Godly Dragon Guard

Vol 3 Chapter 3901: Fight to death

Unexpectedly, the Holy Slayer Gang actually laughed out loud: "Boy, what are you doing in the Spring and Autumn Period?"

"I can forgive you from dying because you are the Chosen One. As for the group of miscellaneous fishes behind you are the enemies of my Three Saints, they all have to die, none of them want to live!" His face was arrogant and shouted.

If it weren't for the previous returnees who said that the chosen person is a person who gave orders from the heavens, he must not be provoked, let alone killed, otherwise, according to the character of the holy envoy, how would he be willing to leave Shen Lang's life.

His goal is to capture Shen Lang back and retake the ancient Buddha stone slab.

Listening to the arrogant words of the Sage Slaying Envoy, Shen Lang also cut off his thoughts of sacrificing his life, his face suddenly became hideous, and his eyes became murderous: "If this is the case, then there is nothing to say."

"Dear fellow daoists, this is the end of the matter. If I want to get a chance, I can only fight with death!!!"

After speaking for the last time, Shen Lang gushed out the monstrous devil energy all over his body, and immediately transformed into the posture of the blood-tan holy demon, and took the lead in charging.

The blood sandal sage demon held the Xuanhua board axe and rushed towards the Gang Slayer.

"Don't hesitate, everyone, let's go together!"

The ape king and the nine-headed king uttered sky-shaking roars, closely behind Shen Lang.

"Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell! Brother Shen, let Shenxiu help you."

Shenxiu clasped her hands together, her whole body set off a giant wave of Buddha light, her body suddenly swelled, turning into a three-headed six-armed golden bronze figure, rushing out like a cannonball, following Shen Lang and the King of Apes.

The Jade Raksha also turned into the posture of the Raksha Valkyrie, holding the silver dragon sword and rushing forward without hesitation.

"Let's go together!"

The monks responded, either offering magic weapons, or using magical powers, preparing to attack.

Not only is Gang Slaying Envoy not afraid, he also sneered disdainfully at the corner of his mouth: "Come here, I want to see, what can you do with this group of miscellaneous fish?"

"as you wish!"

Shen Lang approached the Gang Slayer at the fastest speed, and the **** sandalwood holy demon's eyes burst out with fierce light, and the Xuanhua axe in his hand splashed out the most powerful golden light, slashing towards the Gang Slayer with a force of splitting the sky and the earth. Past. The sage slaying envoy looked at the Xuanhua axe, and a trace of contempt flashed on his face. He didn't even bother to pull out the huge sword behind him. He lifted his right hand calmly, and a large piece of gold suddenly surged in his palm. Gang wind quickly formed a

Gang wind barrier.


The blood sandal sage demon held the Xuanhua axe and hit the surface of the wind barrier heavily, making a loud noise like the earth and the earth.

Shen Lang instantly felt that the Xuanhua axes in his hand was shaken by a strong force, the blood-tan holy demon staggered back, the tiger's mouth was numb, and the Xuanhua axes almost let go.

"Damn it!"

Shen Lang's expression became extremely ugly. Although the blow just now was just a test, the opponent's defense was too strong and excessive!

"With this ability, you deserve to be the Chosen One? Don't laugh at me!"

The sage beheading envoy looked very gloomy. He thought that the Chosen of the day could bring himself some fun, but in the end he thought too much.

In an instant, the Sage Slayer Gang lost interest in Shen Lang, and he didn't bother to play anymore.

He condensed a golden lightsaber with one hand, and pierced the blood-tan sage demon's chest after being retreated, preparing to give this overwhelmingly chosen one a record of Mawei!

Before Shen Lang could stabilize his figure, he saw the golden lightsaber hit his chest with lightning speed, and he couldn't dodge any fast, and his heart was shocked.

"Xuanxianshu, the holy eye is dead!"

Without hesitation, Shen Lang once again displayed the death of the holy eye, and the holy demon eye in the center of the blood-tan holy demon's eyebrows suddenly shot out a huge blood-colored light beam, carrying the extremely violent destructive power towards the Gang Slayer. .


Saint Slayer Gang felt the slightest threat, and he took away the lightsaber in time, and a golden gang wind surged in his palm to form a whirlpool, blocking him.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The next moment, the blood-colored beam of light hit the wind whirlpool, bursting out with a violent sound like a tsunami and a landslide.

The energy impact of the explosion caused the monk who rushed to the rear to be temporarily blocked, and had to use defensive magical powers to resist the impact of the explosion.

After the first blow, although Shen Lang still failed to break through the Gang Slayer's defenses, he still shook it back.


The Gang Slayer took a few steps back, and was quite surprised by the power of the Divine Eye's Demise. The Heavenly Chosen by the secret path still had some skills.

At this moment, Ape King rushed out of the explosion area.

"The **** of the Three Saints, let this king die!"

The Ape King picked up the Panlong stone pillar and smashed it towards the Gang Slayer with a force of shaking the sky.

"I can't help myself!"

Sage Slashing made his eyes quick and quick, and with a push of his right palm, a dazzling golden lightsaber suddenly shot out from the palm of his palm, and it slammed into the Panlong Pillar that the King of Ape shot accurately.

With a loud "boom", the golden lightsaber hit the Panlongzhu and burst open on the spot. The huge energy produced made the sea bottom roar, and the Ape King was shaken back.

Immediately afterwards, the nine-headed king, Jade Luosha and Shenxiu bullied themselves and launched a fierce attack on the sage beheading envoy.

The nine-headed king nine insects spewed out a ball of light, like a meteorite bomb, hitting the Gang Slayer.

The Rakshasa Valkyrie, who was transformed into a Jade Rakshasa, wielded a silver dragon sword while casting a ghost king curse. A ghost of the Rakshasa ghost emperor with a trident rose behind him, and together with the jade Rakshasa deity, they launched to the Gang Slayer. storm.

Shenxiu, who was transformed into a three-headed six-armed golden bronze man, offered six magic weapons, frantically attacking the holy envoy, and the momentum was shaking!

Even with an attack of this intensity, it still couldn't shake the Gang Slayer's envoy.


The sage slaying envoy seemed not interested in dealing with the miscellaneous fish in his eyes, and immediately mobilized the chaotic spiritual power, turning up the tornado-like golden wind, and instantly swept the three of them out.

Just one face to face, the nine-headed king, Jade Luosha and Shenxiu opened their mouths and suffered heavy physical injuries.

The gap between the two sides in cultivation is too big, and they are not a monk on the same level at all! Fortunately, at this moment, the Taoist couple in Shen Lang behind, as well as Xia Ling'er, the ancestor of Juechen, Inviting Moon Saint, Bai Chen, Hongling Emperor, Bone Refining Reality and even the many celestial monks of Huaguo Mountain launched an attack, colorful The aura is like overwhelming

Generally, Qi Qi presses against that Gang Slayer Saint Envoy, the power is amazing.

The Holy Slayer Slayer didn't even dodge, pinched with two fingers, and rolled up a huge amount of golden wind, forming a defensive barrier, allowing these attacks to hit him.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ear-piercing violent sound of the seabed made people palpitate, and the Gang Slaying Envoy easily resisted the attacks of all the immortal monks in the combined army!

"The Holy Eye is dead!"

Shen Lang didn't believe in this evil, he exploded all the remaining power in the demon seed in one breath, and the holy demon's eyes shot out a scary beam of blood, which directly hit the wind barrier in front of the holy angel.

This is not over yet.

"Jiumei true fire!"    Shen Lang expelled a large amount of Jiumei true fire while displaying the death of the holy eye, condensed into a huge pillar of fire, and tried his best to attack the holy slaying envoy, and exert his own power as much as possible. All combat power.

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