing the Sacred Worm Tower's ability just now, and it really worked!

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