Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2294: Golden Oasis

The blood of the blue-eyed spirit dove is a top-level insect repellent. Almost 99% of the evil insects cannot stand the pungent odor from the blood of the blue-eyed spirit dove. The evil insects below the spiritual stage may feel poisoned after inhaling these odors. Normally, they die directly.

Ferocious insects above the deity stage will not die after inhaling the smell, but will be paralyzed, lose their energy, and be slaughtered.

The effect of blood essence is dozens of times that of blood, and it is estimated that it will affect the worm repair in the syncytial phase!

In Golden Oasis, this is the best life-saving thing, so Shen Lang would be so excited.

"Don't thank me, the ancestors have high hopes for you, don't let him down." Qing Cang said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Shen Lang responded.

The great grace of the great ape tribe, he remembered in his heart.

In fact, not only the ancestor Qingtian, Qingcang also had high hopes for Shen Lang, who was a young man who amazed him.

Even his arrogant son Qingyu shouted to Shen Lang one by one with his elder brothers. The charisma of Shen Lang's personality was evident, and Qing Cang also felt that Shen Lang's future achievements were limitless.

"You must come back safely from this trip!" Xuan Ying folded her hands together.

"Take care!" Jin Yuan and Jin Ming said in a deep voice.

"Big Brother Shen Lang, when you come back next time, we must get drunk and Fang Xiu!" Qingyu shouted.

Shen Lang hugged his fists toward the demons, and finally set his eyes on Hua Ziling.

Hua Ziling gritted her silver teeth to say something, but couldn't say it.

Shen Lang was about to ask a question, Hua Ziling rushed directly into the teleportation formation, pulled up his collar, and pressed her cherry-colored red lips.

With everyone's eyes in full view, Hua Ziling strongly kissed Shen Lang...

A scorching fragrance spreads between Shen Lang's lips and teeth, which is the sweet smell of a woman's red lips.

"Hey, there are people watching!"

Shen Lang felt embarrassed, but he couldn't push Hua Zi Ling, so he had to send out a voice transmission.

"What are you afraid of? It seems like someone doesn't know that I am your woman."

Hua Ziling didn't bother to care so much, her white arms directly embraced Shen Lang's arms and kissed affectionately.


Xuan Ying and the demon repairs who were seeing off took a turn for a while.

After kissing for a long time, Hua Ziling stopped and pushed Shen Lang away slightly.

Shen Lang wanted to say something, but saw the crystal teardrops on Hua Ziling's slender eyelashes, and his mood suddenly became dull.

"Nothing to say, we all have to live well! Next time we meet again, this girl will definitely make you admire." Hua Ziling wiped away the tears, tightened the corners of her skirt, and made up her mind secretly.


Shen Lang suddenly felt a little sad.

"Come on, don't stand here stupidly."

Hua Ziling walked out of the world-class teleportation formation and directly reached out to penetrate the teleportation formation into spiritual power.

Xuan Ying and Qing Cang and other demon cultivators entered the teleportation formation one after another, and quickly activated this world-class teleportation formation.


Under the urge of several Mahayana monks, the rune marks around the teleportation array suddenly released a dazzling white light.

A large amount of white light wrapped Shen Lang.

Immediately afterwards, with a "swish", Shen Lang was sent out.


White light flashed once again over a certain area in the western part of the ancient spirit world, and Shen Lang was thrown into a hot desert by space.

Shen Lang was dizzy, and the teleportation of the world-class teleportation array felt like it had gone through several centuries.

After staying in mid-air for a while, the dizziness in Shen Lang's mind gradually disappeared.

When he just recovered, a huge flaming red beetle suddenly flew in the sky behind him, with a body length of more than a thousand meters, and a fierce insect of the stage of transformation.

The fire-red beetle sensed the strong spiritual fluctuations that radiated from Shen Lang's body, and opened its huge mouth violently, trying to swallow Shen Lang, the alien who broke into the territory.

Without looking back, Shen Lang waved his hand to shoot out a large white sword light intertwined vertically and horizontally.


With a violent muffled sound, the seemingly huge fire-red beetle instantly turned into a sky full of meat, splashing everywhere.

After sorting out his emotions, Shen Lang looked around the surrounding scenes. It was an endless desert with sandstorms and fierce insects.

The gravel in the desert was golden yellow, and Shen Lang grabbed a handful of gravel and looked at it.

It is not so much gravel as it is milled golden spar, which is extremely sharp, and the surrounding sandstorm is also shaved iron like mud.

Shen Lang is convinced that this is the Golden Oasis Sandbar, which is densely interwoven with deserts and swamps. The gravel in the desert is a kind of finely divided spar called "Gang Jinsha", which is only found in the Golden Oasis.

The area of ​​Golden Oasis Sands is more active and wide, even larger than the Great Wasteland.

But unlike the Great Wasteland, the number of races in Golden Oasis Sand Continent is extremely large, most of which are Zerg, and there are some strange races such as poison. There are no shortage of powerful and terrifying races, such as the Eleventh Dragon Spider Clan in the ancient spirit world, the top 100 and the quite powerful Demon Flame Beetle Clan, Disillusionment Giant Moth Clan, Flying Mantis Clan, and Poisonous Giant Crocodile Clan. , Scarab tribe, giant toad tribe and so on.

In addition to the demon repairs of these races, the most common worms in the Golden Oasis.

This is an extremely dangerous place, full of fierce insects. It is rumored that the monks below the fit period may not be able to come back alive when they enter the Golden Oasis!

Shen Lang first used the Five Flags Resonance Technique, and found that the last five-color flag was located in the western part of the Golden Oasis Sandbar, very far away from his location, probably spanning half of the Golden Oasis Sandbar.

If you simply fly away, you will not be able to reach your destination without seven or eight years.

Shen Lang didn't want to waste so much time on the road, so he decided to investigate the situation in the Golden Oasis Island first, looking for some teleportation arrays that could lead to the destination.

"Sky Eagle Spirit Eye!"

He used his spiritual eyes and supernatural powers to observe the surroundings.

With Shen Lang's cultivation base, the use of Tianying Spirit Eyes can probably see the scene within two to three billion miles!

For a time, a large amount of information was imported into Shen Lang's mind.

Thanks to this, Shen Lang discovered a race in the region of 200 million li to the west. There was a powerful barrier in that race, which blocked the sight of Shen Lang's Tianying Spirit.

According to the map of the ancient spirit world, there should not be too strong races outside the Golden Oasis, Shen Lang decided to ask the situation.

He put on the mixed yuan cloak and mixed ingot boots, and flew quickly towards the clan land of that race.

Shen Lang once afflicted the Scarab clan of the Golden Oasis, he still had to be careful. He changed a little bit, as long as he was not a monk in the fit period, he should not be able to tell.

Along the way, he encountered too many fierce worms, some acting alone, some in groups, from the fourth and fifth tiers to the transformation stage, and even a few fierce worms in the refining stage, which is simply incredible. .

It is no wonder that the Golden Oasis is a dangerous place, and it is really rare to be able to bump into the vicious insects of the refining period.

Fierce insects are not afraid of life and death, always trying to stand in front of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang was annoyed, just in time to sacrifice the Tianlingbao Sacred Insect Pagoda, and began to enslave those raging fierce insects.

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