Godly Dragon Guard

Vol 3 Chapter 3857: Sealed Astrolabe

"The prototype body of the heavenly path fragments is a mysterious thing called the "boundary astrolabe"." Bodhi Patriarch said solemnly.

"The sealed astrolabe, what is that?"

Shen Lang frowned, he was considered a good reader, but he had never heard of such a thing.

Bodhi Patriarch explained: “The Sealed Astrology Disk has been born since the Hunyuan era. It is an artifact that stabilizes the interface of the immortal world, prevents the interface from collapsing and prevents the flow of energy from the interface."

"That's it."

Shen Lang nodded slightly, and probably understood what the sealed astrolabe was. It was a bit similar to the Tongtian Pillar of the Ancient Spirit World Buzhou Mountain Dragon Tomb, used to stabilize the interface space. "The sealed astrolabe is not so much an artifact, but rather a spiritual object connected to the realm of the real world. It represents a part of heaven. The ability of this object is not limited to a stable interface. It can also reverse yin and yang, resurrect the dead, and change the stars. ,even

You can also travel through time and space and reverse reincarnation! This celestial disk seems to be able to change the law of one realm of the true immortal realm, but no one knows how much power this thing has. "

"The twelve ancestor witches of the Lich Age once observed the complete picture of the sealed astrolabe on the'Sky Star Dome'. It is a circular compass shaped like the nine palaces and eight trigrams. The light released can envelop the entire realm of immortals. Guard the real immortal world."

"Unfortunately, at the time of the Lich Catastrophe, due to the collapse of the Zhoutian Star Dou formation, the sealed stellar disk was shattered by the starry sky light, and turned into twelve fragments that flowed around. These twelve fragments are the so-called "Fragments of Heaven"."

Patriarch Bodhi said without delay.

Shen Lang’s eyes lit up: "According to the immortal ancestor, as long as you can gather twelve fragments of the heavenly path, you can recombine the confinement astrolabe, exert the power against the sky, and save the true immortal world?" Bodhi Patriarch shook his head and said: Also, the sealed star disk is connected to the immortal world. It can be imagined as the will power of the true immortal world, and will not be controlled by any monk. Little friend Shen Lang, you are the chosen one, and your fate is related to the aura of heaven and earth.

Can hold the fragments of heaven. Change to an ordinary monk, forcibly holding the Heavenly Dao fragments, I'm afraid that he will be exhausted by the fragments and die. "

"Even those who are chosen from heaven, reorganizing the sealed astrolabe, can't exert the ability of the astrolabe. At most, they can only repair the heavenly path, smoothly start the next cycle of reincarnation, and maintain the operation of the real world."

Shen Lang frowned and said, "What if it fails?"

Bodhi Patriarch said: "Failure, it means that the true immortal world is heading for true destruction."

Shen Lang was shocked, he was still a little puzzled, and asked: "The cause of the war of extinction was the invasion of the demons in the Burial Sea. Repairing the way of heaven, can we prevent the invasion of the demons in the Burial Sea?"    Bodhi Patriarch explained Said: "The monsters that come from the sea of ​​burial are not the native demons of the true immortal world, but come from the star field. The essence is that the true immortal world has lost the guardianship of the sealed stellar disk, leading to the outer domain outside the star field. Monk, yes

Come to the realm of immortals by traveling through the stars. "  " In history, since the Great Tribulation of the Lich, it has been the age when the demons came to the world. Why did so many Outer Demon Races appear in the True Immortal Realm at that time? It is precisely because the True Immortal Realm lost the guardianship of the Sealed Boundary Astrolabe that the Outer Realm Demon Races can open up and enter the True Immortal Realm.

Space channel. And Burying Demon Sea is a space channel opened by the Outland Demon Race. "

Hearing this, Shen Lang finally understood why so many vicious demons appeared in the Burial Demon Sea, it turned out that they came from outside the star field. Patriarch Bodhi continued: "Since the Three Emperors of Heaven, Earth, and Human Beings have settled the chaos, they have used great magical powers to seal the space passage of the Demon Burying Sea, preventing the invasion of the Outer Demon Race, which is considered to have created a longer peace for the true immortal world. Since then, very long

For a period of time, the true immortal world was in peace. "  " But after the self-styled realm's astrolabe shattered, the laws of the real world gradually became unbalanced, and the interface energy continued to flow away. Since the time of the Emperor, there are only a handful of monks in the realm of true immortals who can break through the realm of Daozu Tianzun, and their overall strength has been greatly reduced.

It also laid the groundwork for the tragedy of the World War. "  " By the end of the Five Emperors Era, the three emperors' seals that buried the Demon Sea could not be sustained after all, and the invasion of the Outer Territory Demon Race led to the war of destruction. In the battle of extinction, because the true immortal realm's local forces are far inferior to the outer demons, the entire interface is almost bloodied

wash. All the Dao Ancestor Tianzun were all destroyed, and the poor Dao was not spared. "

"Fortunately, the strength of the Chosen at that time was strong enough to repel the main force of the Demon Race with their own power, and re-seal the Burial Demon Sea at the cost of their own lives, which allowed the native creatures of the True Immortal World to survive."

"But the seals set by the predecessors of the Celestial Chosen cannot be compared with the seals of the Three Emperors. Naturally, they will not last long. Once the seal is weak, the Outer Demon Race will take advantage of the void. This is the end of the true immortal world."

Speaking of this, Patriarch Bodhi sighed slightly and asked: "Little friend Shen Lang, Pang Daoyan, as for this, do you understand the root of the frequent tribulations and chaos in the true immortal world?"

Shen Lang took a deep breath and nodded slightly: "The root cause of everything is caused by the collapse of the Star Seal."

The location of the Heavenly Dao Fragment has been released, so just search my pen name in your heart. "Yes, if the sealed realm astrolabe hadn't been damaged at the beginning, this Yanji should still exist for a long time now. After the self-styled realm stellar disk collapsed, the true immortal realm is not as good as the day, the interface energy flows, and the power of the law declines. When this weakness

After reaching the limit, the entire interface may collapse and destroy, and there will be no next evolution. "

"If you want to save the true immortal realm, the first task is to gather these twelve heavenly fragments, reorganize the sealed astrolabe, and enter the next evolutionary period, so that the true immortal realm will regain vitality." Patriarch Bodhi said solemnly.

Shen Lang said solemnly: "The younger generation has found five fragments of the heavenly path. If this continues, it is not impossible to gather twelve fragments of the heavenly path!"

"If the younger generation can gather all the fragments of the Heavenly Path before the invasion of the Outer Demon Race and reorganize the Sealed Star Disk, it seems that there is no need to travel through time and space, right?"

Shen Lang asked curiously. Patriarch Bodhi shook his head and said, "Little friend Shen Lang, things are not as simple as you think. On the eve of the war of annihilation, the young disciple Zhang Daoling used the hexagram of heaven to calculate the imminent aftermath of the world annihilation. Ancestral sky

Zun Qing tried his best to search for the Heavenly Dao fragments, but in the end only found six fragments. "

"Are there only six fragments of the heavenly path?"

Shen Lang frowned. The ancestor Bodhi said: "Naturally, it is impossible to have only six pieces. At that time, the digital Dao ancestors of the Tianmu Immortal Territory used secret methods to make these six pieces of heavenly path resonate, trying to perceive the location of other heavenly path fragments, but in the end But lost

Lost. "

"The reason for the failure was not because the method was wrong, but the remaining fragments of the Heavenly Dao... not at all in the realm of real immortals." Patriarch Bodhi added.

"What!"    Shen Lang was taken aback.

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