Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 938: Gold wire

It is stated in the handbook that Lingling Talisman is only useful for monsters below the seventh rank.

Ten thousand years ago, Linhai Tianshan seemed to have levels of monsters.

Shen Lang didn't know the level of the seventh-order monster, but the fire python and fire toad in the cave in front of him definitely did not reach the level of the seventh-order monster.

This magic talisman can detain the weak Golden Flame Peacock. Detaining either the fire python or the fire toad should be no problem.

The name "Golden Flame Peacock" couldn't help but remind Shen Lang of the origin of the name Phoenix Valley.

It is rumored that in the ancient Phoenix Valley, there was a giant bird with a size of about one hundred feet and full of golden flames flying out, like a volleying fire phoenix, with a shocking aura, and later generations were called "Phoenix Valley".

Shen Lang now only needs to wait for the two giant beasts to decide the victory and defeat, and then use the Shu Ling Talisman to detain one to escape the crisis.

Shen Lang even had some small abacus in his heart. Wouldn't it be better to detain one of the fire pythons and fire toads and use this powerful monster beast against the Ling family's martial arts?

Of course, the demon beast cannot be controlled by the Shu Ling Talisman. A demon beast can only be confined in the talisman for a short period of time. The detention time is about ten days.

Once time has passed, the monster will break out. Shen Lang can also directly shred the talisman paper to release the monster.

Although Shen Lang couldn't control the monster beast, he still had no problem pitting Ling's family.

Imagine if you sneak into Ling's house and secretly release a fire python or fire toad...

The Ling family is probably about to explode, even if it is not razed to the ground by this giant beast, at least it will suffer heavy losses.

Shen Lang returned to his senses, and now he is still watching the changes, waiting for the two giant beasts in the cave to decide the outcome.


The mountains are still shaking in the cave, and the battle between the two beasts has not ceased.

Although the strength of the Fire Toad and the Fire Python was half a catty, the Fire Python was so angry because of the pain of losing a child, and the fatal attack gradually suppressed the Fire Toad.


The fire python screamed violently, opened its blood basin, and bit the fire toad's forehead.

The fire toad screamed with a scream of "quack quack", struggling desperately, shaking its sharp forelimbs, and spouting fireballs indiscriminately.

The snake body of the fire python tightly wrapped the fire toad, and the tighter and tighter the snake's head bit the fire toad's head, and a large amount of dark red flames were ejected.

After a stalemate, Fire Toad was completely downwind, a blood hole was burned out of his head, and his vitality was gradually dying.

The fire python had a violent hair, directly opened the blood basin and swallowed the entire fire toad from the head into the abdomen.

Shen Lang was dumbfounded, he was indeed a boa constrictor, such a huge behemoth could be swallowed by it.

Soon, the fire python swallowed the entire fire toad and ate it cleanly.

The fire python was dripping with blood and looked scarred, but the anger hadn't dissipated yet, it screamed like crazy, and sprayed flames indiscriminately.

Perceiving Shen Lang on the stone platform, the fire python opened his mouth and a raging flame spurted towards Shen Lang.


A cyan light curtain rose up in front of the stone platform to defend against the flame attack.

"Boom boom boom!"

The surroundings of the sapphire stone platform began to roar and shake, and Shen Lang's heart shook.

This is already the formation tens of thousands of years ago, and the spiritual power must have been weakened. After being attacked by the fire python a few times, the cyan light curtain outside turned bright and dark, as if it was about to collapse.

Shen Lang panicked. Before he had time to study how to use this cursive charm, the defensive formation was about to collapse.

Having no choice, Shen Lang gritted his teeth, and had to learn from the method of using the Spirit Dropping Talisman, bit his fingertips, and sprinkled a drop of blood on the surface of the golden talisman.

At this moment, Shen Lang felt the talisman in his hand exuding a strange power.

"go with!"

With a low drink, Shen Lang shot the golden talisman paper in his hand.

A strange scene appeared. In mid-air, the cursive charm emitted a dazzling golden light, covering the entire cave.

The fire python screamed fiercely, with no resistance, its huge body was sucked in by the magic talisman and disappeared in place.

Shen Lang was surprised and delighted, this Shu Ling Talisman was really free, the dead Tianluo Palace elder really didn't cheat himself. It is hard to imagine that such a big monster beast was sucked in by a piece of talisman paper?

The methods of the ancient monks are really impressive.

Shen Lang jumped, grabbed the golden talisman paper in the air, and landed on a rock in the lava lake.

The talisman was held in his hand, with a tingling sensation, the fire python was detained in this spiritual talisman, and he could even feel the powerful breath of the fire python from the talisman.

Shen Lang was shocked.

It might be because the thing being sealed was a living thing. Shen Lang couldn't put this cursive talisman into the storage ring, so he had to hide it in his arms.

In order to avoid the leakage of the evil spirit in the spirit charm, Shen Lang also wrapped it tightly with facial tissue paper made of azure silk.

There are still a few fire crystal mushrooms growing on the rock wall in the distance. Before, Shen Lang was too close to the fire toad, and Shen Lang did not dare to pick it.

Now that the monster crisis was lifted, Shen Lang no longer had any scruples, and immediately rushed to the rock wall and picked a few fire crystal mushrooms.

In addition to the number of pickings, Shen Lang harvested a total of eight fire crystal mushrooms.

Although he didn't get a big treasure, Shen Lang was already overjoyed to get so many Fire Crystal Mushrooms and a huge storage ring.

The storage ring of the ancient monk was amazingly large. Shen Lang replaced the storage ring in his hand with a new storage ring and transferred everything in it.

After doing all these things, Shen Lang was in a great mood and walked out of the lava lake area swaggeringly.

On the side of the karst cave in front, there is a hole leading to other areas, and Shen Lang walked along the tortuous karst cave.

After passing through the tortuous karst cave, Shen Lang came to a place, surrounded by five empty spaces, with no end in sight.

What you see is an underground volcano. There is a volcanic cone under the ground, and molten lava splashes all over the stone wall.

Beside the volcanic cone, there are clusters of red crystals, the smell is unpleasant.

The red crystal is most likely the feces of the fire python. This place should be the nest of fire pythons.

In addition to the underground lava lake and the volcanic cone here, there are countless holes in the underground volcanoes, but most of them are relatively small, and there are a lot of beasts living in the holes.

It may be that the fierce beasts of the underground volcano dare not come out if they noticed the movement made by the fire python and fire toad just now.

Shen Lang passed through the volcano cone and walked forward for a while, observing the surrounding scenery.

At the back of the cave, Shen Lang finally found the traces of a large formation.

It is a broken wall, and the ground is engraved with strange symbols and imprints, forming a circle with a very wide range and a diameter of five to six hundred meters.

In addition, strands of golden silk thread were scattered on the ground, and a layer of strange streamer lingered on the silk thread, which was not ordinary.

Shen Lang just picked up a strand of golden thread and touched it, and his finger was cut with blood.

"So sharp?" Shen Lang's heart shuddered.

You must know that his skin and flesh have been trained to be very hard. Just touch the gold thread and his hand was cut. It is conceivable that the gold thread is extremely sharp.

This extremely sharp thread might have other uses for Shen Lang. He immediately picked up all the strands of golden thread scattered on the ground and put them into the storage ring.

Looking around, Shen Lang was shocked. This large-scale formation should be the "Golden Silk Fixed Light Formation" described in the handwritten notes, sealing the Golden Flame Peacock.

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