Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3274: Shen Lang VS Zhu Tou


Shen Lang gave Jin Hong a bit of face and hugged his fist, which was still recovering. After Jin Hong recovered his physical body, he gritted his teeth and said: "You are good! Although I am not your opponent, Jin Hong played a good fight today. Since I can't beat you, I won't mention the previous grievances again. I will treat you as the Seven Holy Palace from now on

Elder, consider you to be above me. "

"But elder Shen, please listen. In time, when Jin feels that his strength is enough, he will look for you to fight! I hope you will not refuse by then!"

Shen Lang responded calmly: "As long as I'm still in the Seven Sacred Palace, of course I won't refuse."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Jin Hong nodded heavily, slammed his fist towards Shen Lang, and left the field.

Shen Lang also left the ring.

Upon seeing this, Jin Zhanyuan in the elders seat breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Shen Lang is getting more and more pleasing to the eye, he should really let his son learn from him.

This duel obviously raised Shen Lang's reputation to a higher level.

Dai Tian and Zhu Tou, two descendants of the Seven Saints, also paid more attention to Shen Lang.

As the defending champion, Dai Tian didn't feel any pressure. Among the cultivators who participated in the appraisal of martial arts disciples this time, the only thing he was interested in was Shen Lang, and he wanted to fight with him to see what this person is capable of!

At the end of the tenth round, Yuan Fei, Dai Tian and Zhu Tou successfully advanced.

The next day, the eleventh round of the Wudouhui was held as scheduled, and there were less than fifty monks who advanced to this round, all of whom were strong among the elite.

Only Shen Lang was the cultivation base of the early stage of the human immortal, and the realms of the remaining monks were basically the latter stage of the human immortal and the peak of the human immortal.

In the eleventh round, the opponent that Shen Lang encountered was a super elite disciple named "Fan Hai". The opponent had the cultivation base of the later stage of the human immortal and was quite senior in the Seven Sacred Palace.

There was no suspense in this battle, Shen Lang waved his hand, a Guishui dragon thunder forced Fan Hai to use all his strength to release the defensive magic, and his body was shocked.

Shen Lang's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he threw the chasing gun.

The soul chaser turned into a black light shuttle, piercing Fan Hai's body, crushing his body, and securing the victory.

"Fan Hai's body collapsed, and the winner of this match is Shen Lang!"

Shen Lang easily advanced to twelve rounds.

The three descendants of the Seven Saints, Yuan Fei, Dai Tian, ​​and Zhu Tou, had no suspense and successfully advanced.

After the elimination of the previous round, only 22 monks were left to advance to the twelfth round.

The twelfth round will be the most important round of competition. This round of competition will almost determine the top ten candidates for this martial arts appraisal!

The disciples of the Seven Holy Palace are already discussing who can become the champion of this martial arts tournament. Most disciples are still optimistic about Dai Tian's victory. Some disciples feel that Yuan Fei and Zhu Tou also have the hope of winning.

Because Shen Lang couldn't detect his true strength and his cultivation base was really low, there were not many disciples who supported him to win the championship. However, Shen Lang's popularity is high enough, and his disciples regard it as a strong player who can win the top ten.

Some good disciples of the Seven Holy Palace even set up a gambling game, which attracted a large number of disciples to participate. Bai Weiwei took the brunt and bet 500,000 lower-grade immortal spirit stones, almost equivalent to all her belongings, to bet Shen Lang to win the championship!

The incident caused the disciples of the Seven Holy Palace who participated in the gambling game to take a deep breath. This woman is really crazy, and she throws all her possessions because she wants to support Shen Lang!

However, Bai Weiwei's move increased the popularity of the gambling game and attracted a large number of disciples to join the gambling game.

Most of the disciples bought Dai Tian to win the championship, and a few disciples bought it to Yuan Fei and Zhu Tou. The number of low-grade fairy spirit stones that Bai Weiwei smashed in was too large, as long as Shen Lang could not win the championship, these low-grade fairy stones would be vomited to them.

Seeing that Bai Weiwei supported Shen Lang in this way, Xia Shan'er was not to be outdone. She gave Shen Lang all her belongings, nearly 200,000 inferior immortal spirit stones.

Ning Xiaoyao didn't say anything, she silently bet a hundred thousand lower-grade immortal spirit stones on Shen Lang.

Just like that, the gambling game became more and more popular, attracting a large number of disciples to participate. Almost every disciple of the Seven Sacred Palace would participate in entertainment and place more or less bets.

Early in the morning of the second day.

The twelfth round of the Wudouhui officially began.

Shen Lang ranked second.

"In the second game, Shen Lang vs. Zhu Tou!"

The referee fell with a scream, and the hearts of the monks off the court set off a stormy sea.

"Haha, Brother Zhu vs. Elder Shen Lang, this one is worth seeing!"

"Senior Brother Zhu is extremely strong, and now I can finally see what level of Elder Shen Lang's true strength is!"

"Yes, before, Elder Shen Lang's opponents were not at the pinnacle of immortality, this time let Senior Brother Zhu try!"

The field was full of enthusiasm, and the disciples were in high spirits and speculated about who could win. Jin Hong, who was previously defeated, also came to watch Shen Lang’s match on time. Seeing that Shen Lang’s opponent was Zhu Tou, Jin Hong gritted his teeth and said: "Shen Lang, Shen Lang, I know that you have saved a lot of strength before. Let me see your true strength

What state has it reached? Since you can beat me, don't lose to this Zhu Tou! "

Although he said so, Jin Hong didn't feel much hope that Shen Lang could defeat Zhu Tou.

As the descendants of the Seven Saints, Jin Hong still knows Zhu Tou quite well.

Zhu Tou usually looks gentle and honest, but his true strength is quite amazing. In terms of his physical brute force, no one can match it among all the Seven Sages. Whether Shen Lang can win this duel is still two to say.

Shen Lang and Zhu Tou flew into the ring at the same time.

"Zhu Tou has seen Elder Shen and hopes that Elder Shen will use all his strength to fight."

In the arena, Zhu Tou clasped his fists and saluted Shen Lang. The other's humble attitude made Shen Lang a little bit astonished. It was the first time he encountered such a polite opponent.

"To each other!"

Shen Lang also clasped his fists toward Zhu Tou in return.

"Elder Shen, Zhu Xiu is dominant, please move first." Zhu Tou put out a word of invitation with a smile on his face.

The other party's politeness made Shen Lang a little uncomfortable. Shen Lang only said solemnly: "Since Zhu Daoyou said so, then Shen should be more respectful than fate."

"Guishui Dragon Thunder!"

Shen Lang started with a Guishui Dragon Thunder, a huge amount of black lightning rushed out of his body, poured into the black cloud above his head.


The huge black thunder dragon rushed out of the black cloud and swiftly attacked Zhu Tou, with the violent thunder sound shaking the earth.

"As expected, you are the monk that Miss Weiwei is fond of, you are indeed very powerful! But wanting to beat Zhu is not that simple."

Zhu Tou laughed and commented. He rolled out his right palm calmly, and shouted: "The sixth step of immortality, the seal of Zhenshan!"

As soon as the roar fell, Zhu Tou's palm punched a giant golden seal.

The Dharma seal was in the shape of a "mountain", and it looked no different from a huge mountain. I saw the golden huge mountain smashed towards the black thunder dragon in the sky like a meteorite.


A roar sounded throughout the world, the golden giant mountain hit the black thunder dragon and exploded directly, turning into dense golden light beams.

Immediately afterwards, the golden beam of light in the sky penetrated the black Thunder Dragon!  The golden glow, the black lightning and the cold glow are intertwined and collided. The indescribable destructive energy rages across the ring, and the earth-shaking rumbling roars, making people tinnitus and deaf.

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