Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2353: key


Liu Yunmeng was stunned. She knew that Shen Lang's strength could not be described by common sense, but she never thought that a man's strength was so horribly powerful.

When dealing with Lu Gang more than half a month ago, this man didn't seem to be that strong yet, right? After only entering the Nine Extremes Book of Heaven, Shen Lang's strength has reached such an outrageous level!

The defensive power of the mysterious tortoise was amazing, and Shen Lang was able to kill it with a single blow... Not seeing it with his own eyes, Liu Yunmeng was really unbelievable.

Shen Lang was stunned by the enhanced version of Aurora he had displayed. He couldn't imagine that the sword domain he had experienced from the Book of Nine Extremes actually had obvious effects.

Although it was far from controlling the sword domain, Shen Lang seemed to feel how to control that power to the greatest extent.

"Girl Yunmeng, the trouble has been resolved, go ahead and get the tripod." Shen Lang said in a deep voice.

"You are good."

After Liu Yunmeng curled his lips and said something, he flew into the molten lake again.

Although Shen Lang's strength was strong, Liu Yunmeng didn't feel much frustration in his heart. If Jiuyiding is taken back, she is confident that her strength will not be weaker than Shen Lang!

The Jiuyi Ding was sealed by Liu Yunmeng at the bottom of the Molten Lake, and it was sealed with a tripod cover. It was extremely concealed and did not emit the slightest breath.

At the beginning, in the human world, Liu Yunmeng was worried that Jiuyiding would be taken away by the monks of the ancient demon world, so he decided to take Jiuyiding to ascend and let Jiuyiding completely recognize the master.

The Tianlingbao is different from the general primordial spirit treasures. After acknowledging the Lord, the Tianlingbao can be connected with the blood of the monk, so Liu Yunmeng can fly with the tripod.


A huge three-legged treasure tripod followed Liu Yunmeng out of the lava lake, slowly spinning in mid-air, dotted with colorful auras all around.


Liu Yunmeng made a cowardly scolding, and the Nine Doubts in front of him turned into an aura and entered her body.

I saw Liu Yunmeng's chest gradually condensed a five-color three-legged small tripod pattern, releasing a misty glow.

Shen Lang's eyes involuntarily stayed under the collar of Liu Yunmeng's white skirt for a while, and while being attracted by the three-legged small tripod pattern, he inevitably admired the alluring white towering.

I have to say that in addition to the stunning features of Liu Yunmeng, his figure is also perfect.

Her posture was not that plump and charming, but extremely elegant, exuding the elegant temperament like hibiscus coming out of water and frosting snow on her wrists, which was pleasing to the eye.

Feeling Shen Lang's dishonest gaze, Liu Yunmeng's pretty face blushed slightly, covering his neckline lightly, and he was ashamed and annoyed: "Where do you look, stinky man, dirty!"

"No... sorry."

Shen Lang was a little embarrassed, thinking this was completely force majeure, who made the pattern of the Nine Suspicious Tripod condense in the key part of Liu Yunmeng.

Anyway, he had seen enough before, so Shen Lang touched his nose and immediately looked away.

In order to break the embarrassment, Shen Lang hurriedly changed the topic. From the storage ring, he handed a square jade slip shaped like a golden jade to Liu Yunmeng, and said: "Girl Yunmeng, since Jiuding Ding has been taken back, you Let’s take a look at this."

"this is?"

Liu Yunmeng took the jade slip, her eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Treasure jade slips pieced together from the shards of the celestial secret map, this thing was given to me by Zhang Daoling..."

Shen Lang explained the ins and outs of the matter to Liu Yunmeng.

Liu Yunmeng felt a little weird.

Before Zhang Daoling, in order to obtain this thing, sent the Barbarian God and a hundred Fangcunshan monks to the Golden Oasis Sands in person, and recovered the fragments from the Zerg Alliance and the Hunting Alliance, which shows that Zhang Daoling attaches great importance to this treasure.

It was really unexpected that Zhang Daoling would directly give this thing to Shen Lang, it would be too generous, after all, it is very possible that this jade slip recorded the location of the Taiyi real man's cave.

"let me try."

Liu Yunmeng was too lazy to think too much, she held the square jade slip in her palm, and the green jade made a black and yellow qi.

It has been rumored in the ancient spirit world that the Jiuyi Ding is the key to opening the Taiyi real cave. The most important energy in the Jiuyi Ding is the qi of Xuanhuang. Maybe the qi of Xuanhuang can make the jade slip some reaction.

I saw a large amount of red and yellow air currents covering the jade slips.

Unexpectedly, just like this, Yu Jian really reacted!

After the square jade slip was covered by the black and yellow two qi, a large amount of golden light suddenly gushed out. Those filaments are extremely small, but densely packed, completely enveloping the jade slips.

These light threads are usually hidden in the jade slips, which can block the spiritual consciousness of the monks, so it is impossible to check the contents of the jade slips!

Although Xuanhuang Erqi can slightly weaken the golden light thread on the jade slip, it cannot drive it away.

Once Liu Yunmeng stopped releasing the two black and yellow qi, the weakened golden light filaments would instantly swell and return to the original state.

Liu Yunmeng pushed out his left palm and tried to forcibly release the golden light thread on the jade slip, only to hear a "bang" sound, a golden light gushing out of the jade slip directly bounced her palm away.

Shen Lang also tried to release the light thread on the jade slip, but also encountered a huge repulsive force.

The light thread on this jade slip cannot be lifted at all!

Liu Yunmeng frowned and said: "It's troublesome. The light threads on this jade slip are running in an extremely complicated pattern, endlessly. To remove these light threads, brute force will definitely not work."

"What to do then?" Shen Lang frowned and asked.

Liu Yunmeng pondered for a while, and said with a serious face: "According to the girl's guess, to unlock the light thread on the jade slip, a few keys are needed. Xuanhuang Erqi can weaken a part of the light thread, indicating that Jiuyiding is one of the keys! To open this jade slip left by the suspected real Taiyi, we have to find other keys."

"What are the other keys?" Shen Lang asked.

"How do I know this. Taiyi real person's secret treasure is so easy to figure out."

Liu Yunmeng sighed quietly. She wasted most of her life for this illusory treasure before she was alive. Now it seems that it is really stupid.

Shen Lang frowned, it seemed that the treasure hunt could be completely put down.

Who knows where the other keys are?

If you have time to ponder this, you might as well improve your cultivation first.

"Please keep this treasure map, maybe you can find other keys in the future. But for now, forget it." Liu Yunmeng shook his head.


Shen Lang took the jade slip.

The two of them flew out of Huoyun Mountain, both with disappointed expressions.

"Shen, since you have absorbed the blood of the golden-eyed stone ape, why can you still befriend the giant ape clan?" Liu Yunmeng asked.

"It's a long story."

Shen Lang was quite moved. He told Liu Yunmeng what happened to him in the Great Ape Clan.

After listening to Liu Yunmeng, he felt a little unbelievable. He was indeed Zhang Daoling's favorite monk. For ordinary monks, Shen Lang's experience can be described as touching.

Since Shen Lang is familiar with the Great Ape Clan, Liu Yunmeng no longer doubts.

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