Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3445: Who did it!

As soon as the roar fell, there was no sound in the Holy Dragon Palace.

A green-robed elder shouted: "Don't panic, everyone! Don't we understand the character of the king? How can we be willing to be a turtle!"

"Yanfeng just took advantage of the loopholes, and attacked Bibotan when the king was in poor condition. We can't follow the other side's way, we should wait for work, wait for the other side's energy, and then come out, killing the other side by surprise."

As soon as the green robe elder's voice fell, other elders in the hall immediately responded.

"That's good, the shreds of the holy volcanoes outside are just arrogant now. When the king's body recovers, everyone will kill them together to let this holy volcano know that we are not easy to mess with Bibotan!"

The elders nodded repeatedly, and now they can only hope that the nine-headed king can recover a little more strength and lead them to kill in time.

at this time.


A loud noise came, and the whole Bibotan was roaring.

The huge Sacred Dragon Palace was like a major earthquake, shaking more and more, and the elders were frightened, and the enthusiasm just now disappeared without a trace.

The defense formation has begun to loosen!

Bibotan's defensive formation is only a medium-lower heavenly immortal formation. Although its defensive power is strong, it cannot withstand the successive attacks of so many cultivators.

The nine-headed king was extremely upset, opened his eyes, and smacked his lips: "Quickly pass a word to the beast Yanfeng for this king!"


Outside Bibotan, the attack of the holy volcano monks' army had reached a white-hot stage, with deafening explosions one after another, and several nearby mountains were razed to the ground by intense magical energy.

"Nine-headed old dog get out of me!"

"Nine-headed old dog, if you don't come out again, after my holy volcanic monks break through this defensive formation, Bibotan will be razed to the ground!"

The yelling of Yanfeng and the elders of the Holy Volcano has not stopped for a moment, and their voices are a little dumb.

Fortunately, Bibotan's defensive array began to show signs of weakness, and the surface of the array barrier was bright and dark.

Yan Feng was overjoyed in his heart, and shouted: "Continue to strengthen the attack and break this formation for me!"


The holy volcano monks responded in unison, attacking Bibotan's defensive formation more vigorously. After    attacked for a while, a shocking roar suddenly came from below Bibotan: "The head of Yanfeng, my king said back and forth. After ten days, he will lead the elder Bibotan to a duel on the holy volcano. If the contract is breached, Bibotan will automatically let him go.

Participate in the flat peach feast! "

This preaching voice was loud and resounded through the sky.

The elders of the holy volcano who shouted could not help looking at each other.

"Head, since the nine-headed king has issued a statement, should we wait ten days before duel with the forces of Bibotan?" The elder Sheng Volcano frowned and asked for instructions.

Not as a last resort, these elders of the holy volcano didn't want to fight the Bibotan forces to death and death.

After all, Bibotan's ranking in Luanshishan is one place higher than that of the Holy Volcano. If the two sides really fight each other, the outcome will only be both sides.

Yanfeng's eyes shrank, and his face was cold and cold: "The more the nine-headed old dog delays, the more proof he is afraid. Don't give them a chance to breathe, continue to attack!"

Later, Yan Feng was worried that the other party was deliberately delaying time and was trying to deal with them.

Although Yanfeng had confidence to overwhelm Bibotan, Bibotan's "Ancestral Dragon Divine Bow" was a huge hidden danger. If the nine-headed old dog really figured out a way to activate this Silent Spirit-level fairy treasure, then their holy volcano would be finished.

Of course, this possibility is slim.

Under Yanfeng's order, the Holy Volcano monks continued to attack the broken formation.

Bibotan's defensive array became more turbulent under the storm-like attack, and it is estimated that it will collapse completely within a day.


On the other side, Shen Lang flew for two days and finally arrived near Bibotan.

Thousands of meters away, Shen Lang used the eyes of the holy demon to see the movement of Bibotan clearly, and he couldn't help but show doubts.

Bibotan is also the tenth sect in Luanshishan, why faced the attack of the holy volcanic monk, only blindly defending?

Shen Lang was too lazy to think, relying on the powerful insight ability of the holy demon's eyes, he could see the full combat power of the holy volcano before no one found it.

There are more than 300 earth immortal monks in the entire holy volcano, and only Yanfeng is the cultivation base of earth immortal peak, and the overall power is not that powerful.

Shen Lang had no pressure, even if he stepped forward, it was almost impossible for these holy volcano monks to threaten him.

"The magic pupil!"

After making up his mind, Shen Lang's holy demon eyes shot out a cloud of purple-golden light, covering his whole body quickly.

Suddenly, Shen Lang hid his figure as if wearing a cloak.

After Shen Lang broke through the realm of immortality, the eye of the holy demon has also entered the end of its growth, its ability has been greatly improved, and its applicability is extremely wide.

He can use the celestial magic pupil to create a variety of phantom formations, including the concealment formation, and can even impose concealment abilities on himself to cover up all his auras, including his body!

However, due to the lack of cultivation, Shen Lang's hidden supernatural powers displayed by the holy demon eyes would still be detected by monks above the early stage of the Earth Immortal.

The hidden Shen Lang quickly broke into the area blocked by the Holy Volcano monks' army.

Shen Lang escaped extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he came to a position several thousand meters above the holy volcano monks' army.

Although his hidden supernatural powers will be seen through by the earth immortal monks, he still needs to observe carefully. The following elders of the holy volcano were all aggressively attacking, but no one noticed Shen Lang.

"Pray for rain!"

Shen Lang felt a bit funny, and snapped his fingers immediately.

A large black cloud suddenly rolled up in the sky, and the black cloud quickly expanded and spread, and instantly enveloped the entire Bibotan sky.

The patter of white raindrops descended from the black clouds, forming a heavy rainstorm, rushing straight down towards the holy volcano monk below.


The monks of the holy volcano were caught off guard, so they were chilled.

After Shen Lang broke through the realm of earth immortality, his understanding of the rain-calling and wind-breathing method in the Thirty-Six Transformation of Tiangang increased to a higher level, and the scope and ability of praying for rain was greatly enhanced.

"Why... what's going on?"

"Why is it raining suddenly!"

"No, this is Sanyin Heavy Water!"

The holy volcanic monk army made a mess, and the cold air permeated from the Sanyin heavy water made many holy volcanic monks of low cultivation level tremble with cold, and they had to release a defensive barrier to resist the unknown cold breath.

"Who did it!"

Yan Feng shouted angrily, his eyes moving back and forth.

"it's me!"

Shen Lang was condescending, revealing his true body, and said blankly.

Seeing the enemy above their heads, the scorching wind and the elders of the holy volcano looked terrified.

"You...Which monk are you?"

Yanfeng's heart was dazzling, his eyes fixed on Shen Lang in the sky.   This person's concealment methods are too clever. They are so close at hand that they didn't even notice it just now!

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