Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 861: Hurry

"Okay. Thank you Miss Yun for telling me." Shen Lang said politely.

When he went to Linhai Tianshan, he would certainly find his biological father. He wanted to ask too many questions.

After returning to his bedroom, Shen Lang checked the contents of the storage ring.

There were two things that caught his attention. One was the golden unicorn he got in that mysterious palace yesterday.

The second is the ancient painting peach forest that I got from the mysterious realm of the misty ghost forest.

This Taolin picture Shen Lang has always felt very mysterious. Every time he unfolds the picture scroll, Shen Lang's head becomes dizzy, as if he is about to be sucked into the picture scroll.

This ancient painting is more mysterious than the golden unicorn. After going to Linhai Tianshan, it is necessary to figure out what this is.

Now that he has decided to go to Linhai Tianshan, Shen Lang is also fully prepared, and there are some necessary things in the dunya that need to be brought.

Liu Xiaoxiao and the others also learned the news that Shen Lang was leaving, and they were obviously very depressed.

Shen Lang has already said what should be said, and all the women understand Shen Lang's decision.

Feng Luan went to the Kunlun Mountain enchantment ahead of time, and seemed to have already wanted to open it.

Before leaving, Shen Lang left a large number of training resources to Yi Lian Hongyue Li Fei and others.

He didn't keep too much, mainly because he was worried that a large number of cultivation resources would be easily targeted. After all, he estimated that he would be out of the world for a long time.

Of course, the remaining training resources are enough for Yi Lian and others to practice.

With the influence of Canghai Group in the world, Shen Lang did not worry about Liu Xiaoxiao's safety.

The next morning, outside the airport.

It's finally time to part.

"Brother Lang, be careful of everything!" Yi Lian said while biting her teeth.

She knew that with Shen Lang's vision, the dunya could not leave him, not to mention that a man was originally born in Linhai Tianshan, and it is understandable to go there.

Except for Yi Lian, a group of beautiful women were crying sobbing, but no one stopped Shen Lang from leaving.

"Shen Lang, will you come back?" Liu Xiaoxiao looked at Shen Lang with red eyes.

"Definitely." Shen Lang nodded solemnly.

"Don't lie to me!"

"of course."

After bidding farewell to everyone, Shen Lang, Yi Bixueyun Luoxue and Hua Ziling got on the plane.

After arriving in Xichuan Province, the four of them embarked on the itinerary and crossed towards the entrance of the Kunlun Mountain barrier.

In the afternoon, the four of them reached the goal.

The familiar wordless stele is the entrance to the Kunlun Mountain barrier.

"Let's go." Shen Lang glanced at the two women Yi Chuuxue and Yun Luoxue.

The two women nodded slightly.

Shen Lang put his hands on the wordless stele, running Zhen Qi, and took the lead to activate the wordless stele, and the whole person was instantly sucked in.

Yibuxue and Yun Luoxue Ziling were also sucked in by the wordless stele.

Although it is difficult for Huajing Wuxiu to get out of the teleportation formation, it is not difficult to get in, and it does not need to consume much zhenqi.

With a "swish", the four of them were sent out.

next moment.

Shen Lang opened his eyes and looked around.

The sky is clear, and the breath of Kunlun Mountain enchantment is refreshing.

Right now, the four of them were teleported to a small mountain peak, and there was a stone slab at their feet, which was engraved with dense symbols.

There are hundreds of teleportation points for teleportation from the duny world to the Kunlun Mountain enchantment. They are not directed, and the four of them don't know which mountain they were teleported to.

Shen Lang glanced at Hua Zi Ling and asked: "Hua Zi Ling, I don't know if the people in the Bliss Palace are still staring at us, I advise you to go to the Jade Girl Palace."

"I didn't say I'm going to the Jade Girl Palace! Don't talk about the Jade Girl Palace with my old lady in the future!" Hua Ziling said with a cold expression.

"Okay, then treat it as if I didn't say it." Shen Lang touched his nose, and it seemed that this woman had completely abandoned the Jade Girl Palace, but she was a bit courageous.

"Hua...Since Senior Hua wants to go to Linhai Tianshan, we happen to have a map of sunset forest leading to Linhai Tianshan, so let's go with us." Ibuki said awkwardly.

Hua Ziling glanced at Yi Chuuxue, showing a charming smile: "Thank you Miss Yi."

I always feel that there is a strange brilliance in Hua Ziling's eyes. Ibuki blushes a bit and waved his hand again and again: "It's just a small matter. If Senior Hua is willing, you might as well go to our Yi family as a guest, and let the little sister do the landlord friendship."

Hua Ziling smiled lightly: "That's really an honor for me, thank Miss Yi for leading the way."

When you first entered Linhai Tianshan, you must be unfamiliar with the place of your life, and being able to meet a big family is also good for Hua Ziling.

A trace of contempt flashed in Shen Lang's eyes, the Hua Ziling's attitude towards Yi Lian was so good, and so bad towards herself. It's not because of his own relationship, otherwise Ibuki will not care about this girl.

Although he felt a little unhappy, Shen Lang did not continue to quarrel with Hua Ziling.

For Shen Lang and Hua Ziling, the Kunlun Mountain enchantment at the moment is not very safe, because it is not known whether the people in the Bliss Palace are still staring at them.

This possibility is not impossible, so after discussing with the three women for a while, Shen Lang decided to rush to Linhai Tianshan as quickly as possible.

Five days later.

The four of them arrived in Beiliang Town, boarded the wave boat, and came to the sunset forest.

Yibuxue gave Shen Lang a map, a map of the sunset forest route.

Shen Lang was a little surprised. The map marked by Yi Chuixue was very detailed, and even some rivers and swamps in the forest were marked with red handwriting.

"Master Shen, as long as you follow this route, you can bypass the ghost forest area and cross to the other side of the sunset forest." Ibuki Snow made a gesture on the map.

Shen Lang studied for a while and almost understood it.

It turns out that the ghost forest in the sunset forest is also a kind of maze. Only by following a specific route can you avoid the ghost forest area.

This map route is only known by a part of the big family of Linhai Tianshan, which is an undisclosed secret, but generally these families prohibit their disciples from coming to the Kunlun Mountain enchantment.

Since Shen Lang is the second uncle's son, Ibuki naturally trusts him 100%.

"Miss Yi, I have a question to ask. You Wu Xiu of Linhai Tianshan, don't you know the existence of Kunlun Mountain enchantment?" Hua Ziling asked curiously.

In Hua Ziling's memory, it seems that few Wu Xiu came from Linhai Tianshan.

Ibuki Snow said with some embarrassment: "Senior Hua, the Wu Xiu of Linhai Tianshan knows the existence of Kunlun Mountain barrier, but it is widely said that Kunlun Mountain barrier is a barren land with extremely scarce training resources. Plus, there is no map. So no one wants to come."

"That's it." Hua Ziling nodded slightly.

Although the affairs of the Jade Girl Palace made her feel extremely depressed, she now gradually has a trace of passion to explore the wider world of martial arts.

After a day of rest, the four of them entered the sunset forest.

Because Shen Lang had been in the sunset forest for several months before, he had plenty of experience and avoided some beasts that frequently haunt the minefield.

Following the route on the map, the four of them successfully passed through the ghost forest area and finally reached the other side of the sunset forest, Linhai Tianshan!

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