The steel repeater only kills 300 enemies in a single salvo.

There was no obstacle to the advance of the Shell Terrans.

This made Yang Zhong, who had always been proud of the power of the strong crossbow of the shooting battalion and boasted about his achievements everywhere, a little unbearable.

Secretly fighting, planning to use the remaining two crossbow arrows to consume some more of the Shell Terran's troops.

As the Shell Terrans advanced again, more and more ordinary Shell Terrans came within the range of the bow and crossbow.

After observing the entry of about 2,000 crystal scorpions.

"Crossbowmen, use their combat skills to strike a single blow!

Yang Zhong immediately shouted an order.

The sound of breaking through the air was heard.

Another 2,600 bolts were fired, including 800 Demon-Breaking bolts mixed with precise aiming.

The crossbow arrows all hit the shell people who were in dense attack.

In addition to the 800 Demon Breaker bolts aimed at the eyes of the Shell Terrans, which killed 800 ordinary Shell Terrans with precision, the other 1,800 crossbow arrows still had little effect, only killing more than 200 Shell Terran cubs.

"Put it again!" immediately

after the last shot of the battalion shot all the crossbow arrows.

Another round of arrows rained down on the remaining Shell Terrans, who were mostly wounded.

Many of the shell people who had been shattered by the powerful kinetic energy of the first two rounds of crossbow arrows were penetrated into their flesh by this second round of crossbow arrows.

The Elite Toxin attached to the arrow, which causes normal-tier creatures to die, takes effect immediately.

More than 800 shell people who were already damaged in their carapaces died of poison in an instant.

The Shell Terrans, who had originally numbered more than 2,000 in range, suddenly suffered heavy deaths.

Only over 200 are left alive to continue the advance.

At this time, all three rounds of the steel crossbow were shot, and they could not be used for a short time.

Yang Zhong immediately ordered the crossbowmen of the Shooting Battalion to retreat behind the infantry corps to load their crossbow arrows, intending to continue to play their role after they were reloaded.

Seeing that more than 200 remaining Shell Terran pioneers and the Shell Terran army behind them were about to be killed.

"Infantry Legion, meet

the enemy!" Yang Xi shouted to order the infantry corps to face the enemy, and the military flag fluttered.

Yang Zuo and Yang Right immediately dispersed at the front of the formation with their respective 1,000 guards holding Ge armor.

A large number of ordinary sheep-headed peasants are mixed together to deal with the more than 2,000 ordinary shell people who are about to fight first.

It is intended to attack the enemy's weak with its own side and reduce the attrition of the infantry corps.

The 200 crystal scorpions less than a meter tall at the front have been killed.

Fearless to death, they raised their purple pincers and rammed into the 6,000 infantry legions.

A husk man rushed forward to stop a sheep-headed peasant soldier in iron armor with Tiege, and jumped up and was about to poke its head with a pincer.

But soon, the sheep-headed people in front of him and the sheep-headed peasants who formed a small team beside him waved several Changge and slapped it on the ground and held it down.

Then three more Tie Ge charged to stab at the scorpion armor of the Shell Race.

But it was only barely enough to shatter its hard crystal carapace a little, and it wasn't fatal.

Seeing that they could not move, the suppressed shell people immediately stood up with their scorpion tails and aimed at a sheep head peasant soldier who was approaching.

A purple glow flashed.

A purple crystal spike was fired.

flew to the chest of the sheep-headed peasant soldier wearing iron armor, and went directly into the flesh through the iron armor.

The Crystal Thorn is a magic damage!The

sheep-headed peasant soldier dies directly.

But for a short time, this crust Terran would not be able to use the Scorpion Tail Crystal Thorn.

He was soon stabbed to death by several sheep-headed peasant soldiers with iron geese and smashing their carapaces.


The 200 Husk Terrans who were the first to attack the Sheep-headed Infantry Legion were all wiped out.

But because they suddenly stabbed with the magic crystal emitted by the scorpion tail, more than 150 sheep-headed people were directly pierced through the iron armor and died.

This magic damage is so insidious.

[In a head-to-head battle, an ordinary Rank Shell Human Race can only be dealt with by five or six Ordinary Rank sheep-headed people, is this the suppression of the race rank?

] [It's hard to say which clan can win now!]

[What's the panic!] With a demigod weapon in hand, Duan Ganyun won't lose anyway. The

Shell Terran vanguard in front has just been wiped out, and the Shell Terran army in the rear has just arrived.

More than 2,000 ordinary Rank Shell Terrans collided directly with the infantry legions led by Yang Zuo and Yang You.

At the same time, the scorpion tail was all raised, and more than 2,000 magic crystal thorns were shot at the sheep-headed people.

In an instant, more than 1,000 sheep-headed people who could not dodge were shot and killed.

Among them, there are even hundreds of Gojia warriors.

The Shell Clans gathered together, and with their strong defense and Scorpion Tail's magical attack, they broke through the front row of the infantry legion's phalanx like a stubborn stone.

Seeing this, the two generals of the infantry corps, Yang Zuo and Yang You, immediately retreated to the rear line with the main force.

It's back together.

Entangled with more than 2,000 shell Terrans who were unable to attack with Scorpion Tail magic for a short period of time.

There are also more than 4,000 infantry legions, and the phalanx is still in order, and after a long period of training, they have become elite soldiers.

Once the sheep-headed in front is in the rear, the sheep-headed infantry will fill in.

And the more than 2,000 husk people only know that they are huddled together, and the interior is very messy.

It was almost surrounded by infantry legions, surrounded on three sides.

The number of the Shell Terrans is gradually depleted.

"Cavalry battalion! Harassment and wandering!"

Although the strong offensive and defensive nature of the shell human race surprised Yang Xi a little, Yang Xi, who saw that he still had the advantage behind him, immediately ordered the cavalry battalion to dispatch.

It is intended to continue to deplete the enemy's forces and expand the advantage.

"Spear riders! Yang

Chao took the lead, after the order.

With 600 spears and light horsemen galloped out.

With the opening of the spear dash skill, 600 sharp spears are gathered.

After forming a spear with Yang Chao as the spear, it galloped rapidly.

Piercing the side of the Shell Race.

With the sharp spear that immediately accelerated, he unexpectedly killed hundreds of ordinary Shell Terrans, causing a riot within the Shell Terran army.

The passing cavalry battalion once again swam in circles on the edge of the battlefield.

Always be ready to raid again.

Seeing that his main army was slowly consumed by the main army and cavalry of the sheep-headed people.

Rorschach, who was watching the game above, looked worried.

I was a little skeptical about whether my opponent's family was a sheep-headed man.

He felt that his Shell Clan had a tendency to be pinched by the Sheep-headed Legion on the other side.

"We can't go on like this, otherwise, when the ordinary Shell Terrans are wiped out, there will be more than 1,000 Elite Rank and Lord Tier Shell Terrans left to die by the number of people on the opposite side.

Rorschach immediately ordered the leader of the Shell Tribes to attack with all the Shell Warriors.

on the battlefield.

The leader of the Shell Clan, who heard the gods' command, let out a long roar.

Wielding a huge purple scorpion pincer, he took the lead in rushing towards the sheep-headed army with 20 3-meter-tall lord rank shell people.

It was also followed by the real elite forces of the Shell Terran, more than 1,000 2-meter-tall elite Shell Terrans.

The 5-meter-tall leader of the epic Rank Shell Terran quickly rushed forward, squeezed through the front and fought with the Sheep-headed Infantry Legion, leaving only more than 1,500 ordinary Rank Shell Terrans and rushing to the center of the battlefield.

Subsequently, there were thousands of elite-level shell people who replaced the normal-level shell people as the front row.

Ignoring the large number of sheep's heads around him who were holding Changge and were not afraid of death to attack themselves, people tickled like attacks.

The Shell Clan leader let out a long roar again.

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