Godly Dragon Guard

Vol 3 Chapter 4925: Battle of the Realm (5)

Pangu Void's figure exploded back dozens of steps, and the body condensed by divine power suffered heavy damage for the first time.


Shen Lang, who was originally unconscious, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right arm.

Although this Pangu body does not have his own physical body, it is already connected to his soul. If the body suffers a lot of damage, Shen Lang can also feel the pain.

Slightly awake, Shen Lang found himself in the darkness. He couldn't see his body, he only retained his consciousness and sanity, unable to control this Pangu body.

The actions of the Pangu phantom outside are completely controlled by the consciousness of the goddess, while Shen Lang has become a puppet with a string, which only exists as a container of Pangu's body.

This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable, and he could only wait for the development of the situation.

outside world.

The red-robed high priest who gave his heart weakened drastically, the opened spiritual space quickly weakened, and he was about to collapse and die.

Fortunately, the giant black shadow transformed by the soul of the ancestor demon was powerful enough to suppress the Pangu phantom, and it continued to attack the Pangu phantom.

Pan Gu Xuying held the golden double axe in his hand, parrying the attack of the giant black shadow.

"Boom boom boom!"

The two entangled and fought each other, fighting so dimly that the sun and the moon went retrograde.

In the end, the giant black shadow still had the upper hand, forcing the Pangu phantom to retreat again and again.

The golden light domain released by Pangu Void was also suppressed, and it was no longer possible to restrict the movement of the demon domain army.

Feeling that the time has come, the high priest yelled: "The whole army listens to the order, kill me into the human domain!"


The black and heavy cultivators of the Demon Territory screamed in unison, and they rushed out of the great sky boat, trying to bypass the Pangu phantom and formally invade the immortal world.

On the other side, Pangu Void was dragged by the giant black shadow, and had no time to be distracted to attack the swarming Demon Territory army.

Just when the high priest thought that Pangu phantom could no longer prevent the demon army from invading the immortal world, Pangu phantom suddenly uttered a cold female voice: "Di Xin, don't show up soon!"

"Yes, goddess!"

A golden light suddenly fell over the gray sky, and it was Di Xin.

Di Xin, who had been hiding for a long time, finally appeared!

I saw him madly burning the blood of the ancient gods in his body, and his whole body released the dazzling golden light of the sun, turning into a golden giant with a body length of tens of thousands of meters, a human face, a tiger body, and two wings.

This appearance is very similar to the golden witch ancestor.

Di Xin, who turned into a golden giant, sacrificed two heavenly treasures, the image of Shanhe Sheji and the Pagoda of Qibao Linglong!

Unlike the past, the two treasures of the mountains and rivers and the Sheji map and the Qibao Linglong Pagoda shown by Emperor Xin this time each bloomed with scarlet blood.

It turned out that the goddess had bestowed two drops of Nuwa's blood on Emperor Xin earlier, hiding them in these two heavenly Taoist treasures, and used them to fight against the demon army.

As long as the blood of Nuwa in the two magic weapons is awakened at a critical moment, infinite energy can be exploded, which is enough to suppress large-scale army and even the powerhouse of the demon ancestor level.

With the power provided by Nuwa's blood, the two immortal treasures were activated almost in an instant.

An endless golden light burst out of the Jitu of the Mountain and River Shelter, covering the entire sea of ​​burial, with great momentum!

"Oh, it's a hit!"

The high priest's face became extremely ugly, and he immediately shouted: "The whole army obeys the order and retreat quickly!"

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The golden light released by the completely urged Shanhe Sheji Tu shining on every demon monk, almost all the demon monks were swallowed by the golden light and disappeared without a trace!

Only a very small number of top powerhouses at the Demon Ancestor level can barely counter the space-swallowing power released by the Mountain and River Sheji Tu, which has not been absorbed by the golden light.

What's ridiculous is that because the high priest was too weak to resist the spatial power of the mountains and rivers, she was swallowed by the golden light.

This is not over yet.

At the same time that the mountain and river Shejitu swallowed the army of the Demon Territory, the Qibao Linglong Tower also skyrocketed to a height of tens of millions, with an astonishing colorful vortex bursting from the bottom of the tower, erupting an appalling power of devouring, acting on the generals of the Demon Territory of the Demon Ancestor level.


Di Xin Zhen shouted.

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