Godly Dragon Guard

Vol 3 Chapter 3945: Invite the moon saint wounded

"Seeing your interest, Shen will give you a chance. If your clan is willing to return to Shen-mou's side, Shen will protect your clan. But on this condition, your clan must complete the task I assigned. What do you think? "

After a few words, Shen Lang threw out the conditions.

The patriarch of the Sea Lion clan hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted: "Our clan is naturally willing to submit to the forces that Senior Shen belongs to. As long as Senior Shen can protect our clan, our clan will do its best to complete the tasks assigned by Senior Shen!"

Shen Lang nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Now that Jun Island is not safe, your family's best to set off to Beilin Island immediately, it is safer there, and Shen can better protect your family."

"Yes, please follow Senior Shen's arrangement!"

The sea lion clan chief said respectfully, not daring to disobey the slightest.

With so many things happening these days, the sea lion clan patriarch did not dare to continue to let the clan stay on Jundao Island. The ghost knew that there would be more outside fairies to ravage their sea lion clan.

After Shen Lang confessed these things, he asked the two thousand Lin tribe monks to lead the sea lion tribe back to Beilin Island, while he went to Wufeng Island alone.

The sea lions have small ships with faster speeds, and Shen Lang hurriedly boarded the ships that day and went to Wufeng Island to find the saint of the moon.

The Saintess of Inviting Moon gave herself a natal soul card, which Shen Lang carried with him.

Right now, foreseeing that the Lady Inviting Moon might be in big trouble, Shen Lang holding the natal soul card sensed the position of the Lady Inviting Moon, and found that the Lady Inviting Moon was stranded in Wufeng Island.

This is not the point. The point is that the position of the Saintess of Inviting Moon is motionless, as if hiding in hiding, without knowing whether it is good or bad.

Shen Lang was extremely anxious, and the ship sailed towards Wufeng Island at the fastest speed.

At the beginning of the next morning, Shen Lang finally arrived at Wufeng Island.

Before the ship docked, Shen Lang was spotted by a large number of tiger shark patrol fighters on the coastline. A large number of tiger shark patrol fighters flocked to try to stop Shen Lang.


Shen Lang jumped from the boat and landed on the beach, holding a few slashes with a war knife in his hand, setting off a storm-like violent sword energy, and stunned the patrol soldiers back.

All the patrolling soldiers on the coastline fell to the ground and could not get up.

Shen Lang grabbed a half-dead tiger shark warrior and asked with a gloomy expression: "Tell me something honestly. I won't move you. Otherwise, I will waste your hands and feet, goug your eyes and let you Life is better than death!"

The tiger shark warrior was so scared that he told Shen Lang all the news he knew.

As early as July or 8th, the Holy Wind envoy of the Three Holy Sects occupied Wufeng Island, controlled the tiger shark tribe, professed the holy lord, and ordered the tiger shark tribe to search the surrounding islands for immortals, that is, the tribe. Monk.

After receiving the news from the Tiger Shark tribe, the Three Saints monks came to Wufeng Island and joined the Holy Wind Envoy.

As of yesterday, there were as many as fifteen monks of the Three Saints on Wufeng Island.

Of course, these news are not the point.

Shen Lang questioned: "Have any foreign monks come to your Wufeng Island recently?"

The tiger shark warrior said tremblingly: "Yes! Two days ago, a group of scale murlocs broke into Wufeng Island during the night and tried to ambush our tiger shark tribe’s clan land. The Lord discovered it for the first time."

"The group of murlocs have been slaughtered by more than a dozen immortals led by the Holy Master, and only one alien woman at the head was wounded and fled. The Holy Master seems to have not caught the alien woman until now, and is extremely angry. "  " In order to calm the anger of the Lord, the patriarch sent all the tiger shark tribesmen to guard Wufeng Island in all directions. On the one hand, to cooperate with the Lord in searching for the alien woman, on the other hand, to prevent other aliens from taking advantage of it. Yesterday

The genius received the order and was sent to the coastline. "

As soon as he said this, Shen Lang was shocked, his right hand squeezed the tiger shark warrior's neck, and asked with a grim face, "Is what you said is true?"

The tiger shark warrior was trembling with fear, and said in horror: "The little one will never dare to deceive seniors!"

Anticipating that the other party wouldn't dare to lie to him, Shen Lang kicked the tiger shark warrior into a stun, his face was black like the bottom of a pot.

The development of things really exceeded my expectations!

The alien woman in the mouth of this tiger shark warrior must be the saint of the moon!

The Saintess of Inviting Moon would actually be wounded and flee...If the matter is true, then the power of the envoy of Mingfeng must be far beyond his imagination!

"Damn it, how could this happen!"

Shen Lang was upset and his face was extremely ugly.

Now that the Saintess of the Moon is in difficulty, he certainly can't stand idly by. Shen Lang didn't bother to think about other things and decided to rescue the Saint of the Moon as soon as possible.

Fortunately, he has the natal soul card left by the Saintess of the Moon, and can more accurately perceive the specific location of the Saintess of the Moon.

Shen Lang quickly took out the natal soul card, held it in his hand, and sensed the position of the soul in the natal soul card. He could probably perceive the aura of the goddess inviting the moon from the northwest of Wufeng Island.

Since the envoy of Mingfeng had the ability to injure the saint of Yueyue, it must be quite tricky, but now, Shen Lang has no other way but to rescue him.

Without thinking about it, Shen Lang walked towards the northwest of Wufeng Island at the fastest speed after leaving the coastline! The trouble is that Wufeng Island is the largest island in the northern part of the sea of ​​clouds. It is four or five times larger than Jun Island. It will take Shen Lang at the earliest half a day to reach the location of the Saint Inviting Moon. He can only Pray for the moon saint to be here

Can continue to hold on for a while.

The alien invasion of the previous two days caused the entire Wufeng Island to be heavily guarded, and tiger shark patrol fighters could be seen everywhere.

Shen Lang walked through the road on his own. This time he did not show mercy, and killed all the tiger shark warriors blocking the road.

If the Holy Maiden Yaoyue is really in trouble, this shocking behavior of her own might be able to divert the attention of the envoy of Mingfeng.


At this moment, in a mountain range in the northwest of Wufeng Island, the tiger shark warriors in the mountains are carrying swords and guns and other sharp weapons, and are conducting a carpet search.

On the cliff on the top of the mountain, a black robe envoy of Mingfeng sat on the boulder, holding some golden object in his hand, his expression gloomy.

Not long after, a monk of the Three Saints in a green robe came behind him, bowed and clasped his fists, saying: "Report to the envoy of the Mingfeng, I have searched the mountain for three laps, and did not find the whereabouts of the female sister. !"

"A bunch of rubbish, keep searching for me! The woman got my stinger and can't escape far! Even if you turn these mountains upside down, you must find the woman for me!"

The envoy of Mingfeng was extremely angry, and his face was extremely hideous.

"Yes!" The monk    blue robe cultivator with cold sweat on his forehead, bowed to resign, and continued to lead the tiger shark tribe to search the surrounding mountains.

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