Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2054: Green Claw Corpse King!

The river was pitch black, and Shen Lang couldn't see the reality in front of him.

On the white boat, there was a monk in purple robe standing, seeing Shen Lang's boat catching up, a bit of bitter sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Shen Lang child, did you think you weren't dead? How big is your life!"

Ear-piercing laughter came from the front, Shen Lang beat up a spirit all over his body, and a stormy sea was set off in his heart: "Zifeng, it's you!"

The purple-robed monk on the white boat is indeed Purple Wind.

The robes and hats on the embankment were also left by the purple wind.

At the beginning, after the Lianhua tribe and Tenglin Swamp's fierce insect battle failed, the Empress Qijue was also seriously injured.

Seeing that the Lianhua Clan was not good, and worried about her life, the Empress Qijue told Zifeng a great secret, gave him some things, and asked Zifeng to take a mysterious thing to the land of Nanyuan Find a rescuer.

The Empress Qijue claimed that the mysterious thing could ensure that Zifeng could cross the Styx without incident.

After Zifeng teleported to Tiannan Island, he began to gather money and collect materials. The Empress Qijue gave him a chaotic spirit tree with Yang attribute, but it was still short of materials.

In order to achieve his goal, Zifeng did not hesitate to sell Xiaodie in exchange for a part of the large celestial stone.

At the auction venue in Tiannan City before, Zifeng witnessed Shen Lang bidding with Sun Zihao and bought Xiaodie.

Originally, Zifeng wanted to get rid of Shen Lang, but felt that Shen Lang provokes Sun Zihao, and sooner or later it will be a dead end. He simply did not expose himself, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

After Zifeng finished refining the small boat that crossed the Styx by himself, he entered the Styx directly, unexpectedly hitting Shen Lang at the exact moment.

"Yes, it's this prince. That day, the young city lord of the South City was also a trash, and let you escape into the Styx!" Zifeng stood on the white boat and looked at the golden boat chasing behind with contempt.

In his eyes, Shen Lang was already dead. If in normal times, Zifeng would definitely be afraid of Shen Lang's strength, but now, Shen Lang, the balago, must die in his hands!

"Impossible! How can you enter the Styx?"

Shen Lang was taken aback. Didn't it mean that the breath of Styx could cause irreversible damage to the flesh of wood spirits?

Seeing Shen Lang's astonishment, Zi Feng grinned and said: "This question, you should think about it after you go to hell! Today, this prince can just be ashamed and send you this waste to the west!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zifeng's palms of both hands immediately burst into purple fireballs. The fireballs swelled instantly and rose into the sky, transforming into two hundred-meter-long purple fire dragon phantoms.


The two purple fire dragons let out a loud roar, and ran into the golden boat that Shen Lang was riding in with lightning speed.

"Oh shit!"

Shen Lang's face changed drastically, and he scolded Zifeng shamelessly for attacking his boat.

If the boat capsized, it would be over!

"Amethyst Wall!"

Between the electric light and flint, Shen Lang opened the amethyst wall.

A layer of dazzling purple light quickly enveloped the golden boat tightly.

After completing the most important defense, Shen Lang opened his mouth and spouted a storm of gold blades, attacking the two purple fire dragons flying in.


There was a violent explosion, and a large number of purple flames and golden storms were intertwined, which lasted for a long time.

The Amethyst Wall tightly protected Shen Lang's golden boat and resisted the impact of the explosion.

The water of the Styx River splashed in all directions, and a large number of black raindrops fell on the amethyst wall, making a sound of "呲呲呲".

Shen Lang was shocked. The water of the Styx was actually stronger than the aftermath of the explosion, and it could corrode the amethyst wall!

Fortunately, there were not many black water droplets splashing over, and they were all blocked by the amethyst wall.


Seeing that his attack had no effect on Shen Lang, Zi Feng smacked his lips.

In fact, he had anticipated this a long time ago, and Zi Feng had seen Shen Lang's strength as early as in the original martial arts contest.

It seems that you can't deal with this kid if you don't take out the bottom of the box.

Zifeng's complexion was gloomy, and he hurriedly took out a dark earthen jar from his arms, his face turned red, sprayed a large mouthful of blood into the earthen jar, and then entered a magic trick, chanting words in his mouth.


I saw that the black crock suddenly flew out of a green shadow, which turned out to be a green-haired zombie!

The green-haired zombie is about ten meters long, a humanoid monster with pointed mouth and fangs, and the body is covered with a layer of green mucus.

And this green-haired zombie has thick hair all over his body, and every hair is extremely hard, comparable to the strongest spar. Not so much Mao, it looks like a sharp barb.

The most conspicuous are his arms, extremely strong, a pair of claws emitting a dazzling green light!

This is obviously not an ordinary zombie, the aura exuding is extremely powerful, giving people an overwhelming sense of oppression, making Shen Lang's scalp numb.

The aura emitted by this green-haired zombie is too strong, and it vaguely exceeds the level of the **** transformation stage!

"Green Claw Corpse King, kill him for me!"

Zifeng had finished casting the spell, and shouted at the green-haired zombie.


The green-haired zombie roared sharply, flying towards Shen Lang's boat like a cannonball.

Affected by the strong space pressure in the Styx, the green-haired zombie can only fly about ten meters above the ground, quickly approaching Shen Lang's golden boat.

Shen Lang took a deep breath of cold air. Of course, he would not wait to die, opening his mouth to spray out the lightning.

Almost all of his Lei Ze splitting lightsabers were destroyed, not to mention the formation of the sword array, even the Yuyang Jin Lei that could be used was less than one percent of the original. Now I can only use the Thunder and Lightning Kanli, which belongs to the Sun Thunder, to respond to the enemy, hoping to have an effect on this green-haired monster.


Shen Lang released nearly half of the Kanli thunder and lightning in one breath, and a large number of golden arcs rushed out for a while, like a huge wave, heading towards the green-haired zombie.

An unexpected scene appeared.


I saw that the green-haired zombie was not afraid of the lightning and Kanli, with a fierce roar in his mouth, the green claws of his hands soared to the size of a hill, and slashed towards the lightning.


The huge waves of thunder and lightning were directly split apart by a pair of green claws of the green-haired zombie, and crushed, as if the clouds were seeing the sun.


Shen Lang showed a look of horror and horror. The Kanli Thunder and lightning of such an intensity were useless. The zombie in front of him should be of the level of the corpse king! The strength is infinitely close to the refining period.

When he had just reacted, the green-haired zombie had already arrived in front of the golden boat and swung its hill-like green claws.


There was a loud noise.

The amethyst wall guarding the boat cracked from the middle and was smashed by the giant claws of the green-haired zombie!

Before it was over, after smashing the amethyst wall, the green claws of the green-haired zombie fell straight down, splitting the golden boat that Shen Lang was riding in in half!

Shen Lang was so frightened that he hurriedly drew back and avoided the claw of the green-haired zombie.

Seeing that the golden boat was destroyed by the green zombies, Shen Lang's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

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