Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 832: Enter the 7th floor

After Su Han killed the tiger-headed monsters with one sword, he immediately let the Lord of the Ghost Sea release the restrictions one by one, and killed all the tiger-headed monsters directly.

After absorbing the power of the four tiger-headed monsters, Su Han's cultivation has improved a lot again.

While thinking about it, Su Han immediately made a judgment: "Tiger-headed monsters in the Profound Sky Realm have greatly improved my cultivation. I will gain huge benefits if I kill one of them. Hunting and killing ordinary undead realm seventh-layer monsters The monsters in the sky did not improve my cultivation much. It has only been more than a month now, and I am here to hunt and kill the monsters in the Sky Profound Realm to improve myself the most."

Su Han stepped out of the Dongtian Pearl and came to the wilderness. His mind was concentrated, the wheel of wisdom in his left eye, and the mysterious rune in his right eye appeared, looking for the spiritual power node of the sixth-story sword tower.

An hour later, Su Han came to a wilderness. With a wave of his hand, countless high-grade spirit crystals flew in all directions like raindrops, forming spiritual power nodes one by one.

The higher the level of spirit crystals used when setting up the formation, the stronger the power of the formation will be.

Of course, if the large formation occupies an extremely large area, it can also be assembled with countless low-level spirit crystals to form a powerful killing formation.

However, for formations arranged hastily, high-grade spirit crystals are needed to make up for the power of the hasty formation. Therefore, for formation masters, high-level spirit crystals are indispensable consumables.

a day later.

"Okay! Now we can do it!" Su Han's eyes flashed with excitement, his body flickered, and he flew towards the direction of the passage entrance.

At this moment, at the entrance of the passageway, one head of the Sky Profound Realm, four half-step Sky Profound Realm monsters, and four hundred undead-level sixth-layer monsters had appeared again.

Su Hanyi appeared above the passage. With a sword from a distance, it turned into a shooting star and slashed towards the four hundred undead monsters.

The tiger-head monster in the Profound Sky Realm grabbed it casually, and immediately crushed the sword light that Su Han urged, and then turned into shooting stars together with the other four old monsters that were half a step up from the Profound Sky Realm, chasing after Su Han.

A quarter of an hour later, the five tiger-headed monsters immediately chased into the wilderness.

Countless black lotus rose from the earth, turned into a sea of ​​black lotus and swept towards the five tiger-headed monsters.

In an instant, the five tiger-headed monsters were immediately surrounded by the five black black lotus circles and were directly trapped.

A black magic light spewed out from a black lotus circle, and the terrifying power would shatter all the black lotus flowers in the black lotus circle.

Almost instantly. Su Han took void steps. Appearing in front of the collapsed black lotus circle, using the sword intent of the middle stage of the sword intent to penetrate the mystery to fuse the four layers of artistic conception, he slashed on the tiger-headed monster in the Sky Profound Realm with a single sword, and immediately slashed at the tiger-headed monster in the Sky Profound Realm. The tiger-headed monster was cut into two pieces. Huge spiritual power and the law of life and death. A trace of the law of heaven and earth immediately submerged into his body.

After the tiger-headed monster in the Profound Realm of the Heavenly Profound Realm used its black magic light supernatural power to break through the black lotus magic circle. There will be a momentary period of weakness, and Su Han aimed at the momentary period of weakness of the tiger-headed monster, and killed him with his sword.

Of course, if it is a real Sky Profound Realm expert. There must be countless means to block Su Han's sword. However, that tiger-headed monster is just an energy body constructed with empty strength and the power of a certain law, and its reaction is far inferior to that of a real master of the Sky Profound Realm.

After Su Han beheaded the tiger-headed monster with a single sword, a black lotus formation collapsed, and a beam of sword light flew out from the void, piercing into the head of another tiger-headed monster, killing the other tiger-headed monster Inside the skull, behead the tiger-headed monster that is half a step into the Sky Profound Realm.

One after another, the black lotus formations collapsed, and the tiger-headed monsters inside the black lotus formations were immediately beheaded by Su Han's sword as soon as they appeared.

A look of excitement flashed in Su Han's eyes: "This method is indeed the most efficient! After killing 500 tiger-headed monsters of the Sky Profound Realm level, I should be able to break through and be promoted to the Seventh Layer of Immortal Realm."

Su Han's body flickered, and immediately flew towards the passage leading to the seventh floor. When he came to the passage on the seventh floor, he sat cross-legged and quietly waited for the tiger-headed monster from the Profound Realm to appear again.

Seventeen days later, an incomparably handsome young strong man wearing a moonlight robe flew towards the entrance of the passage leading to the seventh floor from a distance. It was Yue Youming.

Yue Youming frowned slightly, and thought in his heart: "It is indeed extremely difficult to break through the eighth layer of immortal bone regeneration level. If you stay in the sixth floor of the sword tower, you may spend all your time on this floor, and it is difficult to break through I have to go down to the seventh floor, and only after entering the seventh floor can I break through quickly."

The two secret realms, the regeneration of dead bones at the eighth level of the undead realm, and the rebirth of the blood dripping at the ninth level of the undead realm, are extremely difficult to break through. The difficulty of breaking through is more than a hundred times more difficult than for a warrior to break through from Yuanshen Realm to Immortal Realm.

In the ancient sword sect, there are countless masters who are in the ordinary undead state, but there are not many masters who can regenerate withered bones and regenerate with blood. Every expert who regenerates from dead bones and drops of blood is the core combat power of every sword hall.

Only those sword masters who regenerated from dead bones and dripping blood can stand against the weakest Sky Profound Realm experts and escape from the hands of those Sky Profound Realm masters.

Even a peerless genius like Yue Youming would have difficulty defeating the weakest Sky Profound Realm expert.

"That's it! Su Han!" Yue Youming was stunned for a moment, stopped in his tracks, and immediately saw the five tiger-headed monsters chasing Su Han, revealing the passage leading to the seventh floor of the nine-story sword tower.

"Could it be that he wants to hunt down monsters in the Heavenly Profound Realm? How is that possible?" A flash of horror flashed in Yue Youming's eyes, and in a moment of thought, it turned into a ray of moonlight and chased after Su Han.

"Disappeared! The aura of the monster at the Profound Sky level disappeared!" Before Yue Youming could catch up with Su Han, he immediately sensed that the aura of the tiger-headed monster at the Profound Sky level had completely disappeared, causing waves of turmoil in his heart.

In just a few breaths, the auras of the four half-step Sky Profound Realm monsters also disappeared one after another, and Yue Youming immediately felt a chilling feeling in his heart: "The auras of the rest of the monsters also completely disappeared! Have you killed it? Too strong! That guy's method is really terrifying!"

After a quarter of an hour. Yue Youming immediately saw Su Han flying out from a distance, turned into a stream of light and flew towards the entrance of the passage leading to the seventh floor, and then sat cross-legged on a hill at the entrance of the passage on the seventh floor, closing his eyes and meditating.

Seeing this scene, Yue Youming had a strange gleam in his eyes: "Is this hunting monsters of the Sky Profound Realm level and half-step Sky Profound Realm monsters as prey? It really is a good way to improve quickly!"

Yue Youming flickered, and immediately came to the entrance leading to the seventh floor passage. After taking a deep look at Su Han, he immediately flew into the entrance leading to the seventh floor passage.

Although Yue Youming is proud and arrogant, she is also a pragmatist and will not be driven by her own impulse. He rashly challenged Su Han right here.

This nine-story sword tower is a great opportunity for every disciple of the ancient sword sect who entered the genius training camp. Obtaining huge benefits within this sword tower is the best strategy. Although Yue Youming wanted to fight Su Han, he didn't want to waste this rare opportunity.

Outside the nine-story sword tower, around the sword tower monument.

"The seventh floor! Yue Youming has entered the seventh floor!"

"It's amazing! He actually entered the seventh floor. Doesn't it mean that he killed the monsters in the Profound Sky Realm guarding the entrance of the passageway on the seventh floor?"

"Too strong! Even monsters in the Profound Sky Realm are no match for him. Yue Youming is really too strong!"

"The first person in ten thousand years. He is the first peerless genius who has entered the seventh floor of the nine-story sword tower in ten thousand years. He is too strong!"


There was a sound of exclamation one by one. The kendo geniuses of the ancient sword sect were all extremely excited. The further a martial artist goes to the back of his cultivation, the more difficult it is to break through the realm of martial arts. It will become more and more difficult to challenge more and more.

Even the weakest Sky Profound Realm expert is several times, even ten times stronger than many top Immortal Realm experts. In this ancient sword sect, for thousands of years, only Yue Youming was able to enter the seventh floor of the nine-story sword tower.

"What's going on? Yue Youming has already entered the seventh floor of the nine-story sword tower, why can't his points compare with Su Han?"

"That's right! Su Han's points have increased so abnormally! How come there are so many? How did his points increase so much?"


Those talented disciples of the ancient sword sect were ecstatic for a while, and then looked at the name of the number one person Su Han on the sword tower stele, and everyone's eyes flashed with doubt.

Ever since Su Han started hunting the tiger-head monsters in the Profound Sky Realm, his points have increased wildly, ranking first. Even if Yue Youming entered the nine-story sword tower and gained huge points, he still cannot surpass Su Han. .

Luo Yuan watched Su Han's points change, and a strange light flashed in his eyes: "That's it? Could it be that he was hunting monsters in the Profound Sky Realm? It's crazy! It can explain why his points are so abnormal. What a terrifying guy! The progress is so terrifying, it is terrifying! With his terrifying progress speed, I am afraid that the real strong of the Profound Sky Realm will not be his in the near future. opponent."

Thirteen days passed quickly.

In the sixth floor of the nine-story sword tower, an incomparably powerful aura rose from the wilderness, and Su Han was finally promoted to the seventh heaven of immortality.

Su Han opened his eyes, and a flash of excitement immediately flashed in his eyes: "As expected of the genius training camp of the ancient sword sect, it can make my cultivation reach this level by leaps and bounds. It's really wonderful! Now I can continue to rush down I want to see the benefits of seeing the eighth and ninth floors of the nine-story sword tower!"

While thinking, Su Hanxuan summoned all the subordinates scattered on the sixth floor of the sword tower, and then entered the passage on the seventh floor.

On the seventh floor of the sword tower, there are also countless wolf-headed monsters of the seventh heaven of immortality.

As soon as Su Han entered the seventh floor of the sword tower, he immediately released countless subordinates to clean up the monsters on the seventh floor of the sword tower.

As the main force for clearing monsters, those Shadow Clan powerhouses have all been promoted to the seventh level of the undead state, and the leader, the Shadow Blade, the deputy leader, the Shadow Thorn, and the Shadow Killer have been promoted to the undead state, the eighth level. mystery.

Under the assassination of those shadow clans, the monsters on the seventh floor of the sword tower died one after another and were directly absorbed by them.

After Su Han killed a thousand wolf-headed monsters at the seventh level of the undead realm at random on the seventh floor of the sword tower, he obtained the information about the entrance to the eighth floor, and immediately plundered towards the entrance of the passage on the eighth floor.

If Su Han wants to be promoted to the eighth level of the undead state, even if he spends all his time killing those wolf-headed monsters on the seventh level, he will definitely not be able to advance to the eighth level of the undead state. Realm of regeneration.

At the entrance to the passage leading to the eighth floor, there are four tiger-headed monsters from the first level of the Sky Profound Realm, and one tiger-headed monster from the second level of the Sky Profound Realm.

The five tiger-headed monsters were stationed around the passage, completely sealing off the passage leading to the eighth floor.

At the same time, beside the five tiger-headed monsters, there are also four hundred wolf-headed monsters in the seventh level of immortality. That force is already enough to destroy such a small force as Tianqiao Palace.

Su Han glanced at the five-headed monsters of the Sky Profound Realm, and thought in his mind: "Five-headed monsters of the Sky Profound Realm! Fortunately, I have the best spirit crystal in my hand, which can just suppress these monsters!"

The monsters in the nine-story sword tower have monotonous attack methods and single supernatural powers, which are far behind the real strong outsiders. This gave Su Han the possibility to defeat them.

Su Han's figure flickered, and he immediately chose a wilderness. With a big wave of his hand, hundreds of top-grade spirit crystals flew out, all over the key nodes on the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then countless top-grade spirit crystals flew from his It flew out of the hand and fell into the ground, forming spiritual nodes one by one.

An hour later, Su Han immediately flew out from here, shooting towards the entrance of the passage leading to the eighth floor.

As soon as Su Han flew to the entrance of the passage, he immediately activated his sword intent from a distance, and a beam of sword energy descended from the sky, stabbing towards those monsters.

A ferocious light flashed in the eyes of the tiger-headed monster at the second level of the Sky Profound Realm, it opened its huge mouth, and sprayed forcefully, a black magic light crossed the void and bombarded towards Su Han.

With a flick of his fingers, Su Han's mana surged, and the heaven-level magic weapon Baiyumen, which could penetrate the horned demon world and other worlds, suddenly flew out, bursting out with an incomparably bright aura, and blocked in front of him.

The black magic light emitted by the tiger-headed monster bombarded the white jade gate, causing ripples from the spiritual light emanating from the white jade gate.

Su Han's figure flickered, and he took void steps and swept towards the distance.

The five-headed tiger-head monster in the Profound Sky Realm flickered, closely chasing Su Han, and flew into the distance. (To be continued..)

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