Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2026: Avoid war

Empress Xuelan also sent a voice message to Lan Xian'er, telling her not to intervene in the war, and to take care of Shen Lang. By the way, let Lan Xian'er take Shen Lang to the teleportation formation on the border and leave Lianhua Clan with him.

Although Lan Xian'er was worried about the situation at the border, Shen Lang's physical condition was too serious and could only agree to the first request of Empress Xuelan.

But Empress Xuelan asked her to follow Shen Lang to leave the Lianhua clan. Lan Xianer was very puzzled and refused directly, saying that he was also a member of the Lianhua clan. How could he escape?

Empress Xuelan didn't have time to explain and ordered her to do so, and then led a group of elders to leave.

Lan Xian'er didn't understand why Empress Xuelan made such an arrangement. She didn't think much about the crisis.

"Master Shen, let's go!"

Lan Xian'er didn't avoid suspicion, and directly picked up the seriously injured Shen Lang, and flew towards the valley north of Tianxiang Palace.

Under the dispatch of the two emperors, more than a hundred elders of the Lianxu Period performed their duties, leading their teams to the southwest border.

The Lianhua tribe is full of teleportation formations, and it will not take long for the monk army to rush to the front line.

In less than an hour, the monk army of the Lianhua tribe had arrived at the border camp.

Fluttershy was also transferred to the frontline battlefield by Empress Xuelan, responsible for logistics.

On the frontline battlefield, a large number of fierce insects rushing out of the vine forest swamp have already reached a place within a hundred miles of the border camp.

All kinds of evil insects rushed out like tides, including huge cockroaches, weevils with first horns, centipedes with barbed spines, and poisonous maggots covered with green liquid...In short, There are all kinds of weird worms.

There are even some huge-sized god-transforming stage, and even a very small number of vicious worms that are as tall as a huge mountain!

These fierce insects were attracted by the rich wood spirit in the Lianhua clan, and rushed towards the camp on the border like a mad dog.

"The Lianhua Clan monk listened to the order, kill me!"

Empress Xuelan and Empress Qijue temporarily put aside their hatred, and each led an army of Lianhua Clan cultivators to meet the enemy.

When the war began, the scene was extremely tragic.

This time there were even more murderous insects than last time!

Empress Xuelan rushed to the forefront of the cultivator army, displaying magical powers. Under the shroud of the illusion, a large number of murderous insects directly shattered.

Some fierce worms in the refining period also lost their combat power under the influence of the illusion. The monk army launched an attack frantically. The battle seemed to be one-sided, and the monk army of the Lianhua tribe desperately slaughtered the fierce worms.

But the situation is not so simple. The worms cannot be killed at all, and the number is increasing.

The cultivator army also had no bottom, and only hoped that there would no longer be a powerful presence in the conjugation stage among these fierce insects.


On the other side, Lan Xian'er carried Shen Lang and came to the bamboo forest where she lived.

Carefully put Shen Lang down on the soft couch in the bamboo house.

Almost no inch of skin on Shen Lang's body was intact, he was injured too badly. The empress Qijue was so cruel that it was outrageous!

Moreover, what Shen Lang suffered was not a simple skin wound. The wound was surging with a hint of purple light, causing the wound to surge like blood, and even Sheng Yang's fighting energy could not heal the wound for a while.

Not only did Shen Lang's injury not improve, but it became more serious. Excessive blood loss caused dizziness and even breathing difficulties.

Lan Xian'er frowned, biting her teeth and said: "Master Shen, you are too badly hurt and you must stop the bleeding. Xian'er has the Lianhua Clan’s top-level external healing medicine'Haihuayu Dew Cream'. This will be painted for you."

After speaking, Lan Xian'er took out a jade porcelain vase from the storage ring and began to untie Shen Lang Kuanyi.

"This... let me do it myself." Shen Lang was a little embarrassed.

"Master Shen, you lie down, this Baihua Yulu ointment needs a certain amount of pure wood aura to be effective when it is applied, and Xianer can only do it for him."

Lan Xian'er kept moving.


Lan Xian'er took off Shen Lang's shirt, blushing slightly on her cheek, and said quickly.

Looking at Shen Lang's **** wounds, Lan Xianer felt a little pain, and immediately poured Baihua Jade Dew Ointment from the jade porcelain bottle and carefully applied it to Shen Lang's wounds.

Maybe Lan Xian'er was also quite shy in her heart, and her movements were slightly stiff. It was the first time that she had such close contact with a member of the opposite sex, and she couldn't tell how she felt in her heart.

The other party was Shen Lang. Lan Xian'er didn't hate it, but was more nervous. At the same time, she hoped that Shen Lang would get better soon.

Feeling a pair of tender white hands scratching around on his body, Shen Lang always felt strange.

In order to break the embarrassment, Shen Lang asked about the teleportation formation: "Xian'er, Empress Xuelan told me that there is a super long-distance teleportation formation on the southern border of the Lianhua tribe. Do you know the location of the teleportation formation?"

"The Empress told me about this before, Xian'er will take you to the position of the teleportation formation." Lan Xian'er responded softly.

"Thanks a lot. But... Empress Xuelan also asked me to take you away from the Lianhua Clan to avoid the war." Shen Lang said with a serious face.

"The empress also asked me about this matter, but Xian'er really didn't want to be a deserter. The princesses of the dignified clan just ran away like this, what kind of style?"

Lan Xian'er looked very helpless, very dissatisfied with Empress Xuelan's instructions before leaving.

"The empress also has her own thoughts. I may see that you are an ascended monk, and you don't have a strong sense of belonging to the Lianhua Clan, and I don't want you to bear such a lot of pressure. Besides, if the Lianhua Clan is really...not good, You are also the only hope for the rejuvenation of the clan, a trace of the empress's sustenance." Shen Lang said solemnly.

Lan Xian'er looked complicated and was silent.

After a long time, Lan Xian'er finally decided, and said sternly: "Well then, Xian'er will leave with Master Shen. Xian'er has made great progress in her cultivation base over the years. Although she is nowhere near as good as Master Shen, she probably won't be along the way. Drag the son down."

"you are too humble."

Shen Lang shook his head.

After applying the plaster, Lan Xian'er also helped Shen Lang meticulously wipe the sweat and blood stains on his body, like a caring little wife.

Shen Lang only regarded her as his best friend, and didn't think too much.

Wandering the ancient spirit world alone, facing many unknown dangers, Shen Lang occasionally felt lonely. Once upon a time, Su Ruoxue and Xiao Rou were by his side, but now he can only be alone.

Assuming that if you get hurt, Cher, Xiaorou, or a former confidante, should do the same for yourself.

The road to cultivating immortals is far away, and loneliness must be endured in order to continue unswervingly.

After that, Lan Xian'er did not disturb Shen Lang to rest and recover. She left the bedroom and quietly closed her eyes on the boulder outside the bamboo house to protect Shen Lang.

This Baihua Jade Dew Ointment did have a miraculous effect. After a while, the purple light in Shen Lang's wound was driven away and the wound stopped bleeding.

Coupled with the restoring power of Sheng Yang's battle energy, Shen Lang's whole body wounds are healing the scabs at an extremely fast speed.

After two consecutive days of rest, Shen Lang's injuries have basically fully recovered.

In the early morning, Shen Lang and Lan Xian'er were still meditating and practicing.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The warning bell of the Lianhua tribe rang for no reason, and the heavy bell rang through the sky.

Shen Lang was awakened instantly and hurriedly walked out of the bedroom.

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