Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2141: Recent developments in the Great Wasteland

Shen Lang unexpectedly had the Lianhua Clan cultivator know him, and he was quite moved.

Most of these monks of the Lianhua tribe are relatively young, and some tribesmen are even less than a thousand years old.

Because the monks of the Lianhua tribe are physical bodies cultivated from the ancient spirit flower spirit wood or the chaotic spirit flower spirit wood, their life span is very long. For them, the thousand years of age are just entering the teenage stage from childhood.

After all, Shen Lang was only a flash in the pan before the Lianhua tribe exterminated thousands of years ago, so there are very few monks who know him.

Shen Lang explained: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not a scumbag, but...I am a member of the Lianhua clan, so it is only natural to save you."

"In short, our Lianhua clan has one more senior in the refining period, and there is hope for revival!"

"Yes, the predecessors are so powerful, our Lianhua Clan is hopeful for revival!"

All the Lianhua Clan monks in the Ling Mine gathered in front of Shen Lang, with hope in their eyes.

Shen Lang frowned, it seems that Lianhua's current situation is indeed a bit bad.

Seeing that these tribesmen were injured more or less physically, he immediately took out some healing pills from his storage ring and distributed them to the tribesmen.

The young girl also swallowed a healing medicine. Her physical injury had healed a lot under the treatment of Shengyang's War Qi, and the wound had also been scabled and began to heal.

The girl looked at Shen Lang with a trace of worship in her eyes.

"I just came here, and many things are not yet understood. You can answer some of my questions first, and then I will take you out of here safely." Shen Lang said sternly.

"Senior, please, the little girl knows everything!" The girl yelled out loudly.

All the cultivators of the Lianhua Clan also expressed their opinions, and of course they were willing to answer Shen Lang's questions.

Shen Lang nodded in satisfaction, and began to inquire about the situation and crisis of the Lianhua tribe, as well as some major events that have occurred in the Great Wilderness during these years.

With a heart of reverence, the pity of the Hua Clan monks rushed to answer Shen Lang's question.

Thanks to this, Shen Lang learned a lot of information.

It starts with the destruction of Lianhua clan more than a thousand years ago.

More than a thousand years ago, an unknown giant insect egg appeared in Fujilin Marsh. A large number of ancient fierce insects hatched from the eggs, and an insect infestation broke out.

The Lianhua tribe was defeated in the battle against the fierce insects. The family land was invaded by the fierce insects. The huge Lianhua tribe was completely reduced to the nest of the fierce insects. The countless spiritual flowers and trees in the tribe were swallowed by the fierce insects, and the family land became a piece of land. wasteland.

At that time, Empress Xuelan led a group of remaining Lianhua tribe monks to flee, breaking a **** path and escaping the range of the raging insects.

Only a thousand monks of the Lianhua tribe survived.

At this time, the Empress Shenandoah was severely injured, and his vitality was severely depleted in order to withstand the attack of the fierce insects during the fit period, which made the Empress Shenandoah who was already dying, even worse.

Three days later, the Empress Xuelan sat down and explained the funeral.

She asked the remaining Lianhua tribe cultivators to gather together and don't give up hope. They are down now, but one day they can stand up again!

For the remaining Lianhua tribe, the person with the highest cultivation level will assume the position of patriarch.

Unexpectedly, not long after the Empress Xuelan sat down, the Empress Qijue suddenly appeared, which made the Lianhua people who were on the verge of despair regain their confidence.

Later, the Empress Qijue took over the remaining Lianhua tribe. Although she and Empress Xuelan didn't deal with each other during his lifetime, she also had the idea of ​​revitalizing the Lianhua Clan.

Under the leadership of the Empress Qijue, the Lianhua clan captured a small clan's clan land and temporarily took a rest.

After hundreds of years of development and vigorous multiplication, the remaining tribe has grown from 1,000 to more than 3,000, pouring a certain amount of blood for the new born of the Lianhua tribe.

And in these years, the situation of the entire Great Wasteland has changed dramatically.

At first, due to the pest infestation of the Fujilin Marsh, the Great Wasteland was ravaged by a large number of fierce insects for years, and countless races were exterminated one after another.

It was not until a hundred years later that a powerful race called the "Tongtian Rat Tribe" migrated to the Great Wasteland for some unknown reason.

This Tongtian Rat tribe ranks 190th among the 300 tribes in the ancient spirit world, and has a profound background.

The Tongtian Rats used their entire clan to wipe out most of the ferocious insects in the wilderness, and drove the ferocious insects back to the vine forest swamp, returning the wilderness to normal, and at the same time occupied nearly a third of the northern part of the wilderness. Two territories.

Rumor has it that the worm egg in the Tenglin Swamp, according to investigations, was actually an egg laid by the top sacred spirit beast dragon spider!

But the dragon spider that laid its eggs has long been missing, and no other clues can be found.

The original land of the Lianhua tribe has long since become a barren land due to the ravages of fierce insects, but after seven or eight hundred years, flowers and plants have grown again in the wasteland.

In addition, the five elements of the Lianhua tribe’s land was full of aura, and it was occupied by two powerful races in the Great Wilderness, namely the Green Claw and the Red Tiger tribe. The two clans occupied the Lianhua tribe’s land.

Empress Qijue was naturally unwilling and wanted to retake the clan land, and simply declared war on these two races directly.

It is worth mentioning that neither the Green Claw Tribe nor the Scarlet Tiger Tribe existed in the Synthetic Phase Demon Cultivation, but the total number of monks in the Void Refining Phase of the two tribes totaled 35.

As for the Lianhua Clan, only the Qijue Empress was in the early stage of integration, and there were only two monks in the Void Refining Period. Not a last resort, the Empress Qijue didn't want to tear her skin.

The senior leaders of the Green Claw and the Red Tiger tribe were shocked by the Qi Jue Empress’s cultivation base during the combined period, and negotiated and agreed to give up all the land of the Lianhua clan, but asked to jointly develop several spirit mines in the Lianhua clan. Part of the income.

After weighing the pros and cons, the Empress Qijue endured the humiliation and agreed to the requirements of the two clans.

Their Lianhua tribe is scarce, and every Lianhua monk has no shortage of cultivation resources. At the beginning, several spirit mines in the Lianhua tribe were in an undeveloped state.

What's more, the spirit mines were mined by monks of the Green Claw and Red Tiger tribes, and the Lianhua tribe could just sit back and enjoy their achievements. Why not do it? This is much safer than starting a war.

In this way, the Lianhua clan maintained a relationship with the two clan for hundreds of years. There are more and more newly born Lianhua tribe monks, and the number of tribes exceeds 5,000.

Although the number of monks is increasing, the development of Lianhua tribe is still very slow. This is mainly due to the longevity of the monks of the Helianhua tribe and their slow growth rate, so the newly-born monks are too young and weak.

The Empress Qijue was dissatisfied with the status quo, and the attitudes of the Green Claw and Scarlet Tigers became more and more tough, seemingly deliberately annexing the spirit mines of the Lianhua tribe, which made the Empress Qijue feel that she had to find a helper.

She thought of her old friend, Master Bliss, and later went to Nanyuan, wanting to seek help from Master Bliss.

Later, there was a scene that Shen Lang knew.

"So that's it." Shen Lang nodded slightly, frowning.

After the Empress Qijue left the Great Wasteland and went to Nanyuan, the Green Claw and Scarlet Tigers suddenly turned their backs and began to deal with Lianhua.

Without the protection of the Qijue Empress, the Lianhua tribe had to escape from the clan land. Nearly half of the Lianhua tribe were taken away. The male practitioners were used as labor for mining, and the female practitioners were basically reduced to the green claw and the scarlet tiger. The plaything, the end is extremely tragic.

After Shen Lang listened, he was furious.

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