Godly Dragon Guard

Vol 3 Chapter 5039: cheated

Shen Lang secretly sighed.

As a traveler, he knew that Saintess Xiyue would be executed by Di Jun next, and her soul would be sealed in the Great Sun Palace.

Hou Yi's words were considered unintentional.

Of course, this is a part of the historical process. Shen Lang cannot change history without authorization, and can only let it develop.

Hou Yi was wanted by both Lich clans at the same time, and he did not want to implicate Shen Lang, so he said goodbye to Shen Lang after his injury recovered.

Shen Lang also left Tianlei Mountain.

He first used the space escape technique of the spirit beast Primordial Lei Huanglong to circumnavigate to the sea border on the east side of the Wood Witch Tribe, and then he concealed his figure and easily entered the Wood Tribe using the Demon Clan Breaking Prohibition Card given to him by Hou Yi. In the occupied area of ​​the witch tribe.

A few days later, a small-scale team battle broke out between the Witch of Wood and the Demon Race in the Occupied Territory at their respective borders.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Shen Lang slipped into the territory of the Wood Witch Clan.

I learned that Kuafu of the Witch Clan of Wood is sitting in the Temple of Wood.

Shen Lang immediately went to the Temple of Wood.

After a lot of trouble, I finally saw the great witch Kuafu.

Kuafu was very surprised by Shen Lang's reappearance. After all, the last time he saw Shen Lang was hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Although Shen Lang only stayed in the gray world for a few months, hundreds of thousands of years have passed in the outside world, and the changes have been too great.

Under Kuafu's inquiries, Shen Lang explained the ins and outs of the matter, and stated that he entered the gray world under the orders of the goddess and the twelve ancestors.

"Young friend Shen Lang, are you going to the Pangu Temple?" Kuafu asked with a frown.

"Why, can't I go to the Pangu Temple?" Shen Lang couldn't help asking.

Kuafu shook his head and said, "That's not the reason. The main reason is that the twelve ancestors blocked the Pangu Temple, and now even the entire Lei Xiaze is shrouded in a powerful ban, and no one can approach."

"Even so, but after all, you went to restore your life. The twelve ancestors may be able to perceive your existence, and maybe let you enter it."

"It's just that my generation needs to sit here, and I can't take you to the Pangu Temple in person. You need to go on your own for this trip."

After all, Kuafu took out a jade slip, recorded some content, handed it to Shen Lang, and instructed: "This jade slip can be used as a guarantee for you by my generation to ensure that there is no danger on your way to the Pangu Temple. People stop you."

"Thank you, God Kuafu!" Shen Lang took the jade slip and clenched his fists in thanks.

Before leaving the Temple of Wood, Shen Lang did not forget to release the Black Dragon King and the top ten souls from Dinghai Fritillaria.

Shen Lang wanted Kuafu to settle down the Soul Clan cultivators he brought from the Gray Realm, but the Soul Clan army headed by the Black Dragon King and the top ten Soul Clan powerhouses was not very willing to submit to the Wood Witch Clan. For the time being, they only wanted to Follow Shen Lang.

"Everyone, Shen Mou has many enemies in the True Immortal Realm, and it will be even more dangerous for you to follow me." Shen Lang said helplessly.

Kuafu thought of a compromise solution and said, "I don't think it's better than this. The fellow Taoists of the Soul Clan live in the Wood Witch Clan for the time being. My generation will not ask you to participate in the battle of our clan."

"After Fellow Daoist Shen returns, you can still choose whether you want to follow him or not. For now, just use our family as a temporary residence."

As soon as these words came out, the monks of the Soul Clan were still a little hesitant.

Shen Lang said: "I think that's what we should do. Don't worry, everyone, boasting that God is upright and righteous, and will not embarrass you and wait."

"Furthermore, Shen is used to coming and going alone, so it's not suitable to bring a group of people. You can live in the Wood Witch Clan first, and then decide to stay after you understand some of the situation in the immortal world."

Everyone in the Soul Clan looked at each other, but finally agreed.

After settling down the Soul Clan monks, Shen Lang left the Temple of Wood.

With the jade slip certificate given by Kuafu, he can travel unimpeded in the Wu clan territory.

A few days later, they arrived near Lei Xia Ze of the Water Witch Clan.

At this time, Lei Xiaze was covered by a dazzling golden light. From a distance, a huge golden beam of light could be seen rising from Lei Xiaze, reaching the sky, which was particularly spectacular.

The entire water witch clan is illuminated by this golden light, and there is no longer a distinction between day and night.

Not long after, Shen Lang came to Lei Xiaze's lakeside.

at this time.


The Chaos God Stone in his body suddenly roared.

"This is... Pangu's divine power?"

Shen Lang frowned, he could sense the resonance caused by the Pangu divine power remaining in the Chaos God Stone and the golden beam of light.

What kind of formation did the Twelve Ancestral Witch want to form, and actually wanted to mobilize Pangu's divine power?

Just when he was surprised.

A white light suddenly flashed over the surface of Lei Xia Ze Lake, condensing into the figure of a girl.

It is the witch goddess Nuwa.

"Son of Heaven, your return time is much earlier than this goddess expected." Nu Wa's eyes stopped on Shen Lang and said indifferently.

"Fortunately, the younger generation successfully brought back what the goddess and the twelve ancestors needed from the gray world!" Shen Lang clasped his fists and said.


Nuwa's expression was slightly moved, and she said, "Come in and talk."

As soon as the voice fell, Nu Wa blew a whirlwind of white.

The white whirlwind immediately wrapped Shen Lang's body and flew into Lei Xia Ze.

After passing through the layers of barriers, Shen Lang came to the outside of the Pangu Temple.

Stopping outside the Pangu Temple, he saw an amazing scene!

A golden formation formed over the Pangu Temple.

In the center of the formation, there is a dazzling golden light egg floating.

It is the egg of the god!

These are not the point. The point is that the primordial spirits of the twelve sorcerers are surrounding the surface of the egg of God, absorbing the power in the egg while merging.

I saw the primordial spirit anti-complex of the twelve sorcerers, and the shape was constantly changing, sometimes turning into a headless giant, sometimes turning into a three-legged monster, and sometimes turning into an indescribable monster.

"What the **** is this..."

Shen Lang was stunned.

Nuwa said bluntly: "As you can see, the primordial spirits of the twelve ancestors are trying to merge into one, reshaping the original soul power of the father, which is also the first step in reorganizing the true body of the father."

"Reorganizing the real body of Pangu? Could it be that the Twelve Capitals failed to complete the great formation?" Shen Lang's face changed greatly.

"Yes, it seems that you already know about this."

Nu Wa nodded and continued to explain: "To be precise, this is not the body of the Twelve Capitals, but it is just some preparations made in advance by the twelve ancestors in order to reorganize the real body of the father and god."

Shen Lang was shocked.

He knew that it would be meaningless for him to investigate the matter, but asked about the egg of the god: "Dare to ask the goddess, why hasn't the egg of the **** hatched yet?"

Nuwa said frankly: "Rather than pinning your hopes on the Son of God born from the egg of God, it is better to take its power and use it for your own use."

"The energy of this egg is extremely prosperous. It can not only provide strength for the twelve ancestors, but also serve as an energy source for the gods and gods of the twelve capitals. As long as the twelve ancestors can successfully form the real body of the father and god, defeat the demon clan It doesn't matter."

It was only then that Shen Lang realized that he had been deceived.

The reason why Nu Wa wanted to go to the Egg of God was that she had no intention of hatching the Son of God within the Egg of God, but simply wanted to use the power of the Egg of God to achieve the purpose of the witch clan.

Nuwa seemed to see what Shen Lang was thinking, and sighed: "Son of Heaven, I didn't mean to deceive you, everything was done as a last resort."

"I wanted to prevent the disaster from coming, but I didn't want to pin my hopes on others, so I made this strategy."

"But you can rest assured that I will not embarrass you, let alone trouble you, the son of heaven. You only need to hand over the axe of the gods and you can leave the witch clan."

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