Godly Dragon Guard

Vol 3 Chapter 3987: Raw swallow

The golden sage and the jade sage were obviously stunned by Shen Lang’s terrifying supernatural powers, and they immediately squirted blood to the two light orbs in their hands, urging the light orbs at the expense of vitality To the limit.

The two light **** shot out a golden light beam and a white light beam at the same time, shaped like two thick laser cannons, and shot toward the vortex of the stars.


Heavy explosions resounded throughout the world, a large number of golden and jade light and five-color sword light intertwined and collided, bursting out terrifying explosions.

Even if the Golden Sage and Jade Sage used their full strength, they could only resist this vortex of stars, and couldn't take care of others at all.

The other two star vortexes pushed toward the other ten monks with the force of breaking the sky and the earth.

In panic, these monks hurriedly used their magical powers to counterattack, trying to resist the incoming star vortex, but unfortunately it was in vain. Their attack at this level could not shake the star vortex at all.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that the two star vortexes were about to hit these monks, the holy envoy of Guixie not far behind made a sound, trying to use their magical powers to resist Shen Lang's attack on behalf of these newly promoted holy envoys.

"Gui Xie, now it is not time for you to intervene, this group of waste does not need to be saved, and keeping it is a waste of resources!"

Zi Ying coldly snorted expressionlessly.


Saint Guixie's envoy gritted his teeth and responded.

These ten newly promoted emissaries are talents cultivated by Shengjiao with great difficulty. Although their qualifications are not as good as the previous ten emissaries, they are still in the growth stage and have promising potential.

Right now, being wiped out by the Chosen One, the Holy Envoy of Guixie couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart, and he didn't know what Ziying Guru was thinking.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the battlefield, two vortexes of stars hit the ten monks, and the thrilling explosions filled the air, and the power was indescribable!

The violent sound of the explosion made people's eardrums sore. Accompanied by the screams of one after another, ten monks were strangled into nothingness by the five-colored sword light, and their gods were all destroyed.

Seeing this appalling scene, the Three Saints monks in the audience couldn't help taking a breath of cold.

After Jin Shengzhi and Yu Shengzhi resisted a vortex of stars, they saw that ten monks died tragically, and shouted in anger: "Thief, do you dare to kill my Holy Envoy in front of the leader?"

Shen Lang sneered: "Is there anything I dare not dare to. Shen has warned you in advance just now, no matter how serious you are, you don't have any opinion on your own. Now that your skills are not as good as others, do you still want to move your leader out to suppress me? "

"The thieves are going to be arrogant, today my two brothers will destroy the inner alchemy and let you pay for it!"

The golden sage and the jade sage became angry, unwilling to lose face in front of the leader of the purple shadow, they immediately displayed the strongest magical powers, each throwing out the golden jade light **** in their hands.

"Boo! Boo!"

Two **** of light, one gold and one white, suddenly gushed out of ten thousand auras, turning into two huge meteorites, and smashed toward Shen Lang, fast as lightning and thunder, making people dizzying.

"The Holy Eye is dead!"

Shen Lang reacted swiftly. The holy demon's eyes at the center of his brows suddenly shot a beam of blood-colored light, hitting two **** of light with lightning speed.


Shen Lang's sacred eye disappeared, detonating two golden and jade light balls, the sky full of golden and jade light wanted to break through the sky, and the indescribable thrilling crackling sound made people tinnitus and deaf.

The world seems to stop at this moment.

The suffocating explosive power spread from the center, turning into a blade-like wind, violently impacting the surrounding silver enchantment.

Had it not been for the enchantment laid by the leader of the Purple Shadow, the monks on the surrounding Three Saints warships would have been affected by the explosion.

When Shen Lang's death of the Holy Eye detonated two golden orbs of light, he also instantly felt how amazing the energy of these two light orbs was after they exploded!

In fact, the body of the golden sage and the jade sage is the top true spirit "Golden Jade Double-headed Dragon". This type of true spirit has two lives, one heart and one body, and two inner alchemy are born.

The light **** sacrificed by the golden sage and the jade sage are their inner alchemy. The inner alchemy explodes, and the power can be imagined...

Seeing the energy coming after the two light **** exploded, Shen Lang immediately urged the Immobility Golden Body Art, a large number of golden runes gushing out of his body, covering his whole body, fully defensive.

The endless golden and jade light collided like a monstrous tsunami, and instantly swallowed and drowned Shen Lang.

"Boom boom boom!"

The violent sound was deafening, and Shen Lang only supported a few breaths, and the rune barrier condensed all over his body cracked into cracks, showing signs of fragmentation and collapse.


Seeing that his own defense was almost unable to withstand, Shen Lang couldn't help but smack his lips.

After breaking through the Celestial Empress Luo, although the physical quality has improved, it is still a strengthened golden jade body, which is not a qualitative leap compared to when he was at the peak of the Celestial Immortal before.

The main reason is that Shen Lang's Nine Zhuan Dao has not been able to break through for a long time. If he can cultivate into a golden body, it will be enough to withstand this level of attack.

"Crack, click, click!"

In an instant, Shen Lang's rune barrier cracked more and more cracks, like a broken mirror, which would break at any time.

"Tiangang Holy Shield, open!"

In desperation, Shen Lang decisively sacrificed the Heavenly Shield Sacred Shield, and poured chaos spiritual power into the Heavenly Shield Sacred Shield with all his strength.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, the golden light of Tiangang Divine Shield skyrocketed, opening a brand-new golden barrier, replacing the immovable Golden Body Art that was about to collapse.

In addition, the phantom of the angry beast appeared behind Shen Lang, and the angry beast opened its mouth wide and spewed out large pieces of golden light to counteract the impact of the golden jade light around it.

After a stalemate for a long time, Shen Lang finally resisted the power of the Golden Jade Saint Envoy's inner alchemy to explode. Although the Holy Shield of Gang had lost its spirit blessing, its defense power was also commendable.

The golden sage and the jade sage blew the inner pill, their breath was greatly reduced, and more than half of their vitality was lost. They thought they could successfully kill Shen Lang.

Unexpectedly, a sardonic sarcasm suddenly appeared from the sound of the explosion: "If the two of you only have this ability, then you should obediently kill Shen!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang turned into a golden light and rushed out of the explosion, deceiving himself in an instant, and came to the two of the golden sage and the jade sage.


The golden sage and the jade sage suddenly frightened their souls.

Before the two had time to react, they were swallowed by the violent angry beast phantom behind Shen Lang.


The angry beast phantom took a mouthful, and the golden sage and the jade sage made only the last screams, and their flesh was crushed by the golden light surging from the angry beast's mouth, and they swallowed with their spirits.

The monk who witnessed this scene couldn't help taking a breath of cold.

"Bastard thing!"    Seeing that Shen Lang actually swallowed two prominent sage envoys in front of them alive, the face of Guixie's envoy was distorted, and his anger swelled to the extreme.

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