Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2091: It's not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Monk Wu Se, Leng Tianshuang, and Long Quan walked through the snow-covered woods and finally came to the temple.

The three of them were covered in blood and looked embarrassed.

Originally, six cultivators entered the ice field, but when they got here, only three of them were still alive.

Among the three monks who died, one was strangled to death by a space storm in the ice field, and two were killed by carrion corpses wandering in the woods.

There was a fierce battle in the woods. Monk Wu Se, Leng Tianshuang and Long Quan finally repelled the carrion and walked out of the woods alive.

At the end of the ice field, Shen Lang was frantically attacking the entrance to the Goddess River, and violent wind rushed.

The Afterlight Sword Array was too dynamic, it was hard not to be noticed.

"Shen... Shen Lang?"

"Impossible! How could Shen Lang come here before us."

Longquan and Leng Tianshuang saw the broken Shen Lang at a glance, and they were shocked.

Monk Wu Se's eyes fixed on the phantom of the woman on the coffin in the temple, his expression was extremely excited, and he knelt down and said, "My Lord Saint, the younger generation finally..."

Who knows, before Monk Wu Se finished speaking, the phantom of the woman in the temple turned into a streamer, rushed over, and said softly: "God helps me, you are here, so quickly go up and open this saint. The coffin!"

Between the electric light and flint, the phantom of the woman had already arrived in front of the three of them.


Long Quan and Leng Tianshuang were taken aback. They could instinctively feel that the woman's phantom exuded an astonishing fierce aura, and they could not breathe.

"Hmph, you two, who should you choose as the temporary body of this saint?"

The female phantom smiled jokingly and glanced at Leng Tianshuang and Long Quan. The two are half a catty, but Leng Tianshuang's physical strength is far less than Longquan, and the female phantom chose Longquan.

Seeing the woman's phantom rushing over, Long Quan, who had always been frivolous, turned pale with fright, and immediately displayed his housekeeping skills, "Dragon Magic Technique."

"Dragon Claw!"

Longquan roared sharply, his arms violently violently turned into two golden dragon claws, and moved towards the woman's shadow claws with lightning and thunder.

Dragon claws are shining with golden light, and contain powerful destructive power!

Longquan wanted to use this trick to force the woman back.

"Small bugs! It's a privilege to be the temporary body of this saint, it's really an honor for your lowly immortal cultivators!" The female phantom squirted out a **** mouth, and easily shook the dragon's claws.

Immediately afterwards, the female phantom rushed directly into Longquan's body.


A tragic scream came from Longquan's mouth, and the original handsome face instantly started to twitch uncontrollably.

"Seize... seize the house?"

When Leng Tianshuang on the side saw this, he was so scared.

This woman's soul body was able to directly win Longquan, the peak of the **** of transformation. It was unbelievable how strong her strength reached?

Cold weather frost broke his nerves and ran away!

After the female phantom seized Longquan, she stretched her body and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, it's been a long time...it's been a long time! It turns out that this is the feeling of having a complete body!"

She was stroking Long Quan's body at this moment, seeming to enjoy it extremely. She didn't bother to chase after Leng Tianshuang who had escaped.

Seeing the woman's phantom so powerful, monk Wu Se set off a stormy sea. He did not forget the woman's phantom's instructions, and rushed towards the temple.

the other side.

Just now, Shen Lang was fully urging the residual light sword formation to break the ban, and for a moment he didn't notice the three monks coming from behind the ice sheet.

When he reacted, the female phantom had already taken Long Quan's body. Monk Wu Se was rushing towards the temple, the target seemed to be the closed coffin.

"not good!"

Shen Lang's complexion changed drastically. Although he didn't know what purpose Monk Wu Se helped the female phantom, how could he let this bald donkey succeed.

"Bald donkey, stop Laozi!"

With a loud shout, Shen Lang urged the residual light sword array with all his strength. A large amount of sword light rushed to the temple like a huge wave, blocking the way of Monk Wu Se.

Seeing an astonishing amount of white sword light coming, Monk Wu Se looked gloomy, muttered a Sanskrit sound in a low voice, and pushed his palms forward.

"Arhat Jue!"

Monk Wu Se's palms turned into huge golden Arhat palms, and the Buddha's light was extremely dazzling.

With a fierce push of the golden giant palm, the white sword light shattered.

After breaking through the sword light barrier, Monk Wu Se rushed into the temple.

"Oh shit."

Shen Lang cursed. It turned out that this bald donkey had been playing tricks on himself all the time. Monk Wu Se was only strong but not weak. The weakness of the previous performance in Falling Wind Valley was completely pretended.

Seeing Monk Wu Se rushed into the temple, Shen Lang was anxious, and hurriedly used the nine changes of bleeding spirit, transforming into the form of Lei Peng.


With a thunderous sound, Shen Lang quickly rushed into the temple with the help of flying thunder escape technique, and spouted a golden blade storm at Monk Wu Se who was about to push open the coffin.

Monk Wu Se's expression changed, his hands folded to prop up a Buddha's light shield, resisting the impact of the golden blade storm, and his whole person was shaken back hundreds of meters.

Shen Lang seized the opportunity and stopped in front of the coffin.

Most of the coffin was the body of the maid-in-law who claimed to be the goddess of Styx. If she was accidentally let her soul return to the body, she would never be his opponent!

Monk Wu Se sneered: "The surname is Shen, we met again. Thanks to you for removing obstacles for the monk along the way, otherwise the monk would not come here so smoothly. Now, you have no use value. If you are acquainted, you will be obediently obedient and you will be caught. Your Lord Saint may give you a refreshing way to die!"

Shen Lang's face was blue and angrily said: "Wose bald donkey, you really are not a fuel-efficient lamp! It turns out that you gave me a map before and let me find the way! What is your purpose?"

Monk Wu Se coldly snorted: "The surname is Shen, you are immediately dead, so it's okay to tell you. The purpose of this monk to the tomb of the goddess is to resurrect the supreme saint!"

As soon as the words fell, the saint who had seized the body of Longquan came to the temple.

"Meet Master Saint!" Monk Wu Se bowed and bowed.

The saint waved her sleeves, and then stared at Shen Lang with a gloomy expression, and said: "Boy, this saint can show you a way to survive. As long as you surrender to me from now on, respect me as the Lord, Ben The saint can spare you not to die."

The corner of Shen Lang's mouth raised: "Why do I want me to respect you as the Lord?"

"The surname is Shen, the Lord Saint is so merciful, you dare to speak off? The Lord Saint is the real master of the tomb of the Goddess. Like you ants, the Lord Saint can kill a large group with a few fingers!"

Monk Wu Se jumped out and shouted wildly. While despising Shen Lang, he also praised a handful of saints and talked about loyalty.

Shen Lang expressionlessly said: "Bald donkey, you are really a brain-dead. At her level, she is also worthy to be a master? If you have a bit of IQ, you can quickly kill this self-proclaimed saint with me, baby, we are together Divided up."

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