Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 29: Transcendent Wolf Tribe

The Northern Wild Wolf is a unique species of monsters in the Northern Wilds. Although they are only half-monsters, they often go out in groups of one or two hundred. Therefore, no monsters will provoke them alone in the Northern Wilds (monsters that cannot beat them dare not provoke them, and monsters that can beat them look down on them).

After most of the dire wolves withdrew from the Northern Wilds with the orcs, the number of Northern Wild Wolves in the Northern Wilds increased sharply.

Even the once-surging number of Northern Wild Wolves threatened the safety of the Northern Wilds expansion lords in establishing their territories.

In the end, a group of Northern Wilds expansion lords united to jointly attack the Northern Wild Wolf tribe. This caused the number of the Northern Wild Wolves, which continued to increase rapidly, to gradually decline, so that there was no trace of the Northern Wild Wolf near Korendir.

In the past, because he had never encountered the Northern Wild Wolf, Caesar thought that there was no trace of the Northern Wild Wolf near his territory.

Unexpectedly, this time, when he followed his light cavalry brigade to look for dire wolves, he found so many northern wolves.


As Caesar and his party stepped into the valley, the dire wolves and northern wolves who found Caesar and his party began to howl.

Awoo~ Awoo~ Awoo...

As the many dire wolves and northern wolves at the entrance of the valley howled, wolf howls came from inside the valley.

Then, more and more dire wolves and northern wolves came out from inside the valley.

Seeing that the number of dire wolves and northern wolves in front of him was increasing, Caesar did not hesitate and immediately ordered his troops to attack the dire wolves and northern wolves in front of him.

And after hearing Caesar's order, the troops under Caesar did not hesitate at all and directly attacked the dire wolves and northern wolves.

Perhaps because they did not expect that Caesar's troops would suddenly launch an attack, many dire wolves and northern wolves suffered heavy casualties.

Seeing that most of the dire wolves and northern wolves were severely injured by his troops, Caesar did not get carried away.

Because the severely injured dire wolves and northern wolves were only a part of them that appeared in front of him, who knew how many dire wolves and northern wolves there were in the valley.

Therefore, Caesar immediately opened his mouth and ordered Severus and his elite warriors: "Severus, take action, summon bear beasts to shock the wolf pack, and the elite warriors wait for the bear beasts summoned by Severus to shock the wolf pack, immediately arrest the dire wolves in the wolf pack, and then retreat."

Hearing Caesar's order, Severus summoned his bear beasts without hesitation.


With the roar of the sixth-level monster Flame Explosion Bear and a group of fifth-level bear beasts summoned by Sever, the wolf pack, which had already been severely damaged by the sudden attack of Caesar's troops, was directly shocked by the bear beasts.

As the wolf pack was shocked by the bear beasts summoned by Sever, the elite warriors who had been ordered by Caesar rushed into the wolf pack, found the figures of the dire wolves, knocked them out, and took them away.

Afterwards, while the bear beast summoned by Severin was still in awe, Caesar and his party withdrew directly from the valley.

Just as Caesar and his party had just evacuated the valley, a very deep wolf howl suddenly came from the depths of the valley.

"Caesar, it's the Transcendental Wolf Tribe." Hearing the deep wolf howl coming from the depths of the valley, Shafulina and Severin looked at each other, and then spoke to Caesar.

Hearing Shafulina and Severin's words, Caesar couldn't help but feel fortunate that he had retreated in time.

Of course, this was not because Caesar was afraid of the Transcendental Wolf Tribe in the valley.

How could Caesar, who had Shafulina, Severin, and four Transcendental heroes, Ada and Aer, around him, be afraid of a mere Transcendental Wolf Tribe?

The reason why he was glad to retreat in time was purely because he was afraid that his troops would suffer heavy losses when fighting the Transcendental Wolf Tribe.

Although Caesar is now a wealthy family, he would still feel very distressed if he lost too many troops.

Not to mention, most of the troops Caesar brought with him this time were elite troops in Caesar's territory. Too many losses would definitely delay the development of Caesar's territory.

After withdrawing from the valley, Caesar did not stay in the wilderness for long. He directly returned to the territory with his troops and more than 200 captured dire wolves (there were originally one or two hundred, and some more came out from the depths of the valley later).

After returning to the territory, in order to tame the more than 200 captured dire wolves as quickly as possible, Caesar immediately used system points to purchase four primary animal training grounds from the system mall of the super auxiliary system.

Together with the primary animal training ground that Caesar had before, a total of five primary animal training grounds were used to tame the more than 200 dire wolves that had just been captured.

Of course, even if five primary animal training grounds were used together, it would take five days to tame all of the more than 200 dire wolves.

Who said that this primary animal training ground was only a primary functional building, and it could only tame ten dire wolves a day.

This is because the dire wolves captured by Caesar are only second-level monsters. If it is a third-level dire wolf, the primary taming field can tame five per day. If it is a fourth-level dire wolf, the primary taming field can tame one per day at most.

Of course, if it is a first-level monster, then the primary taming field will train more, and it can tame fifty per day!

After throwing more than 200 captured dire wolves into five primary taming fields for taming, and leaving the light armored cavalry brigade as guards.

Taking advantage of the time that there is still some time, Caesar, together with Shafulina, Severin and others, led a group of soldiers under his command to patrol the area around the territory.

Although Caesar has arranged his soldiers to patrol around the territory every day since the establishment of the territory, except for the initial period of time when Caesar led his soldiers to patrol the territory, it has been a long time since he led his soldiers to patrol the territory.

After spending some time patrolling the territory with his troops, including Safrina, Severina, and others, Caesar finally understood how big his territory was.

At the same time, Caesar couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Such a large territory, covering thousands of square kilometers, was his.

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