Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 736: Cannibal ritual

Shen Lang nodded slightly, feeling particularly good.

Because of the successful capture of the Deep Sea Eel Dragon, Shen Lang gave each crew member a bonus of 150,000 yuan.

The crew members were about to jump up happily. When they met such a generous boss, everyone was excited and worked harder.

In the evening, Shen Lang also held a small dinner party to celebrate.

This ocean survey ship has a dedicated chef, but because of the long ocean voyage, the food is refrigerated, but the flavor is not bad.

After the banquet, Shen Lang and Liu Xiaoxiao were blowing the sea breeze on the deck, holding a goblet full of red wine, and drinking red wine while chatting.

"Shen Lang, things are done now. Shall we leave now?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked.

Although the view on the sea is beautiful, it is a bit tired after watching it for so long.

In addition, there are cannibals on the nearby island, Liu Xiaoxiao always feels that the thorns are on his back, and he feels very uncomfortable.

"Give me two days, I still have something to figure out about this island." Shen Lang said sternly.

The corpse on the island before made him very curious, and Shen Lang wanted to clarify something.

Now he has broken through the late stage of the questioning stage, the Shenzhaojing has also broken through the fifth layer, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. The mummy before, Shen Lang was already confident that he could defeat that thing.

"Be careful." Liu Xiaoxiao frowned. She didn't want men to take the risk, but how could she control this man.

But Liu Xiaoxiao also knows Shen Lang's temper and personality, and men would not do things that are generally uncertain.

"Don't worry." Shen Lang smiled and drank the glass of red wine in his hand.

Liu Xiaoxiao was already drunk, and her delicate cheeks were already flushed.

Shen Lang helped her into the boat and into the room.

"Get a good rest."

Taking off the woman's coat and shoes, Shen Lang covered her with a blanket.

When Shen Lang wanted to leave, Liu Xiaoxiao grabbed him by the corner of his clothes.

"Bring me back..."

Liu Xiaoxiao's face was flushed, her eyes blurred, she grabbed Shen Lang's collar and kissed her red lips.

The woman's action is really a bit domineering president, but the characters are reversed.

Liu Xiaoxiao hugged Shen Lang's waist, kissed very deeply, even a bit of raging demand...

Shen Lang was relatively restrained during this period, but the man was still a man after all. Liu Xiaoxiao was so active today, and instantly lit the fire in his heart.

While kissing the woman, Shen Lang took off the hem of the woman's skirt, revealing the slender jade legs, one hand running along the inner side of the beautiful leg.

This is not the first time for the two of them, they are already familiar with each other, and Liu Xiaoxiao knows how to please men.

Shen Lang is getting stronger and stronger, but Liu Xiaoxiao is very scared in her heart, afraid that a man will leave her one day. I even think that this day will come sooner or later.

Instead of thinking about this, it is better to enjoy this intimacy.

Liu Xiaoxiao kept asking for it, her beautiful eyes were moisturized, and she soon fell into a man's offensive, unable to extricate herself.

At noon the next day, Shen Lang got off the survey ship.

He came to the island alone, and proceeded cautiously to the center of the island.

The reason for choosing the time of noon was that Shen Lang saw the smoke rising from the middle of the island, and the native cannibals were probably eating.

Coming to the island this time, Shen Lang first wanted to figure out what the corpse was, and second, what level of combat power he would try.

The corpse had no wisdom, and Shen Lang was not worried about any danger. Even if he was lost, he would definitely be able to run away.

The island is very large, and dense forests cover the entire island tightly.

Shen Lang did not know exactly how many cannibals there are on this island. Judging from the number of the indigenous people I saw last time, there must be two hundred people.

In the woods, Shen Lang encountered some native cannibals walking around. These guys were strong and well-trained.

Shen Lang deliberately avoided these guys. Although he wanted to grab one and ask him where the feathered native was, he couldn't understand the language and had to give up.

There are many single-storey low-rise houses built of crude palm leaves and wood in the slightly open areas in the woods. There are many such houses on the island.

It's noon, and it's the same open-air square before. A group of indigenous people sing and dance around the campfire.

Several captured antelopes and a wild boar were tied to a wooden frame.

It may have been the attack last time, and the cannibals here have become more vigilant. Aboriginal men are patrolling around the square.

But for Shen Lang, this defense is useless.

Shen Lang hid on a tall tree in the distance, peering into the scene on the square.

I saw that an aboriginal wearing gorgeous feathers walked to the center of the square, it was the guy before.

"Grumbling, chirping..." the man bounced and said a lot.

The two native men carried the black corpse before and looked very careful.

This kind of ritual seems to be the custom of these cannibal natives.

Shen Lang continued to peer. After the corpse was picked up, all the natives stopped singing and dancing, and bowed to the corpse.

The natives wearing gorgeous feathers knelt on the ground and shook the brass bell in their hands.

"Clang clang!"

A whit of white gas emerged from the heads of the antelope and wild boar corpses on the wooden frame, slowly drifting into the mummy's mouth.

Shen Lang narrowed his eyes, and he found that the white gas emerging from the animal's head was not dense as human.

Ancient books say that people have three souls and six souls. Soul is only a human being, and it is the "spirit" of human beings. Soul refers to the spirit that exists depending on the body.

Animals are not like humans. They only have souls, not souls. So it is very thin.

The overflowing white air slowly floated into the mummy's mouth.

After the ceremony, the natives of the cannibals began to barbecue, and golden oily sauce emerged from the cooked lamb legs, dripping into the flames, making a sizzling sound, and the smell of meat overflowing.

The two natives of cannibals presented the lamb leg with the largest and most delicious piece of meat and handed it respectfully to the native with feathers.

The guy wearing the feathers should be the leader of the cannibals, and only he is qualified to enjoy the best piece of meat.

Just as the leader of the cannibal gnawed the leg of lamb.


There was a low shout from a distance, and Shen Lang swung Xingyun Knife, splitting a knife air.



The sword gas penetrated the right arm of the cannibal leader who was eating the leg of lamb, blood splashing.


The leader of the cannibal clan was thrown off by the sword qi. He held his **** arm and screamed like a pig.

A group of native cannibals who were eating were taken aback, stood up and looked around.

at this time.

Shen Lang performed light work, leaped from the woods like a bird, and flew towards the cannibal leader like a lightning, his eyes locked on the brass bell on the waist of the man.

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