Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2296: Large-scale war

The entire snake clan is shrouded by a large-scale prohibition, in order to prevent the infestation of evil insects, this restriction can exude a strange aura and has a strong effect of repelling evil insects.

In fact, with the exception of the Snake tribe, most of the races in the Golden Oasis will establish large-scale enchantments like this. It is because there are too many fiends in the Golden Oasis, and there will often be outbreaks of insects. disaster.

Therefore, the racial and ethnic lands of the Golden Oasis are very small, which just facilitates Shen Lang's actions.

The Snake Mansion is the residence of the patriarch of the Snake Clan. It is located in the most central green muddy land of the Snake Snake Clan.

But the smelly turned into smelly, and the surrounding green muddy land was filled with extremely rich wood attributes. The richness is even higher than that of the main city of Lianhua tribe!

The Snakes are not snakes, they are more like a strange race of half snakes, half insects. Wood aura is extremely attractive to the Zerg, and can accelerate the growth and cultivation, and the Snake is no exception.

The Snake Mansion is a towering golden palace with sparkling light and gorgeousness.

At this moment, in the Snake Mansion, the patriarch was convening the high-level discussion of the Snake Clan, and the seats on both sides of the hall were full of monsters.

At first glance, there were at least thirty or forty demons in the Void Refining Period.

Right in front of the main hall, a snake-headed demon Xiu wearing a black armor sat on a jade chair. This demon modifier was the chief of the snake clan, Teng Jie.

Although the Snake Clan is a race with low intelligence, the high-level cultivators above the refining period do not have this drawback.

Teng Jie raised his wine glass and drank, and said in a loud voice: "Recently, several big clans in the northwestern part of Golden Oasis are fighting for a treasure map. They are engaged in large-scale wars to disillusion the giant moth tribe, the flying mantis tribe and the scarab tribe. Scouts were sent to send a signal for help to the three hundred families in the entire Golden Oasis."

"My clan also received a signal a few days ago. As long as my clan agrees, they will provide a huge amount of large celestial stone and some chaotic spirit wood... What do you think?"

A green-robed cultivator in the middle stage of refining the emptiness stood up and clasped his fists and said: "Patriarch, I think it is better to ignore this matter. The war in the northwest is too cruel, and the few top-ranked Zergs are simply fighting endlessly. I Waiting to be involved is not a good thing!"

"Yes, the demon cultivator of our race is now joining the war at this juncture. It is estimated to be cannon fodder. It is meaningless." said another middle stage elder.

At this time, an elder in the late stage of refining virtual reality retorted: "No, I think this may not be impossible!"

Teng Jie raised his eyes and said, "Tell me your opinion."

The elder in the late stage of refining virtual reality said in a deep voice: "Our clan's resources have reached a state of extreme scarcity. If there is no replenishment of resources, our power will continue to weaken and become more and more rubbish. If the younger generations with excellent qualifications do not get The Chaos Spirit Wood is promoted to the cultivation base, our clan will have no future at all!"

As soon as these words came out, the elders of the Snake Clan became solemn.

Teng Jie said depressed: "Oh, that's the truth. Our Snake Clan hasn't had a new Void Refinement Demon Cultivation for thousands of years, and we can't continue like this. From now on, let's send a group of reinforcements to the northwestern battlefield. In exchange for necessary resources."

Just as Tengjie was deploying reinforcements.

A guard hurried into the hall and bowed his head and said, "My patriarch, there is an alien monk outside who says that I want to see you for something."

"Foreign monk?"

Teng Jie raised his eyebrows and immediately said, "Let him in!"

Not long after, Shen Lang in a white robe swaggered into the hall of the snake tribe, and all the eyes of the demon cultivators in the hall fell on him.

"Boy, who are you? Why come to my snake clan?"

Teng Jie's eyes were cold. He originally thought that the monk who came was a scout sent by a few big clans for help, but he didn't expect it to be a monk from the human race.

Although Terran monks spread all over the ancient spirit world like ants, there are not many Terran monks in the Golden Oasis.

Shen Lang glanced around the hall. There were 38 demon cultivators in the Void Refining Stage, and Teng Jie in the seat above was the demon cultivator in the early stage of the fit.

This lineup can no longer put too much pressure on Shen Lang.

"I have seen the patriarch of the Snake clan. I happened to pass by here when I was on my way, wanting to borrow the noble's teleportation formation. Of course, it was not borrowed for nothing, I can pay for a sufficient amount of large celestial stone!" Shen Lang held his fist very politely. .

"Bold human monk, don't kneel down when you see the patriarch!"

"Rampant boy, who do you think you are talking to?"

Even though Shen Lang had been polite enough, there were still quite a few elders of the snake clan cursing in the hall.

This snake clan is also an arrogant and ignorant race.

Teng Jie pressed his hand, signaled the demons to be quiet, looked at Shen Lang like a clown on a beam jumping, and smiled contemptuously: "Boy, you said you can pay for the big celestial stone, yes. The Golden Oasis Transmission Array is scarce. , If you hand over five million large celestial stones, how about your clan leader letting you borrow my clan’s teleportation formation?"

Shen Lang was already very upset. He just borrowed the teleportation array once, and opened his mouth is five million large celestial stones, why don't you rob?

However, the five million celestial stones are indeed just drizzle to Shen Lang. Since the last time he returned from the Primordial Fantasy Realm, Shen Lang has collected a lot of trophies. Now there are at least five or six celestial stones in his storage ring. Billion!

In fact, the wealth he obtained was far more than that, but due to the limited space in the storage ring, Shen Lang also gave hundreds of millions of large celestial stones to Hua Ziling.

"Yes, senior patriarch can keep the promise."

Shen Lang calmly took out a large bag of celestial stones from the storage ring and threw them directly into the hall.

With a "wow", a huge amount of large celestial stones scattered all over the ground.

Teng Jie, who had a sneer on his face, instantly solidified, revealing an incredible expression.

In the hall, the high-ranking snake clan, you look at me and I look at you, can't help taking a breath of cold.

This kid is too tyrant!

In the Golden Oasis Sand Continent, resources such as large celestial stones are relatively scarce. For the patriarch Teng Jie, five million large celestial stones are already a very large number.

What he said just now was completely teasing Shen Lang. He never thought that this kid could actually come up with so many large celestial stones!

Teng Jie was very sad, and he couldn't think that a monk of the human race could come up with so many large celestial stones. One can imagine how poor they are. This made him even more upset at Shen Lang.

"Boy, for your honesty, the patriarch doesn't make it difficult for you. Leave these big celestial stones and storage rings, go away!" Teng Jie shook his hand.

"Haha, it really is a foolish decision to deal with you ignorant and arrogant races!"

Shen Lang was extremely angry. He arrived for the first time and didn't want to go to war. This snake clan was really deceiving people too much.

Teng Jie didn't put Shen Lang in his eyes, and sneered: "The waste in the late stage of Void Refining, even dare to confront the patriarch. I really want to kill this culprit quickly!"

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