Godly Dragon Guard

Vol 3 Chapter 4590: Yanshou

I have to say that the slightly shy posture of the Saintess of the Moon is quite lethal, but since Shen Lang has cultivated Huigen, there are not many waves in his heart, but he smiles at the Saintess of the Moon.

Seeing Shen Lang's clear eyes and calm expression, there was a trace of bitterness in the heart of Saint Inviting Moon.

She knows that her beauty is rare in the world. Except for the Buddhist monks like Shenxiu, the monks of the opposite **** will look at her with a hint of favor or surprise.

In the past, Shen Lang had similar eyes when facing himself, but now it has faded a lot.

It is enough to prove that Shen Lang's mood has been greatly improved, and now he is hardly seduced by beauty.

This is of course a good thing. The Saintess of Inviting Moon also admires Shen Lang's character and character, but there will still be an indescribable sense of loss deep in my heart.

Her appearance and temperament were originally the only thing she could attract Shen Lang, but now her only advantage seemed to be lost.

Inviting the moon saint can imagine that nothing will happen to herself and Shen Lang in the future, and she can't help feeling a little sad.

Over the years, the Sisters of Inviting Moon has unknowingly remembered the charming scenes of kissing Shen Lang in the Yunhai Realm. Not only has the affection for Shen Lang not decreased, but has increased a lot.

She knew that there was a big gap between herself and Shen Lang, and she could only quietly bury this love and worship in her heart.

I think that in the world of Yunhai, Shen Lang was already emotional, if he could take the initiative and not be so reserved... If he could stay with Shen Lang for a long time, at least he would be able to get the status of a Taoist companion, not like he is now. With regrets.

Unfortunately, I was too high-spirited back then. Even if I admired Shen Lang, I didn't want to share this feeling with Shen Lang's other Taoists. I missed the only opportunity.

Looking back on the past, there is still a trace of regret in the heart of Saint Inviting Moon, but time can't go back, and she can only leave this regret.

Ning Xiaoyao saw the complicated look of Saint Moon Inviting Lady, and she also had a loss similar to Saint Lady Inviting Moon in her heart.

But Ning Xiaoyao's mood is much more open-minded, because she knows that Shen Lang has never had a good impression of her beyond her best friends, so even if there is a trace of resentment buried deep in her heart, she can still face Shen Lang calmly.

Just when Ning Xiaoyao was in a daze, Shen Lang walked up to her and greeted her and Ning Rufeng by her side.

Ning Xiaoyao returned to his senses, and replied a few words cautiously, concealing a lonely look.

Shen Lang felt a little relieved to see that the two were safe, but Ning Rufeng's physical condition was obviously not good.

Ning Rufeng's whole body was dry and thin, and the aging and shriveled skin and flesh faintly exudes a faint breath of death. The fire of life is like a candle in the wind, and he has fallen into serious "life damage". It is estimated that there will be thousands of others. Will sit incarnation in the next year.

"Shen Lang boy, you don't have to stare at the old man. The old man will not be able to enter the coffin for a while."

Seeing Shen Lang looking at him sadly, Ning Rufeng shook his head and motioned to Shen Lang not to worry about the matter.

Shen Lang took a deep breath and said in a serious tone: "Head Ning, you have suffered a serious loss of life. Before you changed to Shen, you really had nothing to do, but now...I still have a way to prolong your life."

Since the Liuli Heart Light Flame in his body evolved to the Heart Fire Realm, the Liuli Heart Fire released carries extremely powerful vitality energy, and can even "reverse life and death" to a certain extent.

Not to mention that Liuli Xinhuo can completely eliminate Ning Rufeng’s life loss, at least it can also resolve the death in his body and soul, and minimize the negative impact of life loss. In this way, it will help Ning Rufeng extend his life. Hundreds of thousands of years is not a problem!

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yao Ning's beautiful eyes glowed, and he immediately knelt down in front of Shen Lang: "If Senior Shen can prolong my father's life, Xiao Yao would like to be a cow and a horse to repay Senior Shen for his great kindness!"

"Miss Ning, you don't have to be like this!"

Shen Lang was shocked, and quickly helped Ning Xiaoyao up, frowning and said: "Head Ning has great kindness to me. Shen has promised to prolong his life for Head Ning before. Now he has the ability and is self-righteous. Do your best."

"Shen Lang boy, I am satisfied that this old bone can live up to now, so don't be brave!" Ning Rufeng said in a deep voice, not wanting Shen Lang to be embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Shen has his own measure."

Shen Lang nodded solemnly, pressing his right palm on Ning Rufeng's back, and a thick glazed sacred fire instantly condensed into his palm.

Ning Rufeng's old rickety body suddenly shook, and a dazzling glazed flame burned all over his body, exuding vast and majestic energy, sweeping his limbs and corpses.

"Bah Bah Bah!"

Under the scorching of Liuli Xinhuo, Ning Rufeng quickly overflowed with a trace of black energy. This was the death energy that was contaminated with his soul and flesh. A large amount of death energy was driven away by the Liuli Xinhuo released by Shen Lang. in vitro.

At the same time, a large amount of vitality brought by Liuli Xinhuo poured into Ning Rufeng's flesh and soul. The shriveled flesh began to swell, the shrunken flesh and blood slowly recovered, and the dry skin gradually became shiny.

After the incense stick time passed, Ning Rufeng's whole body seemed to have undergone a reborn change, and the original breath of candles in the wind became a lot more solid.

Seeing Shen Lang's magical operation, Shenxiu and other monks couldn't help showing their shocked expressions. This method of coming back to life was too amazing!

Shen Lang was busy for a while. After casting the spell, he let out a suffocating breath and asked in a soft voice beside Ning Rufeng's ear: "Head Ning, how do you feel now?"

Ning Rufeng changed his previous decadence, feeling full of energy all over his body, and raised his brows and danced: "I have never felt so good! Hey, Shen Lang boy, it seems that the old man is still in your light after all."

Ning Xiaoyao watched as his father stepped into the coffin from half his feet before, and now he is energetic, he is alive and vigorous, and the color of joy is beyond words. He repeatedly thanked Shen Lang, and was grateful.

Shen Lang shook his head and said: "You don't have to thank me. All I can do is to slow the impact of Ning's own life loss. In essence, it is still impossible to eradicate the loss of life, only to prolong the life of Ning. It's only a hundred thousand years."

"Hundreds of thousands of years!"

Ning Xiaoyao's starry eyes lighted up, and excitedly stepped forward to kiss Shen Lang, his cheeks flushed and said, "Thank you Senior Shen for your great grace, Little Monster really has no repayment..."

Don’t think you have to kiss yourself? I have to say, Ning Xiaoyao's bold move caused Shen Lang's heart to beat.

The Saint Inviting Moon was slightly startled, watching Ning Xiaoyao kiss Shen Lang, she suddenly felt jealous in her heart.

"It can be said to be a gift to rebuild my old bone for so long, and the old man must also thank you kid."

Ning Rufeng scratched his head and laughed.

Although he felt he had enough to live, he didn't mind living longer.

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